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Everything posted by rubo77

  1. ;TLDR! in case the domain you use to access Froxlor is not in your database: check your hostname in the database: SELECT * FROM `panel_settings` WHERE `varname` = 'hostname'; then: UPDATE `panel_settings` SET `value` = 'newdomain.de' WHERE `settingid` = [id];
  2. Sure, I activated both. But there was no option in domain settings still. But I found out, that after log out and logging in again the drop-down to change the customer appeared. (Maybe a bug?) Thanks
  3. OK. I activated it, but I don't see how to moving domains between customers. (Only between admins)
  4. I Use Froxlor for Email-Only. Now I would like to give two of my customers the control to one of my E-Mail-domains in Froxlor. Or if that is not possible at least move the domain from one customer account to another. To control a domain from two customers or move it to another customer seems not possible in the interface How could I achieve this?
  5. This gives the same error like here: thx, this fixed the issue, I had to install the mysql-extension also for the php8.2 which differs on CLI from the apache version: php7.4: Now There are currently no outstanding tasks for Froxlor" And I can add the email account now! Thanks a lot! 🎉
  6. Ja da scheinen einige sachen im cron zu hängen, das Dashboard zeigt: Ich benutze die webserver configuration und Bind nicht, daher habe ich das immer ignoriert "Delete customer e-mail data." scheint wichtig zu sein. Wie kann ich das von Hand anstoßen? der cron scheint im prinzip sonst zu funktionieren, wenn ich irgendwelche Änderungen an den email einstellungen mach
  7. Ich habe nicht an der datenbank "rumgespielt" und auch der Ordner `/var/customers/mail/<user>/<domain>/customer@domain/ existiert nicht mehr, aber ich bekomme trotzdem den Fehler sobald ich in der Einstellung der email versuche ein Konto anzulegen: Wo kann dies noch dran hängen? Ich habe auch schon die mail komplett gelöscht in froxlor und neu angelegt, aber wieder der selbe Fehler
  8. re-set the passwords in Froxlor worked for me, those are only some 20 users with old passwords (generated with syscp some years ago) thanks for all the help 🎉
  9. I am migrated to dovecot now and now I still cannot login: auth-worker(115046): Error: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=115043,uid=142): auth-worker<5>: sql(rubo77@mydomain.de,,<jhogi2wE4Zwucqz2>): Invalid password in passdb: Not a valid MD5-CRYPT or PLAIN-MD5 password Sep 03 06:08:42 mydomain.de postfix/smtp although I have set #default_pass_scheme = CRYPT like described in the migration manual If I change that to default_pass_scheme = BLF-CRYPT I can login into those accounts, where the password is stored in the form starting with {BLF-CRYPT}$2y$10$2eD/B.RsXJ..DGfmwLeIW.BZRIr8k3Vow... So I guess, I only have to reformat the stored passwords somehow. Is there a way to do that from within froxlor?
  10. OK, this is my plan: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/755546/migrate-courier-to-dovecot-on-debian-10-using-froxlor any objections?
  11. I only use froxlor for emails, so I think I read the whole migration guide, but I could not find how to adapt courier-IMAP settings to accept the new passwords. This is not applicable to courier
  12. Which part? I can imagine there is a PHP extension missing: session, ctype, xml, filter, posix, mbstring, curl, gmp, json
  13. It seems everything is working fine, so there is no system to be reconfigured. I Only cannot login to some email acounts, and I looked them up in the database: some passwords are stored in `password_enc` like `EAqHkifyXx6sx`, those accounts are still working. but some are stored like {MD5-CRYPT}$1$qUsubzCn$WF1h/Kqk/692CRCEzz36f2 or {BLF-CRYPT}$2y$10$2eD/B.RsXJ..DGfmwLeIW.BZRIr8k3Vowff6ujdqD0CPrxh8fRgXc I cannot login into those accounts any more. How can I fix the encoding of the passords? (I still have the plain text passwords)
