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froxlor 2.1 "Domain not configured"



I've tried froxlor 2.1 rc3. Extract the files into the froxlor root directory and set the owner.

After reloading froxlor (published by subdomain) shows "Domain not configured" instead of the login.

The subdomain is added in froxlor and assigend to a customer and redirects to https. The https website is configured manually and not by froxlor.

On which parameter is the decision taken to show the notice message?

17 answers to this question

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5 minutes ago, cscholz said:

The https website is configured manually and not by froxlor.

Well then please provide information about this vhost/config.

Froxlor itself handles this, which means, the subdomain you are talking about is handled by froxlors own vhost config (which in most cases is the first and hence the default)

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14 minutes ago, cscholz said:

The subdomain is added in froxlor and assigend to a customer and redirects to https.

so wait...you are NOT using the ACTUAL setting that is meant to define the domain used for froxlor itself?!?!?

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server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name frx.domain.tld;
        include /etc/nginx/acme.conf;
        access_log /var/customers/logs/xxx-access.log combined;
        error_log /var/customers/logs/xxx-error.log error;
        root /var/customers/webs/...;

        ssl_certificate         /etc/apache2/ssl/domain.tld_fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key     /etc/apache2/ssl/domain.tld.key;

        location / {
                index index.php index.html index.htm;
                try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrites;

        location @rewrites {
                rewrite ^ /index.php last;

        location ^~ /goaccess {
                alias /var/customers/webs/.../;
                auth_basic "Restricted Area";
                auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/froxlor-htpasswd/....htpasswd;

        location ~ ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)?$ {
                try_files /7e53f8a4f6ea46a758c3463b30a73293.htm @php;

        location @php {
                try_files $1 =404;

                include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
                fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
                fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename;
                fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $2;
                fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
               fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/9-...o-php-fpm.socket;
                fastcgi_index index.php;



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Just now, cscholz said:
root /var/customers/webs/...;

well, that's not where your froxlor installation should be ... and if its not, why show us this vhost?!?!? Maybe give a bit more information alltogether? How are we supposed to work with this little information?

If possible, please join our discord at https://discord.froxlor.org to discuss further...this is taken ages here

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Did not took ages.

There is a hostname check introduced with 2.1





 * Show nice note if requested domain is "unknown" to froxlor and thus is being lead to its vhost
$req_host = UI::getCookieHost();
if ($req_host != Settings::Get('system.hostname') &&
            Settings::Get('panel.is_configured') == 1 &&
                !filter_var($req_host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) && (
                empty(Settings::Get('system.froxloraliases')) ||
                (!empty(Settings::Get('system.froxloraliases')) && !in_array($req_host, array_map('trim', explode(',', Settings::Get('system.froxloraliases')))))
)) {
        // not the froxlor system-hostname, show info page for domains not configured in froxlor
        $redirect_file = FileDir::getUnknownDomainTemplate($req_host);
        header('Location: '.$redirect_file);


unfortunately my hostname set in Settings  » System settings was wrong. After correting, it works.

  • 0
Just now, cscholz said:

unfortunately my hostname set in Settings  » System settings was wrong. After correting, it works.

well, there you go...

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i just updated to froxlor 2.1.0-1 and ran into the same problem. The subdomain, I had configured to use for my froxlor frontend only shows:

Domain not configured

This domain requires configuration via the froxlor server management panel, as it is currently not assigned to any customer.


But it worked before for many versions...

And the hostname in my system settings is correct, so unfortunately the solution for cscholz does not work for me...

The sub domain is pointing to /var/www/html/froxlor   and there should be the froxlor installation also? It works, when I use http://IP/froxlor

Any other ideas, why the configured subdomain does not work any more?


--- here the corresponding vhost (anonymised)


# 34_froxlor_normal_vhost_fl.DOMAIN.conf
# Created 07.10.2023 13:45
# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.

# Domain ID: 29 - CustomerID: 1 - CustomerLogin: NAME
<VirtualHost IP-ADRESS:80>
  ServerName fl.DOMAIN
  ServerAdmin Michael@DOMAIN
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/froxlor"
  php_admin_value sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f Michael@DOMAIN"
  php_admin_value open_basedir "/var/www/html/fl:/tmp"
  Alias /webalizer "/var/customers/webs/NAME/webalizer"
  LogLevel warn
  ErrorLog "/var/customers/logs/NAME-error.log"
  CustomLog "/var/customers/logs/NAME-access.log" combined

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99% misconfiguration. Are you sure you are using the domain that is specified in either system.hostname or froxlor-aliases settings?

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The hostname is correct, but:

The Setting: "Access Froxlor directly via the hostname"        is NOT set

and there are no domains in "Comma separated list of domains to add as server alias to the froxlor vhost"

are these new options? Or are they now enforced in Version 2.1?

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14 minutes ago, untiefe said:


This is a CUSTOMER vhost ...the froxlor vhost starts with 10_froxlor_*. This is definetly not the way froxlor should be accessible (as php process is running as 'customer' not the froxlor user...owner-mismatch, etc. - not good).

Please use the correct setting in: Settings -> System settings -> Hostname

And be sure at least one if your ip/port combinations has the 'Create vHost-Container' flag enabled

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I've got the same problem, after updating to 2.1.0 the admin interface wasn't accessible anymore, showing this message: 

Domain not configured

This domain requires configuration via the froxlor server management panel, as it is currently not assigned to any customer.

Now i did an update to 2.1.1 and the situation didn't change. Still the same message, and everything I tried to do had no effect at all (i.eg. switching the document root directly into the froxlor directory) 

The point is, the vhost of the froxlor admin interface is manually configured. I don't want the admin interface to be depenmdent from a configuration I have to do inside the admin interface.

The Installation that is causing touble is running on Debian 11. In parallel I've got a newer host, running on Debian 12, that is going to replace the Debian 11 installation, which is running fine with Froxlor 2.1.1.

I tried to fiugre out what froxlor needs to work properly, but I didn't find any problem.  The only thing that is visible is, that a request on index.php throws status 302 and redirects the request to /froxlor/notice.html - <httpuser> [11/Dec/2023:09:19:17 +0100] "GET /froxlor/ HTTP/1.1" 302 3909 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" - <httpuser> [11/Dec/2023:09:19:17 +0100] "GET /froxlor/notice.html HTTP/1.1" 200 5545 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"


Any Ideas???



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On 12/9/2023 at 2:59 PM, d00p said:

99% misconfiguration. Are you sure you are using the domain that is specified in either system.hostname or froxlor-aliases settings?

Same question 

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59 minutes ago, Sandro Wabner said:

The point is, the vhost of the froxlor admin interface is manually configured. I don't want the admin interface to be depenmdent from a configuration I have to do inside the admin interface.

And it doesnt have to - as long as you are using the system-hostname or an alias specified in the settings

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sorry, that was the solution. Since I did some experiments with the apache conf with a new alias, the hostname was diffrent. I rolled it all back, and now it works!

Thank you very much for your fast reply and sorry for the fact that I posted the question without  thinking twice :) 

  • Thanks 1
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in case the domain you use to access Froxlor is not in your database:
check your hostname in the database:


    SELECT * FROM `panel_settings` WHERE `varname` = 'hostname';


   UPDATE `panel_settings` SET `value` = 'newdomain.de' WHERE `settingid` = [id];

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