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Froxlor hostname SSL certs not copied




I seem to be getting this error when the cron runs:

[debug] System certificate file "/etc/ssl/froxlor-custom/xxx.tld.crt" does not seem to exist. Disabling SSL-vhost for "xxx.tld"

Froxlor VirtualHost is enabled, along with SSL generation but it seems like it's being generated on acme's folder and not copied over to /etc/ssl/froxlor-custom/, anyone has any clues?


Many thanks,

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5 answers to this question

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Froxlor should sync the certificates from /root/.acme.sh/ with its database and create the certificates where specified in the settings (e.g. /etc/ssl/froxlor-custom/.

Easiest and fastest way is:

- stop cron
- delete the corresponding certificate via froxlor -> ssl certificates
- delete the certificate using 'acme.sh --remove -d [domain]'
- run 'php /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --force --debug'
- re-enable cron

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Thanks Michael, it seems like the froxlor hostname is not in the list of ssl certificates. So it's not being copied over from acme.sh, and even under acme.sh I believe I had to do "--issue" manually.

Any clues as to why Froxlor's hostname's certificate is not being generated/copied over? The checkboxes are checked for hostname vhost and for it being SSL as well as the redirect from http to https. I'm running the latest version of Froxlor and using Nginx along with php7.2-fpm.



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6 minutes ago, logicbloke said:

I believe I had to do "--issue" manually.


7 minutes ago, logicbloke said:

Any clues as to why Froxlor's hostname's certificate is not being generated/copied over? The checkboxes are checked for hostname vhost and for it being SSL as well as the redirect from http to https.

what about the froxlor-vhost setting "Enable Let's Encrypt for the froxlor vhost" ? this of course needs to be enabled too if you want froxlor to generate a lets encrypt certificate for itself

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Just came here to report that I had the very same issue.

acme.sh --list

didn't show the domain that I used as the hostname. You can still be safe and make sure to run the command as mentioned by d00p:

acme.sh --remove -d [domain]

However when checking the directory `/root/.acme.sh/` there was a directory with files in place of that domain. After removing it all and then re-running the cron command it registered as expected.

Cheers to a great product

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