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[solved] Moving/upgrading a froxlor system from ubuntu to debian, how to move database?



So, I have an old froxlor setup on ubuntu (10.x) that I'd like to update.

Figure the best supported system that I'm used to managing would be debian based.

Current froxlor version is 0.9.27 and mysql is 5.1.x


What's the best way to move the database itself over?


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10 answers to this question

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Well, you not only have to transfer the customer- and froxlor-databases but also the "mysql" database as well, as it includes all the users, passwords and permissions of the databases. I only transfered from and to the same distro so i cannot tell you for sure if this is going to work. But you definetly need to run the "mysql_upgrade" command on the new system (there's a newer mysql-version for sure :P). Updating froxlor itself is no big deal. It's just files and a few databases changes that froxlor does itself after copying the new files. But don't forget to backup!

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Luckily these are all VMs so I can keep the old system alive/well until I'm sure I've gotten the new one right.

The move of /var/customers should be pretty easy since I can keep everything alive until I get it right, just rsync them from time to time.

My biggest worry is the mysql database, I'm not much of a DBA, know enough to get myself in trouble.  :)

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New system just went live.

Main steps were:

0. configure froxlor on new system (setup config files and so on)

1. mysqldump --password=securePassword --user=froxlor froxlor >froxx.out  (on old system)

2. copy froxx.out to new system.
3. cat froxx.out | mysql --user=froxlor --password=newSecurePassword froxlor
4. cd /var;rsync customers newsysIP:/var/
4a. When I logged into froxlor on the new system, it noticed that it had been upgraded and offered to update the DB for me.
5. cutover IPs of old and new.
That's about it.  There were a few glitches once I got going, (apache SSL, auth in SMTP, clamAV scanning) but these weren't major and just needed some config fiddling.
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BTW, rainloop is a very nice webmail system, wasn't hard to install at all.

(was using roundcube, decided to try rainloop with the new system)

But with one limitation that prevent the use of it in a business environment: You are free to use RainLoop Webmail for your personal or non-profit projects.

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Your steps are not complete...you're just dumping the froxlor-database. what about the customer-databases? What about the "mysql"-database which holds all the user/password of the customers? I told you about that earlier....

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But with one limitation that prevent the use of it in a business environment: You are free to use RainLoop Webmail for your personal or non-profit projects.

Luckily, my little ISP in a box is hobby and I don't charge my friends for hosting their domains.

But good point for others thinking to use it.

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Your steps are not complete...you're just dumping the froxlor-database. what about the customer-databases? What about the "mysql"-database which holds all the user/password of the customers? I told you about that earlier....

For me, they are.   :)

My customers don't have databases, all I have is froxlor.  I'm assuming the user/passwords you're referring to are for the customer databases (that I don't have  :) )

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