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tt33tt last won the day on October 19 2019

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  1. Der Collabora Server in der Nextcloud scheint sowohl die exec-Funktion als auch allow_url_fopen = ON zu benötigen. Ich habe beides angeschaltet, aber nur für die Nextcloud. Es kam der Fehler GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException: cURL error 1: Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://cloud.medien-bildung.info/apps/richdocumentscode/proxy.php?req=/lool/convert-to/png Exec ist ok, aber fopen scheint noch nicht angenommen zu werden.
  2. Hallo alle zusammen, ich habe in der Nextcloud den eingebauten CODE-Server für Collabora installiert und aktiviert. Wenn ich jetzt versuche Word-Dateien in der Nextcloud über Collabora zu öffnen, taucht im Error-Log folgender Fehler auf: mod_fcgid: stderr: richdocumentscode (proxy.php) error exit, PID: 212444, Message: exec_disabled Was bedeutet diese Meldung? Muss ich bei mod_fcgid irgendetwas enablen? LG
  3. Jetzt ist alles perfekt! Die Domänen, bei denen es nicht mehr geklappt hat, gibt es nicht mehr. Habe ich aus Froxlor gelöscht (leider vergessen gehabt). Der einzigen Domäne wo noch ein Problem war habe ich wie folgt gelöst: Meine gesicherten Zertifikats-Dateien wieder in den Ordner zurück kopiert wo sie hingehören: /root/.acme.sh/domain.xy Dann aus der Übersicht in Froxlor mit den SSL-Zertifikaten die Domäne ausgelöscht. ('/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh --remove -d [domain]' hatte ich bereits ausgeführt gehabt). Dann nochmal den Froxlor-Cronjob gestartet: /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --debug --force Alles durchgelaufen. - Wie meistens irgendwelche Leichtsinnsfehler... Hoffentlich hilft das auch jemand anderem weiter 🙂
  4. Ah, danke. Das habe ich jetzt in den Einstellungen gefunden und das klappt! Was jetzt noch nicht klappt, sind die Zertifikate. Ich habe den Remove-Befehl ausgeführt und sie aus Froxlor in der Übersicht SSL-Zertifikate gelöscht. Aber sie werden nicht upgedatet. Muss ich sie jetzt wieder hinzufügen? Gibt es dazu Anleitungen? 🙂
  5. Ja, danke. Hat gedauert, das zum Laufen zu bekommen. Aber das hilft wegen den Subdomains weiter. Dann brauch ich die nicht mehr beim Anbieter alle hinterlegen. Sondern er holt sie sich von unserem Server 🙂 Du hast Recht: systemctl reload bind9.service geht. Ich habe das vielleicht falsch in Erinnerung gehabt oder es hat sich seit dem Update auf Ubuntu 20.04 geändert. Muss ich nun das Froxlor-Skript anpassen und das Start-Kommando neu hinterlegen?
  6. Ja, das habe ich Anfangs nicht so deutlich ausgedrückt: Mein /etc/init.d/bind9-Eintrag ist verschwunden^^ Ich muss die Datei neu reinkopieren. Ich habe schon Gegoogelt aber wo finde ich die Datei als Download/Inhalt?
