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Posted (edited)

Dear Froxlor Community,

we are proud to announce the final release of version 0.9.37 which includes a complete DNS editor for domains and also supports PowerDNS in standalone mode as nameserver.

Admins and customers are now able to edit the DNS settings of domains. You can freely add and remove entries - froxlor will always ensure that the basic required entries are present. These are NS, MX and A/AAAA. They will always be generated if not overwritten by a custom entry.
The access to the DNS-editor can be managed on a per-customer base by the admin. Only domains that have the nameserver-flag enabled and which are allowed to be edited by the customer can have DNS records.
Please keep in mind that we limited the record-types to the following list: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV, TXT
We are aware that DNS is way more that that and that there is always a bunch of users who need other types - patches and pull-requests are always welcomed ;-)


NOTE: If you are using <=PHP-5.3 you will need to patch the file lib/functions/dns/function.CreateDomainZone.php as follows as we missed using the 'long' array syntax there (will be fixed in the first maintenance release). See https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/compare/51152ef0262f...11d358133e57

--- a/lib/functions/dns/function.createDomainZone.php
+++ b/lib/functions/dns/function.createDomainZone.php
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ function createDomainZone($domain_id, $froxlorhostname = false, $isMainButSubTo
        if ($domain['isemaildomain'] === '1') {
                addRequiredEntry('@', 'MX', $required_entries);
                if (Settings::Get('system.dns_createmailentry')) {
-                       foreach(['imap', 'pop3', 'mail', 'smtp'] as $record) {
-                               foreach(['AAAA', 'A'] as $type) {
+                       foreach(array('imap', 'pop3', 'mail', 'smtp') as $record) {
+                               foreach(array('AAAA', 'A') as $type) {
                                        addRequiredEntry($record, $type, $required_entries);

As alternative to bind, you are now able to use PowerDNS (pdns) as nameserver.
Attention: you will have to create the powerdns database yourself! When using froxlor's configuraton template for powerdns, froxlor will use powerdns' configuration file to read the database-user-credentials to be able to add/edit/remove zones and records. So double check that all path's are correct.
Minor enhancements

You can now also customize the global customer-docroot options when using apache webserver and mod_php. Please be aware that no syntax-checking is done (as known from 'specialsettings' or 'custom vhost-content').
The warn-emails about traffic and web-usage can now be enabled and disabled separately by setting the required percentage to 0.
In addition to that, admins can now specify whether specific menu-items are hidden from the customer (regardless of resources assigned to the customer). These settings are global and valid for all customers.

Changes in 0.9.37:
You can see all (minor) changes in our bugtracker at https://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/72 and https://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/74

Download: 0.9.37

Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages will be available shortly as usual.

Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net.

Thank you,

Edited by d00p
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the new update. It's great to add subdomains on other servers without having to add an IP/Port for it and having to disable all the apache-related things.


But it looks like it's not taking the records into consideration. I had to add records down below for them to be taken into consideration. I tested with a couple A records and they didn't seem to work.


I had to add this for it to work:


$ORIGIN vpn.domain.com.
@       18000   IN      A


Also, it seems that the box is outside of the container making my chrome's horizontal scrollbar stretch way far to the right. Not sure if anyone is experiencing similar issues.


EDIT: Apparently this doesn't take any effects unless bind9 is restarted. This is something that froxlor doesn't do I think.




Of course we restart bind. Sounds like you did not configure it correctly. This has been verified to work judt fine by many people from the community


Thanks! Yeah, I have it configured properly, I just didn't know if bind was restarted since I couldn't see immediate results. But everything works fine.


Also, the css/styling issue seems to be fixed now.


Thanks again.

  • d00p unpinned this topic

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