  14. Ok. That's a pity, 'cause it still worked fine after the upgrade to 0.10.38 But I might figure out out...
  15. The update seemed to have run fine at first, but now some IMAP email accounts don't work any more. The same password as before don't work any more. Only sending from those accounts works a bit, but the sent email cannot be copied into the sent folder POP/IMAP server: Courier SMTP server: postfix OS/Version: Debian 10
  16. The update seemed to have run fine, but now some IMAP email accounts don't work any more. The same password as before don't work any more. Only sending from those accounts works a bit, but the sent email cannot be copied into the sent folder. I use courier and postfix I posted as a bug here https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/issues/1174
  17. sure, on the releases page. Now I see, that really only the old version is installed: # grep 10 lib/Froxlor/Froxlor.php const VERSION = '0.10.17'; strange: 🤔 I unpacked the same gzip file again over the actual folder and now the updater ran fine from 0.10.17 to 0.10.38: Now I can continue updating to version 2.x Thanks for your help 👍
  18. that is strange, because I downloaded froxlor-0.10.38.tar.gz and unpacked it over the existing folder, after login, I got displayed on the dashboard, that it is only 10.17. maybe the database update was running somewhere in the background and got interrupted at 0.10.17?
  19. How can I be sure, that the database is up to date? which tables or fields have to be there in database in the last update to 0.10.17?
  20. after login I see the dashboard: News froxlor 2.0 - New UI/UX, quick and easy webinstaller, command line tool & more 2023-01-08 7:00 You are using an old, obsolete and vulnerable version of Froxlor. It is highly recommended that you update your installation ... Vulnerable froxlor version 2023-01-08 7:00 You are using an old, obsolete and vulnerable version of Froxlor. It is highly recommended that you update your installation ... Vulnerable froxlor version 2023-01-08 7:00 You are using an old, obsolete and vulnerable version of Froxlor. It is highly recommended that you update your installation ... Systemdetails Hostname: mydomain.de Webserver: Apache/2.4.38 PHP-Version: 7.4.33 MySQL-Server-Version: 5.5.5-10.3.25-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Webserver-Interface: APACHE2HANDLER Speicherauslastung: MemTotal: 8165512 kB MemFree: 173824 kB MemAvailable: 7013208 kB System-Auslastung: 0.13 / 0.08 / 0.10 Kernel: 6.1.0-11-amd64 (x86_64) Uptime: 9d, 1h, 19m, 16s Froxlor-Details Ausstehende Cron-Aufgaben: Neuerstellung der Webserver-Konfiguration Neuerstellung der Bind-Konfiguration Löschen von Kunden-Dateien boesi Kunden FTP-Konto Dateien löschen Kunden FTP-Konto Dateien löschen Kunden FTP-Konto Dateien löschen Berechnung der Mailbox-Größen: 25.05.2020 00:00:01 Erstellen von Konfigurationsdateien: 25.05.2020 02:00:01 Webspace- und Trafficreport: 25.05.2020 00:05:01 Installierte Version: 0.10.17 (DB: 202005150) Neueste Version: 2.0.21 There is a newer version available: "2.0.21" (Your current version is: 0.10.17) https://bit.ly/rls2000
  21. I followed the manual instructions on https://docs.froxlor.org/v0.10/general/update/#_2-2-manually-download-and-extract-new-version now Froxlor is running fine so far, but I am missing the page where froxlor updates the database. I was not redirected to a database update page on first login. Is there no need to update the database from 0.9.28 to the latest 0.10? Or is it done automatically on first start? e.g. here is the webinterface i am talking about, that I cannot access. I also searched for a config example file in 0.10.17 but no luck either. I also tried directly calling install/updatesql.php but this redirects to the login page (also if I add the session in the URL like froxlor/install/updatesql.php?s=b71... ) If I manually disable the redirect in the sourcecode, I get the error in the log: [php7:error] [pid 25026] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Froxlor\\FroxlorLogger' not found in /var/www/froxlor... in the webinterface under "system-log" I see no entries at all
  22. OK, so If I already created the domain for the email, lets say "example.com" , to add "jon.dow@example.com" I guess I need EmailAccounts.add
  23. I guess we would have to program the public function add(): https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/blob/a7198f58ce9787c7b67210d6d2eec8f95ceea775/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/EmailDomains.php#L150
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