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Everything posted by d00p

  1. Well then please provide information about this vhost/config. Froxlor itself handles this, which means, the subdomain you are talking about is handled by froxlors own vhost config (which in most cases is the first and hence the default)
  2. Why post this and also DM'ing me at the same time? Please take a look at our documentation as I mentioned before: https://docs.froxlor.org/latest/
  3. and also: you have to use the fqdn you've specified in the installation or else the webserver will not use the correct virtual-host config and will not use the froxlor generated configs for php-fpm
  4. try this: a2disconf php8.1-fpm It looks like it's using the default alias
  5. well, i wanted the whole output, not your interpretation of what might be the issue...but fine. No idea where php8.1 is coming from for you, but bookworm uses 8.2 as default, see https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/php Froxlor uses the mod_php version used for the installation to set the php version for the php-fpm service which will be used by default. Also, froxlor will generate its own php-fpm sockets for itself and the customer-domain, the socket /run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock is definetly not created by froxlor. and oh well....if you'd rather reinstall again...then good luck
  6. Also, maybe better join discord so we can discuss and check more efficiently...
  7. Did you watch the setup-video on youtube? I dont know you setup, i dont know your domain, your ip, what you did on the installation etc.etc.etc - provide more details please. Otherwise my point is: works for me and plenty of other people
  8. Be sure to use the fqdn you've specified and possibly try an Apache restart (not just reload).
  9. Habe die Demo mal auf php8.3 gestellt - scheint soweit keine probleme zu machen. Müsste ich aber noch genauer testen
  10. Die Infos kommen mit der v2.1 - siehe https://docs.froxlor.org/v2.1/general/installation/ Und nein, php-8.3 habe ich noch nicht getestet, wir konzentrieren uns im normalfall auf die default php versionen der unterrstützten Distros
  11. SSL in den Einstellungen aktivieren, SSL IP/port erstellen, den Domains zuweisen und certificate setzen oder let's encrypt aktivieren
  12. nicht das ich wüsste, hab schon einige upgrades gehabt, alles super nein die php.ini hat damit ja nix zu tun, kommt drauf an wie die application die mysql-datenbank anspricht, z.B. via mysqli oder PDO - froxlor z.B. nutzt PDO und da muss man nix in der php.ini einstellen wäre mir neu.
  13. Then something is not correct because your php does not get parsed. The default installation sets up php-fpm which only works if the domain resolves correctly and thus the webserver uses the correct virtual-host config. Did you try a simple "systemctl restart apache2"? Maybe the reload just did not do the job correctly...and by default you should not need to append the /froxlor path to the domain to access froxlor
  14. well your domain resolves to the ip-addresses: froxlor.haitran.me. 285 IN A froxlor.haitran.me. 285 IN A Configured in your froxlor seems to be and an ipv6
  15. In case the installation process went through successfully, you did specify a fqdn there, you need to use it instead of the ip address, because it's configured to use php-fpm. Try forcing the cron to regenerate all configs and see if there are any errors: /var/www/html/froxlor/bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:cron -fd
  16. And this is important why? the page was done in 2022...
  17. Your JSON array is wrong, instead of "params":[{"email_part":"test86","domain":"domain.tld"}] just use "params":{"email_part":"test86","domain":"domain.tld"} Difference (as php would view it): [ "command" => "Emails.add", "params" => [ [ "email_part" => "test86", "domain" => "domain.tld" ] ] ] and the correct syntax: [ "command" => "Emails.add", "params" => [ "email_part" => "test86", "domain" => "domain.tld" ] ]
  18. So by your question I guess it's not working? Why waste time for a meta question ... just post the error/response
  19. simple, see https://docs.froxlor.org/latest/api-guide#_2-request-structure-layout You have a "command" part but your parameters are not in the "params" part
  20. doch sicher...du weist doch dem kunden eine Subdomain zu, setz halt da den Server-Alias auf "kein Alias" oder "www-Alias" und dann kannst du wunderbar auch Let's Encrypt verwenden edit: du sollst ja nicht in froxlor einen Wildcard-Alias erstellen, sondern in der DNS Zone ...z.B. @ IN A * IN A Damit zeigt: "domain.tld" auf genauso wie auch "irgendwas.domain.tld" oder "wasanderes.domain.tld" oder was auch immer
  21. Alternativ setze halt für die Domain von der du Subdomains erstellst einfach einen Wildcard Eintrag...
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