  7. Ja, habe einen Nameserver am Laufen, auf den die ganzen Domänen aufbauen. Nach dem ich die Zertifikate entfernt habe, wurden sie bei den Domains jetzt aktualisiert, außer bei einer unwichtigen. Bind gibt aber noch einen Fehler und scheinbar kommen auch noch Fehler zu den Zertifikaten im Log. root@1383561341-1:~# php /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --debug --force [information] TasksCron: Searching for tasks to do sh: 1: /etc/init.d/dkim-filter: not found [information] Dkim-milter reloaded [information] Task4 started - Rebuilding froxlor_bind.conf [information] Cleaning dns zone files from /etc/bind/domains/ [debug] domId domain ismainbutsubto parent domain list of child domain ids [debug] 103 aartal-bbq.de 0 - [debug] 172 appleid.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 132 cloud.medien-bildung.info 85 medien-bildung.info [debug] 133 cloud.medienbrief.schule 97 medienbrief.schule [debug] 137 cloud.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 59 DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info 0 - [debug] 101 fussball-altendiez.de 0 - [debug] 119 goetheschule-limburg.de 0 - [debug] 173 gs-ahlbach-appleid.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 93 gs-einrich.de 0 - [debug] 130 lehrerfortbildung.schule 0 - [debug] 85 medien-bildung.info 0 - 132 [debug] 96 medienbildung.schule 0 - [debug] 97 medienbrief.schule 0 - 133 [debug] 95 medienkompetenz.jetzt 0 - 165 [debug] 114 medienkompetenz.schule 0 - [debug] 162 medienzentren-mittelhessen.de 0 - [debug] 161 mothers.de 0 - [debug] 168 ms.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 83 mzlw.de 0 - 172, 137, 173, 168, 170, 164, 166, 150, 149, 163, 169, 167 [debug] 170 office.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 164 projekt.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 86 rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 166 report.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 150 schulung.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 115 schulungsmahara.de 0 - [debug] 84 schulungsmoodle.de 0 - [debug] 102 sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 165 test.medienkompetenz.jetzt 95 medienkompetenz.jetzt [debug] 149 test.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 124 test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 123 test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 125 test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 126 test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 127 test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 128 test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 129 test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 163 text.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 169 ttest.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 167 umfrage.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 10 wiedersteins.de 0 - [debug] 60 yoga-werkstadt.de 0 - [debug] none cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [information] `/etc/bind/domains/aartal-bbq.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for aartal-bbq.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info [information] `/etc/bind/domains/fussball-altendiez.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for fussball-altendiez.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/goetheschule-limburg.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for goetheschule-limburg.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/gs-einrich.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for gs-einrich.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/lehrerfortbildung.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for lehrerfortbildung.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medien-bildung.info.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medien-bildung.info [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienbildung.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienbildung.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienbrief.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienbrief.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienkompetenz.jetzt.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienkompetenz.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienkompetenz.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienzentren-mittelhessen.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienzentren-mittelhessen.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/mothers.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for mothers.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/mzlw.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for mzlw.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/schulungsmahara.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for schulungsmahara.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/schulungsmoodle.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for schulungsmoodle.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/wiedersteins.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for wiedersteins.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/yoga-werkstadt.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for yoga-werkstadt.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] froxlor_bind.conf written sh: 1: /etc/init.d/bind9: not found [error] Error while running `/etc/init.d/bind9 reload`: exit code (127) - please check your system logs [information] Task4 finished [information] Running Let's Encrypt cronjob prior to regenerating webserver config files [information] Checking for LetsEncrypt client upgrades before renewing certificates: [Di 25. Mai 12:39:47 CEST 2021] Already uptodate! [Di 25. Mai 12:39:47 CEST 2021] Upgrade success! [Di 25. Mai 12:39:47 CEST 2021] Installing cron job 4 0 * * * "/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh" > /dev/null [information] Requesting 4 new Let's Encrypt certificates [information] Creating certificate for schulungsmoodle.de [information] Adding common-name: schulungsmoodle.de [information] Adding SAN entry: www.schulungsmoodle.de [information] Validating DNS of schulungsmoodle.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for schulungsmoodle.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.schulungsmoodle.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.schulungsmoodle.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Creating certificate for medienbrief.schule [information] Adding common-name: medienbrief.schule [information] Adding SAN entry: www.medienbrief.schule [information] Validating DNS of medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Creating certificate for schulungsmahara.de [information] Adding common-name: schulungsmahara.de [information] Adding SAN entry: www.schulungsmahara.de [information] Validating DNS of schulungsmahara.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for schulungsmahara.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.schulungsmahara.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.schulungsmahara.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Creating certificate for cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Adding common-name: cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Adding SAN entry: www.cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Validating DNS of cloud.medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for cloud.medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.cloud.medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.cloud.medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for mzlw.de [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmoodle.de/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for schulungsmoodle.de: [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medien-bildung.info [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for gs-einrich.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienkompetenz.jetzt [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for medienbrief.schule: [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmahara.de/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for schulungsmahara.de: [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.medien-bildung.info [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.medienbrief.schule: [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.mzlw.de/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.mzlw.de: [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienzentren-mittelhessen.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for text.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for projekt.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test.medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for report.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for umfrage.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for ttest.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for yoga-werkstadt.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for fussball-altendiez.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for aartal-bbq.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for mothers.