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Customer domain pointing to froxlor login




Hello there,


I've set up a new domain inside froxlor and uploaded site source into the document root, yet when I attempt to access the domain, I'm routed to the froxlor login page.


I don't know where froxlor keeps it's customer vhost config files. I've checked in the default apache location and it isn't there. Only the main froxlor vhost resides.


I'm sure it's something really simple that I've missed, but I'm new to froxlor and have used a bunch of other (terrible) panels, so maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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symlink? we do not create symlinks...are you sure the cronjob has been setup correctly? Check /etc/cron.d/froxlor and paste it here please


run the following command as root (and adjust path if different):

php /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --force

The command generated some errors:

PHP Warning:  touch(): Unable to create file /var/customers/logs/username-domain.com-error.log because No such file or directory in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 604
PHP Warning:  chown(): No such file or directory in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 605
PHP Warning:  chgrp(): No such file or directory in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 606
PHP Warning:  touch(): Unable to create file /var/customers/logs/username-domain.com-access.log because No such file or directory in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 610
PHP Warning:  chown(): No such file or directory in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 611
PHP Warning:  chgrp(): No such file or directory in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 612
Output of config test was:
(2)No such file or directory: AH02291: Cannot access directory '/var/customers/logs/' for error log of vhost defined at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/35_froxlor_normal_vhost_domain.com.conf:6
AH00014: Configuration check failed
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.

Hmmm, yes I did have quite a few problems getting to the "complete the install" UI, so that does not come as a huge shock to me.  I followed a digitalocean tutorial that did it via apt. Okay I will roll back the server to fresh and start again. Thanks for your help, I'll report back how it goes.


You will need to run a few "configuration" commands as root on the shell to configure all the daemons and create various folders etc. Just follow the wiki :)


The default docroot for my webserver is /var/www/html. Given that there's no vhost to tell it otherwise, and there aren't any related commands on the wiki to be run at that stage, should I move the froxlor folder inside html? Because I'm not sure how else the webserver is going to know it's there. Thanks


That's just the Debian Jessie default, the apache default is /var/www/ - just change 000-default accordingly and you're good to go


Okay I changed that, got everything configured, and went through the settings. But do I actually need to run the configuration for apache webserver (as it's already installed, and one of the commands was to install it) and the others? Because in truth, I'm not really sure what I want to do setupwise about FTP and mail. I just want the domain up and running, I don't really care about the rest right now. What do you think?


If you installed via debian package you do not need to re-install them again of course.


If you want your customers to be able to edit their data, you should setup ftp. If you want your customer to be able to add and use e-mail addresses, you should setup mail...pretty easy eh? :)


That's fair enough. I'm not so worried about client access at the moment as all of the sites it'll be hosting require access beyond myself.


The reason I asked originally though (and I'm not really sure why I didn't mention that before) was that I created the first customer and domain, but when I saved the domain, the folder was not created (I changed the default to /home/customers/). Was that a poor decision?


Depends on your needs. By default all customer data is within /var/customers/ - but when there is no folder created, check the cronjob or manually run it (like before) with the --force parameter


Cool. So I ran that, it generated a bunch of errors but did create the customers/username/directory. However it does create a webilizer directory (which I don't need) and doesn't create an htdocs/public_html/etc directory. do I take it that the customers/username/ directory "is" the webroot and just delete the webilizer directory?


/var/customers/webs/[username] is the webroot for the customer. The webalizer-Folder is being created by the traffic-calculation cronjob, if you don't need it, you can delete it, but it will be re-created every night :)


Okay then, I'll leave that where it is. I've set the (domain name as default value for DocumentRoot path) so that removes the problem entirely :)


I'm nearly there but for a couple of things. When I add a new domain, it doesn't seem to add the folders unless I run the force cronjob - I assume there's a misconfiguration somewhere.


And I'm not sure you can help with this, but is there anything in froxlor that might be causing php to be in strict mode. One of my sites is a concrete5 install, and once I'd uploaded the source and set up the database, the homepage was full of PHP strict warnings. When I tried to turn these off in the php.ini it didn't work. I was on php 5.5.9 but I've upgraded to 5.6.17 to see if it would make a difference when I tried changing it again. It didn't.


I'm nearly there but for a couple of things. When I add a new domain, it doesn't seem to add the folders unless I run the force cronjob - I assume there's a misconfiguration somewhere.

Did you set up the cronjob as shown in the configuration templates? What does your /etc/cron.d/froxlor file look like? Is the cron-daemon running?


And I'm not sure you can help with this, but is there anything in froxlor that might be causing php to be in strict mode. One of my sites is a concrete5 install, and once I'd uploaded the source and set up the database, the homepage was full of PHP strict warnings. When I tried to turn these off in the php.ini it didn't work. I was on php 5.5.9 but I've upgraded to 5.6.17 to see if it would make a difference when I tried changing it again. It didn't.

Depends on how you use php. If you are using php-fpm: Log in as Admin -> Menu "PHP-Configuration" -> Adjust php's error_reporting there

If not: create a script in the customer-docroot which outputs a "phpinfo()" call and there you can see the used php.ini which is to be adjusted


I'm not using php-fpm and the loaded file was the one I changed.


To be honest, I've been at this for days, and I don't have any more time to bash my head against these walls. I don't have a unique setup - it's a simple ubuntu 14.04 install on digitalocean. There's nothing special about it, yet I've rebuilt it twice and I still can't get this working.


I hate setting these things up by hand - which is why I like control panels. But to be honest I can't help but thinking if I had, it'd have been working the same day. I think I'm going to drop this. Thanks anyway.


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