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Ubuntu 14.04, nginx and PHP 7.0 with Froxlor



Hi all,


I have set up a server with the configuration from the title.

web root: /var/www/

froxlor: /var/www/froxlor


I have set an A record of my domain to the servers IP.

When I open the domain in the browser, it always goes to the web root.

Froxlor seems to be ignored.


I run through the froxlor system confuguration (system/configuration) and added the domain via the panel.


So, I have basically two questions:

  1. Is my configuration even possible with froxlor?
  2. How could I troubleshoot my issue?

Thank you very much!

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1 answer to this question

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Well what domain-name / hostname did you use in the setup of froxlor? If you already went trough all settings and configuration steps then the cronjob should generate corresponding vhost-configs.


- review your settings

- verify that the cronjob ran und that vhosts are being generated 

- and if, nopaste the 10_*.conf vhost here

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