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for schulung.mzlw.de [information] Let's Encrypt certificates have been updated [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for [debug] :: inserted vhostcontainer [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for [debug] :: inserted vhostcontainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 151, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 160, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 152, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 153, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 154, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 155, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 156, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 157, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 158, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 159, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 87, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 107, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 117, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 108, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 109, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 110, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 120, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 103, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 132, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 133, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 137, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 59, customer DianaSchmu [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 101, customer ahenschel [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 119, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 93, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 130, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 85, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 96, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 97, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 95, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 162, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 161, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 83, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 164, customer rainer mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/’: File exists cp: cannot create regular file '/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/': Not a directory chown: cannot access '/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/': No such file or directory [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 86, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 166, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 150, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 115, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 84, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 102, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 165, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 149, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 124, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 123, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 125, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 126, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 127, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 128, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 129, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 163, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 169, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 167, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 10, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 60, customer DianaSchmu [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 172, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 173, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 168, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 170, customer rainer [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/ [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/htpasswd/ [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ [information] Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi::reload: reloading Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi [notice] Checking system's last guid Die Ordner haben gefehlt. Ich hatte erst den Remove-Befehl ausgeführt und dann die Ordner gelöscht. Jetzt habe ich sie wieder erstellt. Ist das ok? [information] TasksCron: Searching for tasks to do sh: 1: /etc/init.d/dkim-filter: not found [information] Dkim-milter reloaded [information] Task4 started - Rebuilding froxlor_bind.conf [information] Cleaning dns zone files from /etc/bind/domains/ [debug] domId domain ismainbutsubto parent domain list of child domain ids [debug] 103 aartal-bbq.de 0 - [debug] 172 appleid.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 132 cloud.medien-bildung.info 85 medien-bildung.info [debug] 133 cloud.medienbrief.schule 97 medienbrief.schule [debug] 137 cloud.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 59 DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info 0 - [debug] 101 fussball-altendiez.de 0 - [debug] 119 goetheschule-limburg.de 0 - [debug] 173 gs-ahlbach-appleid.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 93 gs-einrich.de 0 - [debug] 130 lehrerfortbildung.schule 0 - [debug] 85 medien-bildung.info 0 - 132 [debug] 96 medienbildung.schule 0 - [debug] 97 medienbrief.schule 0 - 133 [debug] 95 medienkompetenz.jetzt 0 - 165 [debug] 114 medienkompetenz.schule 0 - [debug] 162 medienzentren-mittelhessen.de 0 - [debug] 161 mothers.de 0 - [debug] 168 ms.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 83 mzlw.de 0 - 172, 137, 173, 168, 170, 164, 166, 150, 149, 163, 169, 167 [debug] 170 office.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 164 projekt.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 86 rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 166 report.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 150 schulung.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 115 schulungsmahara.de 0 - [debug] 84 schulungsmoodle.de 0 - [debug] 102 sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 165 test.medienkompetenz.jetzt 95 medienkompetenz.jetzt [debug] 149 test.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 124 test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 123 test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 125 test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 126 test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 127 test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 128 test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 129 test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 163 text.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 169 ttest.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 167 umfrage.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 10 wiedersteins.de 0 - [debug] 60 yoga-werkstadt.de 0 - [debug] none cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [information] `/etc/bind/domains/aartal-bbq.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for aartal-bbq.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info [information] `/etc/bind/domains/fussball-altendiez.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for fussball-altendiez.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/goetheschule-limburg.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for goetheschule-limburg.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/gs-einrich.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for gs-einrich.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/lehrerfortbildung.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for lehrerfortbildung.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medien-bildung.info.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medien-bildung.info [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienbildung.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienbildung.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienbrief.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienbrief.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienkompetenz.jetzt.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienkompetenz.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienkompetenz.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienzentren-mittelhessen.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienzentren-mittelhessen.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/mothers.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for mothers.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/mzlw.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for mzlw.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/schulungsmahara.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for schulungsmahara.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/schulungsmoodle.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for schulungsmoodle.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/wiedersteins.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for wiedersteins.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/yoga-werkstadt.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for yoga-werkstadt.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] froxlor_bind.conf written sh: 1: /etc/init.d/bind9: not found [error] Error while running `/etc/init.d/bind9 reload`: exit code (127) - please check your system logs [information] Task4 finished [information] Running Let's Encrypt cronjob prior to regenerating webserver config files [information] Checking for LetsEncrypt client upgrades before renewing certificates: [Di 25. Mai 12:44:02 CEST 2021] Already uptodate! [Di 25. Mai 12:44:02 CEST 2021] Upgrade success! [Di 25. Mai 12:44:02 CEST 2021] Installing cron job 4 0 * * * "/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh" > /dev/null [information] Requesting 4 new Let's Encrypt certificates [information] Creating certificate for schulungsmoodle.de [information] Adding common-name: schulungsmoodle.de [information] Adding SAN entry: www.schulungsmoodle.de [information] Validating DNS of schulungsmoodle.