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Everything posted by d00p

  1. Any file-manager is independent, froxlor has nothing to do with that.
  2. froxlor does not allow that you select a path like /proc (for security reasons). Disallowed are: /dev (except urandom), /proc, /etc, /sys and of course / Current solutuion: deactivate openbasedir for that domain
  3. Sorry but this tutorial is nothing like the official way to install froxlor, it uses non-standard directories and weird settings to achieve things froxlor can handle itself by configuring it right...try https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/wiki
  4. Warum denn immer gleich neu aufsetzen? Wie umständlich. Irgendwohin hat froxlor doch wohl pool-configs erstellt. Kopier sie doch einfach an die richtige Stelle und starte php-fpm neu...ende
  5. Und was steht in deinen Froxlor Settings? Welche php-version nutzt du da denn? Oder beide? Die Fehlermeldung sagt jedenfalls, dass phpfpm 7.1 nicht startet, weil keine config im pool-config ordner liegt, also hat froxlor dort keine erstellt, ergo, überprüfe deine Einstellungen
  6. Dear Froxlor Community, many great new features have found their way into our latest release. Here are the biggest innovations: Debian 9.x (Stretch) Support We finally added configuration templates for the current stable release of the Debian Linux Distribution. Important for all PHP-FPM users, you need to use mod_proxy/mod_proxy_fcgi as there is no libapache2-mod-fastcgi anymore. Multiple PHP-FPM installations Users with more than one PHP Version installed on their system were forced to use FCGID until now if they wanted to assign different versions of PHP to different customers or domains. This can now also be done for PHP-FPM. Some of the settings have moved from the global settings to a new section in the admin PHP menu called PHP-FPM version. Here you can add all the PHP-versions you have installed on your system with their corresponding config-path, restart-command, etc. In PHP-Configurations you can then choose the desired PHP-FPM version from a select-box. Settings Import / Export When installing Froxlor on multiple systems with equal settings, you can now export your settings from one intallation and import them to another. System-Hostname, default IP addresses and a few more variables that are either system specific or filled by the installation process anyway are being omitted. This feature will be "older version" compatible in later versions, meaning you will be able to import settings from 0.9.39 into newer versions of Froxlor. Please note that this new feature requires the PHP-json extension to be installed and loaded. Let customers choose PHP configuration When adding a new or editing an existing customer, the admin/reseller can now select from all available PHP configurations which of them are usable for the customer. If none is selected, the one the admin used when adding the domain is used. When the customer adds a new or edits an existing (sub)domain he can choose between the assigned PHP configurations (especially helpful if you have PHP configurations for different PHP-versions). Other PHP-FPM related changes Three minor changes/additions for PHP-FPM users: You can now specify paths which will be added to the PATH environment variable in each PHP-FPM pool. There was no such entry until now. If the setting is left empty, no env[PATH] entry will be generated You can now specify values for the security.limit_extensions setting on a per PHP-FPM version basis. You can now enable '-pass-header Authorization' for each PHP configuration so authorization headers are being passed from the webserver to PHP-FPM Testing implementation of Let's Encrypts ACME v2 As announced earlier by Let's Encrypt (see https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/staging-endpoint-for-acme-v2/49605 ) the new api version will be live as of 27th of februrary and is already available for testing (staging api). You can select the ACME v2 standard in the settings if you want to test it using the staging api. Sadly, wildcard-certificates, which is one of the biggest innovations in ACME v2, will only work using the dns-reg challenge (validation via DNS record) so this won't be an option for 99% of you (also, we did not implement the dns-reg challenge, only http-reg). It would be awesome if this is going to be changed. Note: You will still be able to (and probably should) use the ACME v1 API, especially if you have any productive certificates obtained already. Minor installation changes When checking the webserver and apache is found, we now assume that apache-2.4 is used instead of 2.2 MySQL STRICT-MODE issues Some newer distributions ar enabling the so-called STRICT-MODE for the DBMS by default, which Froxlor could not deal with on installation (e.g. some tables would not be created). These