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Froxlor is really a great Control Panel. I would like to install this panel and use it on our servers as primary control panel. I used Froxlor on Debian. The problem is I got some viruses on Debian because of some software related vulnerabilities. These problems are not happening when using Fedora, but we would like using Froxlor because it has a simple and clean interface, it is very simple to use and it is very fast, too.


Does anyone know how to install Froxlor in Fedora? (It would be great if someone can post the entire process, installing dependencies and installing Froxlor)


Thank you very much!


We also want to contribute to Froxlor Developement, I am the executive manager of a web development and web hosting company and we would like to help Froxlor Team. What should we do?

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You can follow the guide for installing via tarball (https://redmine.froxlor.org/projects/froxlor/wiki/InstallationTarball) - all you need is a webserver, mysql-db and php.


The rest can be viewed in the config-templates for e.g. Debian. If you know the corresponding package-names you should be able to get this up and running. Configs and paths may differ of course.


For your last question: there's a "donate" button on our website - or you can e-mail to team@froxlor.org if there's more to talk about.


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