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for schulungsmoodle.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.schulungsmoodle.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.schulungsmoodle.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Creating certificate for medienbrief.schule [information] Adding common-name: medienbrief.schule [information] Adding SAN entry: www.medienbrief.schule [information] Validating DNS of medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Creating certificate for schulungsmahara.de [information] Adding common-name: schulungsmahara.de [information] Adding SAN entry: www.schulungsmahara.de [information] Validating DNS of schulungsmahara.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for schulungsmahara.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.schulungsmahara.de [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.schulungsmahara.de due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Creating certificate for cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Adding common-name: cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Adding SAN entry: www.cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Validating DNS of cloud.medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for cloud.medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Validating DNS of www.cloud.medienbrief.schule [warning] Skipping Let's Encrypt generation for www.cloud.medienbrief.schule due to no system known IP address via DNS check [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for mzlw.de [error] Could not find file 'schulungsmoodle.de.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmoodle.de/' [error] Could not find file 'schulungsmoodle.de.key' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmoodle.de/' [error] Could not find file 'ca.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmoodle.de/' [error] Could not find file 'fullchain.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmoodle.de/' [error] Could not find file 'schulungsmoodle.de.csr' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmoodle.de/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for schulungsmoodle.de: [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medien-bildung.info [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for gs-einrich.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienkompetenz.jetzt [error] Could not find file 'medienbrief.schule.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'medienbrief.schule.key' in '/root/.acme.sh/medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'ca.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'fullchain.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'medienbrief.schule.csr' in '/root/.acme.sh/medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for medienbrief.schule: [error] Could not find file 'schulungsmahara.de.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmahara.de/' [error] Could not find file 'schulungsmahara.de.key' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmahara.de/' [error] Could not find file 'ca.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmahara.de/' [error] Could not find file 'fullchain.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmahara.de/' [error] Could not find file 'schulungsmahara.de.csr' in '/root/.acme.sh/schulungsmahara.de/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for schulungsmahara.de: [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.medien-bildung.info [error] Could not find file 'cloud.medienbrief.schule.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'cloud.medienbrief.schule.key' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'ca.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'fullchain.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not find file 'cloud.medienbrief.schule.csr' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.medienbrief.schule/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.medienbrief.schule: [error] Could not find file 'cloud.mzlw.de.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.mzlw.de/' [error] Could not find file 'cloud.mzlw.de.key' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.mzlw.de/' [error] Could not find file 'ca.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.mzlw.de/' [error] Could not find file 'fullchain.cer' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.mzlw.de/' [error] Could not find file 'cloud.mzlw.de.csr' in '/root/.acme.sh/cloud.mzlw.de/' [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.mzlw.de: [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienzentren-mittelhessen.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for text.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for projekt.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test.medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for report.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for umfrage.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for ttest.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for yoga-werkstadt.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for fussball-altendiez.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for aartal-bbq.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for mothers.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for schulung.mzlw.de [information] Let's Encrypt certificates have been updated [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for [debug] :: inserted vhostcontainer [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for [debug] :: inserted vhostcontainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 151, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 160, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 152, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 153, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 154, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 155, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 156, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 157, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 158, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 159, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 87, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 107, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 117, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 108, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 109, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 110, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 120, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 103, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 132, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 133, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 137, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 59, customer DianaSchmu [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 101, customer ahenschel [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 119, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 93, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 130, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 85, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 96, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 97, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 95, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 162, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 161, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 83, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 164, customer rainer mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/’: File exists cp: cannot create regular file '/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/': Not a directory chown: cannot access '/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/': No such file or directory [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 86, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 166, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 150, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 115, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 84, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 102, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 165, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 149, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 124, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 123, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 125, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 126, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 127, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 128, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 129, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 163, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 169, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 167, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 10, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 60, customer DianaSchmu [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 172, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 173, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 168, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 170, customer rainer [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/ [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/htpasswd/ [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ [information] Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi::reload: reloading Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi [notice] Checking system's last guid Muss ich da nun die alten Cert-Dateien wieder reinkopieren? Ich habe die gesichert.