issues should be resolved now. *UPDATE* fix possible invalid php-fpm-socket filename for dummy-socket fix selected phpfpm daemon when editing php-configuration fix updating wrong column when deleting a fpm configuration get rid of the need for allow_url_fopen only let admin select php-configs that the customer is allowed to use to avoid unwanted php-config changes when customer edits domain add script to automatically configure services from shell without the need of copy/paste from the interface add new hosting-plans feature add domain flag to avoid generation of nginx try_files directive in webroot which is not suitable for some applications fixed add/edit domain due to misuse of Settings-class fixed display of imap/pop3 flag when editing hosting plans You can see all changes on Github at https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/compare/ Download: Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages will be released shortly as always. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  7. manuell was löschen ist schonmal ein falscher ansatz die Frage verstehe ich nicht...du als admin entscheidest doch was du nutzen möchtest. fcgid/php-fpm hat den simplen aber schönen vorteil, dass die php prozesse unter dem kunden-benutzer ausgeführt werden (security++) phpmyadmin würd ich via archiv entweder unterhalb eines kunden (dich selbst, wenn du dich da auch angelegt hast) oder in den froxlor ordner installieren. Wenn du das auch per apt und paket machen willst UND fcgid/php-fpm nutzt kommst du sonst um einen manuellen vhost nicht herum. Bei "FTP" weiss ich nicht was du meinst, es sei denn du meinst WebFTP - davon rate ich so oder so in jedem fall ab... Webmail -> siehe phpmyadmin; bei roundcube kannst du mit dieser config (https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/tree/extras/roundcube_plugins/password) das "passwort ändern" in roundcube realisieren Offizielle Howtos oder so gibt es dazu nicht
  8. compatible, sure, there are just no config-templates. You can still just adjust jessie configs for example (if you're firm in services configuration)
  9. Dear Froxlor Community, as our latest stable release of froxlor is quite established now, it is time for some minor bugfixes and improvements. Changes in + added OCSP stapling support for apache2 and nginx + added libnss-extrausers support for debian/ubuntu users + added http2 support for froxlor-vhost and per-domain and domain-import + added setting to disable LE self-check + #416: added letsencrypt, HSTS settings, oscp-stapling and phpenabled-flag to Domain-import + #464: added simple smtp-settings test-page ~ #412: fixed libnss config ~ #434: allow non fqdn CNAME entries (froxlor appends zone's domain automatically if there's no trailing dot) ~ #447: fixed wildcard entries in dns editor ~ #472: generate multiline txt-record if content is too long ~ #475: corrected setting for php-fpm peardir ~ #479: removed each() keyword as it is deprecated as of php-7.2 ~ #485: added default/global directory options in apache regardless of whether fcgid/fpm is being used or not ~ #496: explicitly deactivate TLS (and auto-tls) in phpMailer when setting use-tls is OFF ~ #1697: allow underscore in DNS labels ~ #1720: do not show full path of file on php-error ~ #1726: use correct pagination in admin-log/customer-log ~ #1728: clearify field label for domain termination date ~ fixed phpenabled flag for new subdomains added by customers ~ fixed auto-update of database in cronjob if activated ~ fixed ssl integration in lighttpd You can see all changes on Github at https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/compare/ Download: Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages will be released shortly as always. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  10. hä? Wie wie muss ich das einrichten? Du aktivierst Let's Encrypt in den Einstellungen (global), du musst natürlich die acme.conf einrichten (konfiguration -> webserver) damit der globale Alias existiert und Ende. das wars. Entsprechend musst du natürlich auch einer SSL-enabled domain noch sagen, sie soll let's encrypt nutzen (domain -> bearbeiten)
  11. well, if you'd specify your issues one might be able to help. What do you mean by "FCGI users not getting configured"? users don't get configured...
  12. I'm compatible - there are just no configure-templates for it yet
  13. Das ist seit debian 8 nicht mehr bei debian dabei. Nutze am besten für debian 8 und 9 libnss-extrausers, dafür auch in froxlor den support aktivieren in den einstellungen
  14. Nicht alles kann man mit Geld kaufen, mir fehlt leider die Zeit
  15. Ja es gibt nur ein reload Command...was du dann in diesem Script was du da angibst so alles machst ist dir überlassen, configs schieben, Dienste stoppen/starten, etc.
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