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Froxlor upgrade cannot be completed (Froxlor: 0.10 -> 2.1.6-1 | Ubuntu 18.04 -> 20.04 -> 22.04)



Good day to you, or good night, depending on the rotation of your location :)

I have upgraded a server running Froxlor 0.10.x from Ubuntu 18.04 in the following way:

  • disabled all external sources
  • Ubuntu 18.04 -> 20.04
  • remove froxlor package, as it was blocking due to unmet dependencies (same with ibnss-mysql-bg)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 -> 22.04
  • followed upgrade guide from 0.10 -> 2.0 -> 2.1 (dovecot & proftpd)
  • added froxlor repo
  • Froxlor install 2.1.6-1
  • Froxlor page not found
  • fixed location in froxlor vhosts, apparently moved from /var/www/froxlor to /var/www/html/froxlor
  • page shows internal server error, logs show php7.4-fpm not available (duh)
  • fixed php-fpm failures: since it was looking for 7.4 I manually edited the froxlor vhost to 8.1
  • Froxlor page reachable and shows:

However any login throws me back to above page with no additional shown errors or changes. Looks like a simple page refresh.

There are no errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log, so I created an error config in the vhost I am accessing (ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/froxlor_error.log") -> file remains empty.

At this point I am out of ideas and hope that somebody can help me. 🙏


11 answers to this question

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  • 1
Just now, dyers said:

I meant the froxlor user Admin has been renamed.

no, it has not

1 minute ago, dyers said:

So I feel stupid.
I changed the BROWSER from Chrome to Safari. And the page appeared after login just fine -.-

and the upgrade worked fine too...

so, a local cache thing then....aight :)

  • 0
12 minutes ago, dyers said:


This still exists? It should be libnss-extrausers for years now.

13 minutes ago, dyers said:

fixed location in froxlor vhosts, apparently moved from /var/www/froxlor to /var/www/html/froxlor

Is mentioned in the announcement of 2.0

Regarding login, validate the froxlor local user and the permissions on /car/customers/tmp/froxlor.panel/ - although there should definitely be something in the Webserver errorlog or php-fpm log

  • 0
17 minutes ago, d00p said:


This folder doesn't even exist :o 

I just removed the fpm configuration for the froxlor vhost - still no joy and same behaviour as detailed above.

I also checked the database for the local froxlor user. User with adminid 1 seems to have been renamed in the past to a custom login name. But that shouldn't be an issue, should it?
I checked the used crypt method:

SELECT `value` FROM `panel_settings` WHERE `varname` = 'passwordcryptfunc'

which came back as '2y'

2 should be blowfish, correct?
How can I match - or regenerate a new password for the user? Although I am certain that it still worked before and after the upgrade to 20.04, where I logged in to froxlor for a quick sanity check.

17 minutes ago, d00p said:

This still exists? It should be libnss-extrausers for years now.

The server was from 2018, so yeah, it DID exist :) - I installed libnss-extrausers now.

Thanks for your suggestions!

  • 0

I am one step further. mysql is throwing errors for a denied user. Thanks to the new ambiguous error reporting I cannot see which one, but from the time its fairly certain it's froxlor.

2024-02-03T21:50:43.502355Z 298 [Warning] [MY-013360] [Server] Plugin mysql_native_password reported: ''mysql_native_password' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use caching_sha2_password instead'
2024-02-03T21:50:43.814065Z 299 [Warning] [MY-013360] [Server] Plugin mysql_native_password reported: ''mysql_native_password' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use caching_sha2_password instead'
2024-02-03T21:50:43.853263Z 300 [Warning] [MY-013360] [Server] Plugin mysql_native_password reported: ''mysql_native_password' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use caching_sha2_password instead'

However when I login from the command line, using the user and password provided in userdata.inc.php:

//automatically generated userdata.inc.php for Froxlor

I get no error:

$ mysql -u froxlor -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 301
Server version: 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> use froxlor;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> SELECT `value` FROM `panel_settings` WHERE `varname` = 'passwordcryptfunc';
| value |
| 2y    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


  • 0
37 minutes ago, dyers said:

I also checked the database for the local froxlor user. User with adminid 1 seems to have been renamed in the past to a custom login name. But that shouldn't be an issue, should it

No nothing user related has been renamed. The local user for php-fpm has nothing to do with any user within froxlor itself

38 minutes ago, dyers said:

which came back as '2y'

2 should be blowfish, correct?


38 minutes ago, dyers said:

How can I match - or regenerate a new password for the user? Although I am certain that it still worked before and after the upgrade to 20.04, where I logged in to froxlor for a quick sanity check.

User-Login should work without any issues after a update. Never had any issues with that.

10 minutes ago, dyers said:

I am one step further. mysql is throwing errors for a denied user.

A deprecated warning will not prevent any logins

Also MySQL User Login != Froxlor webui Login. These are completely different things.


As said before, mostly this is something related to sessions. Please check Webserver and php-fpm logs.

  • 0
3 minutes ago, d00p said:

User-Login should work without any issues after a update. Never had any issues with that.

So I feel stupid.
I changed the BROWSER from Chrome to Safari. And the page appeared after login just fine -.-

and the upgrade worked fine too...

Thank you for your time @d00p, sorry for wasting it. 😕 

PS: I am now setting up all services again, so maybe I come back soon(tm) with new issues. :) 

3 minutes ago, d00p said:

No nothing user related has been renamed.

I meant the froxlor user Admin has been renamed.

3 minutes ago, d00p said:

A deprecated warning will not prevent any logins

Also MySQL User Login != Froxlor webui Login. These are completely different things.

Good to know! Yeah, I though the message meant the login has been denied, it doesn't though.


  • 0
3 minutes ago, d00p said:

no, it has not

Not by the froxlor team! Somebody must have intervened manually, as it has now a very specific name I recognise from the server owner :) 

  • 0
Just now, dyers said:

Not by the froxlor team! Somebody must have intervened manually, as it has now a very specific name I recognise from the server owner :) 

xD okay, glad to hear that :P I was doubting myself for a second there 😛

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Everything is now working except one page in the admin panel:
If I go to Traffic -> Customers and select the first customer by the link on their name I get an empty page.
URL: https://froxlor/admin_customers.php?page=customers&action=su&id=0

But if I select any other customer I jump into the specific customer panel dashboard of another customer. (the "impersonate" feature, but for the wrong customer - not the one I clicked on.)
eg: https://froxlor/admin_customers.php?page=customers&action=su&id=1

I found out that this is happening because there is no user with id 0 in my database. It seems to be a bug in the table, as it's simply enumerated from 0-n, instead of using the actual users id. The same user having the link with id=0 above actually has id=7 under Resources -> Customers, where the link works fine:
Same for the mismatched customer links. The ids are just ascending no matter the name of the customer (as it seems).

If I manually edit the link to:
the link works as expected. So this seems to be a bug in the table, right?

The issues with chrome continued with clean caches until I deleted the cookies for the froxlor admin panel 😕 

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