  8. Ich habe mehrere Domänen, bei denen Let's encrypt nicht mehr klappt. Im Log tauchen Fehler auf, die ich allerdings nicht verstehe: root@1383561341-1:~# php /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --debug --force [information] TasksCron: Searching for tasks to do sh: 1: /etc/init.d/dkim-filter: not found [information] Dkim-milter reloaded [information] Task4 started - Rebuilding froxlor_bind.conf [information] Cleaning dns zone files from /etc/bind/domains/ [debug] domId domain ismainbutsubto parent domain list of child domain ids [debug] 103 aartal-bbq.de 0 - [debug] 172 appleid.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 132 cloud.medien-bildung.info 85 medien-bildung.info [debug] 133 cloud.medienbrief.schule 97 medienbrief.schule [debug] 137 cloud.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 59 DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info 0 - [debug] 101 fussball-altendiez.de 0 - [debug] 119 goetheschule-limburg.de 0 - [debug] 173 gs-ahlbach-appleid.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 93 gs-einrich.de 0 - [debug] 130 lehrerfortbildung.schule 0 - [debug] 85 medien-bildung.info 0 - 132 [debug] 96 medienbildung.schule 0 - [debug] 97 medienbrief.schule 0 - 133 [debug] 95 medienkompetenz.jetzt 0 - 165 [debug] 114 medienkompetenz.schule 0 - [debug] 162 medienzentren-mittelhessen.de 0 - [debug] 161 mothers.de 0 - [debug] 168 ms.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 83 mzlw.de 0 - 172, 137, 173, 168, 170, 164, 166, 150, 149, 163, 169, 167 [debug] 170 office.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 164 projekt.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 86 rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 166 report.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 150 schulung.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 115 schulungsmahara.de 0 - [debug] 84 schulungsmoodle.de 0 - [debug] 102 sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 165 test.medienkompetenz.jetzt 95 medienkompetenz.jetzt [debug] 149 test.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 124 test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 123 test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 125 test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 126 test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 127 test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 128 test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 129 test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [debug] 163 text.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 169 ttest.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 167 umfrage.mzlw.de 83 mzlw.de [debug] 10 wiedersteins.de 0 - [debug] 60 yoga-werkstadt.de 0 - [debug] none cloud.rainerwiederstein.de 0 - [information] `/etc/bind/domains/aartal-bbq.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for aartal-bbq.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for DianaSchmu.nc1.t-wagner.info [information] `/etc/bind/domains/fussball-altendiez.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for fussball-altendiez.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/goetheschule-limburg.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for goetheschule-limburg.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/gs-einrich.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for gs-einrich.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/lehrerfortbildung.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for lehrerfortbildung.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medien-bildung.info.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medien-bildung.info [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienbildung.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienbildung.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienbrief.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienbrief.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienkompetenz.jetzt.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienkompetenz.schule.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienkompetenz.schule [information] `/etc/bind/domains/medienzentren-mittelhessen.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for medienzentren-mittelhessen.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/mothers.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for mothers.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/mzlw.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for mzlw.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/schulungsmahara.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for schulungsmahara.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/schulungsmoodle.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for schulungsmoodle.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/wiedersteins.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for wiedersteins.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/yoga-werkstadt.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for yoga-werkstadt.de [information] `/etc/bind/domains/cloud.rainerwiederstein.de.zone` written [debug] Generating dns config for cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] froxlor_bind.conf written sh: 1: /etc/init.d/bind9: not found [error] Error while running `/etc/init.d/bind9 reload`: exit code (127) - please check your system logs [information] Task4 finished [information] Running Let's Encrypt cronjob prior to regenerating webserver config files [information] Checking for LetsEncrypt client upgrades before renewing certificates: [Di 25. Mai 11:54:27 CEST 2021] Already uptodate! [Di 25. Mai 11:54:27 CEST 2021] Upgrade success! [Di 25. Mai 11:54:27 CEST 2021] Installing cron job 4 0 * * * "/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh" > /dev/null [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for schulungsmoodle.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medien-bildung.info [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for gs-einrich.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienbrief.schule [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for schulungsmahara.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.medien-bildung.info [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.medienbrief.schule [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for cloud.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for medienzentren-mittelhessen.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for text.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for projekt.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test.medienkompetenz.jetzt [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for report.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for umfrage.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for ttest.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for yoga-werkstadt.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for fussball-altendiez.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for sdistler.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for aartal-bbq.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for mothers.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test2.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test1.