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Moving everything from old server (Squeeze) to new server (Jessie) ?



Hey there,


I will soon switch from my current dedicated server (Debian 6.0 with latest debian 6.0 froxlor release.. outdated I know :/) to a new one with the latest Debian version (Jessie) + latest froxlor version. How exactly do I switch my complete froxlor (including all customers, services like postfix apache etc, settings, etc) to the new server?


Currently I have ~15 customers with wordpress, phpbb and html content as well as e-mail accounts/forwarders.


Also: Does anyone have a general guide on how to migrate/switch to a new server on debian? I am sure there are many other settings/files I should copy to the new server as well?


Thank you a lot !

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There are already a few threads on here where this was talked about. it's pretty simple after all:


- copy all (customer)databases and of course froxlor- and (important!) the mysql-database. The mysql-database is important because it holds all the users and passwords for the databases the customers have.

- extract froxlor, use your old lib/userdata.inc.php file (so froxlor knows it's installed and checks for its database)

- copy over all customer data (webs, mail, log, etc.)

- re-configure ALL services using our config-templates for the new distribution

- adjust configs in case you edited them in some way

- done

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Mhh but I would also need to install froxlor via apt-get ?


- Copy all mysql databses to new server

- Install froxlor via apt-get ?

- Copy all froxlor customer files from the old server to the new one?

- Copy the old "froxlor/lib/userdata.inc.php" to the new server

- Log in to froxlor and configure everything according to the templaes

- Change DNS entries to new server


And I wont have to copy any files from other services such as mysql,apache, etc from the old server to the new one ?


Thanks !

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Alright so this will be my setup scheme:


- Copy all mysql databses to new server

- Install froxlor via apt-get ?

- Copy all froxlor customer files from the old server to the new one?

- Copy the old "froxlor/lib/userdata.inc.php" to the new server

- Log in to froxlor and configure everything according to the templaes

- Change DNS entries to new server[\code]


And one more thing: froxlor is typically installed in http://ip/froxlor/...Can I somehow change the directory name from "froxlor" to something else easily and without breaking things?


Thanks !

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No, apt-get will definetly install froxlor to /var/www/froxlor


Hmm so re-naming froxlor to something else won't be that easy because feature apt-updates will break it? Or is a web-panel-update a solution to updating with a renamed /froxlor/ ?


Thanks !

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I need to update this as I am currently in the process of doing everything. I installed froxlor and everything needed for it with the following command:

apt-get install php5 php5-cgi php5-cli php5-common php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-mcrypt php5-imap php5-imagick libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec mysql-server php5-mysql apache2 php5-curl mcrypt froxlor

I didn't install "apache2-mpm-prefork php5-suhosin" because fcgid is not compatible with phpfm (if I am correct?) and because "php5-suhosin" can't be found with apt-get. Is there anything else I need/should install?


Now I am in the process of moving files. Could you list which directories contain the files that I need to move, so basically list every directory that I need/should transfer?


And what about file permission / file owner? On my old server /var/customers/webs/user1 was owned by user1 but after transfering it the owner will be root?


Thanks again !

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Use rsync with the option to keep owner/group and permissions ('-gop' or '-a').


Too late, also on my kimsufi it wasn't possible to use rsync. So what now? ;P

@edit: since I don't have too many customers I can probably chown -R user:user by hand. Do I only need to do this for /var/customers/webs or also for smth else (mail or anything)?


Also: Isn't froxlor creating those users on the debian system? if so, then I would also have to transfer the file which contains all users ?

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@edit: since I don't have too many customers I can probably chown -R user:user by hand. Do I only need to do this for /var/customers/webs or also for smth else (mail or anything)?

Yes, if the owner/ group and permissions have changed, you have to do this manually.

Normally (depends on your configuration in Froxlor) you have to do this for the following directories in 'var/customers/:

  • /var/customers/mail

    all directories and files should be owned by the user 'vmail' (or whatever you named the mail user on your system)

  • /var/customers/tmp

    here should be a subdirectory for every customer, which is owned by the customer user (same as in '/var/customers/webs')

  • /var/customers/webs

    here should be a subdirectory for every customer, which is owned by the customer user (web1, web2, etc.)

  • /var/customers/logs

    this one you could let empty, but most of the log files are owned by the apache user (www-data)

Also: Isn't froxlor creating those users on the debian system? if so, then I would also have to transfer the file which contains all users ?

Froxlor does not create users on the system but rather uses a MySQL table for this. Therefore you have to copy at least data from 3 tables in 2 DBs:

  • DB: froxlor

    table 'panel_customers': contains the customers your create within Froxlor

    table 'mail_users': contains the mail users  and accounts created in Froxlor

  • DB: mysql

    table 'user': contains the MySQL user (if customer has one or more MySQL DBs)

If you do not have a lot customers I would propose to create them manually in your new Froxlor installation and only copy the content and MySQL dumps afterwards.

I would not recommend to copy the complete DB 'froxlor' as there are some differences in the structure.

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Wow thank you for your detailed answer !

Previously I got told to transfer the complete mysql db to the new server in order to also take all settings with me.

Since I do not have that many customers I would be fine with creating them manually, copying their user details/pw hash manually into the new mysql entry.

So my migration process will look like this:

1. copy the /var/customers folder to the new server
2. apt-get install froxlor (this will automatically run the setup? d00p told me to skip this setup? If yes, how to skip it?)
3. set up froxlor completely from scratch or is there a "good way" to copy everything?
4. create customers manually (but what about the settings of each customer, mail accounts, domains, etc?).

I am pretty unexperienced with mysql and have no real idea of what I need to copy and how I need to copy/dumb everything.

Thanks !




I used this command to move files with rsync but the owner + group is weird. Instead of the actual username it displays random numbers as owner + group?


rsync -e 'ssh -p 12345' -azPxgop --delete-after --exclude-from="/root/exclude.txt" / root@ip_here:/

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