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test3.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test4.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test5.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test6.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test7.cloud.rainerwiederstein.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for test.mzlw.de [information] Updated Let's Encrypt certificate for schulung.mzlw.de [information] Let's Encrypt certificates have been updated [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for [debug] :: inserted vhostcontainer [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for [debug] :: inserted vhostcontainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 151, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 160, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 152, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 153, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 154, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 155, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 156, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 157, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 158, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 159, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 87, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 107, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 117, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 108, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 109, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 110, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 120, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 103, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 132, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 133, customer rainer [error] Given SSL private key for cloud.medienbrief.schule does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [error] Given SSL private key for cloud.medienbrief.schule does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 137, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 59, customer DianaSchmu [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 101, customer ahenschel [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 119, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 93, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 130, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 85, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 96, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 97, customer rainer [error] Given SSL private key for medienbrief.schule does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [error] Given SSL private key for medienbrief.schule does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 95, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 162, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 161, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 83, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 164, customer rainer mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/’: File exists --das ist ok-- cp: cannot create regular file '/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/': Not a directory chown: cannot access '/var/kunden/webs/rainer/projekt.mzlw.de/': No such file or directory [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 86, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 166, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 150, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 115, customer rainer [error] Given SSL private key for schulungsmahara.de does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [error] Given SSL private key for schulungsmahara.de does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 84, customer rainer [error] Given SSL private key for schulungsmoodle.de does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [error] Given SSL private key for schulungsmoodle.de does not seem to match the certificate. Cannot create ssl-directives [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 102, customer sdistler [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 165, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 149, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 124, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 123, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 125, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 126, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 127, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 128, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 129, customer testuser [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 163, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 169, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 167, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 10, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 60, customer DianaSchmu [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 172, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 173, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 168, customer rainer [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 170, customer rainer [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/ [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/htpasswd/ [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ [information] Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi::reload: reloading Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi [notice] Checking system's last guid Das mit Bind taucht glaube ich erst auf seit dem letzten Update. Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher. Der Lets Encrypt Fehler ist auch schon davor aufgetreten. Ich benutze die Domains nicht so oft. Ich muss irgendwie Bind wohl wieder in das /etc/init.d/ reinbekommen. Aber wie sollte die Bind-Datei normalerweise aussehen? Bei mir ist sie weg. Hängen die anderen Fehler von Lets encrypt damit zusammen?
  9. 😄 Das hat nichts mit Nameservern zu tun. Auf der Seite kann man auch die Standard-MX-Server festlegen. Ich habe es aber jetzt gemacht wie du gemeint hast: einfach die Einträge überschrieben. Wird erfolgreich aufgelöst. Die E-Mails kommen aber noch nicht an. Vermutlich ist etwas beim Mailserver nicht richtig konfiguriert. Ich finde aber keine Logfiles mit Fehlern. In welchem sollte ich nachschauen?
  10. Hallo alle zusammen, ich habe für meine Domains unter admin_settings.php?page=overview&part=nameserver die Google-Server eingetragen. Jetzt habe ich aber eine Domäne, wo ich den lokalen Server als MX-Server eintragen möchte. Kann ich die Google-Einträge für eine Domäne überschreiben? LG
  11. Hallo alle zusammen, ich möchte in crontab Ergänzungen vornehmen: Einen Service in regelmäßigen Abstände starten, der ab und zu abstürzt. Dort steht, dass das mit Froxlor erstellt wird und ich nichts ergänzen sollte. Wie kann ich dort trotzdem etwas ergänzen? LG
  12. Davon gehe ich auch aus. Sicherlich habe ich dafür auch eine Verantwortung. Aufgetreten ist es allerdings erst seit dem letzten Update. Von daher habe ich Hoffnung 🙂
  13. Habe es testweise manuell aus table_panel_tasks gelöscht. Das hat nichts verändert. Mangels Auswirkungen werde ich das aber erstmal ignorieren. Vielleicht löst sich das mal durch ein Update.
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