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Everything posted by d00p

  1. An answer after almost 2 years? C'mon, let dead threads be dead...also, checkout froxlor's master branch on github, we heavely reworked dns and have a DNS editor now
  2. Dear Froxlor Community, we are proud to announce the final release of 0.9.36 which comes with a customer backup solution and some improvements for our Let's Encrypt implementation. Customer backup If enabled, customer are now able to backup their data from within the panel. A nightly cronjob processes the backup-jobs and stores the archive into the customer-given directory. Of course, the time interval for the cronjob can be changed according to your needs. Let's Encrypt Our implementation of LE now handles alias-domains correctly and adds them to the SAN list of the certificate-request. Changes in 0.9.36: You can see all changes in our bugtracker at https://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/71 Download: 0.9.36 Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages will be available shortly as usual. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  3. Dear Froxlor Community, we are proud to announce the final release of 0.9.35 which includes some new kick-ass features. Support for Let's Encrypt Many of you were waiting for this one for quite some time now. We finally managed to include ssl-certificate generation via Let's Encrypt directly within froxlor's interface. It's easy as a click on "use let's encrypt" when adding/editing a domain. The certificate will be created and renewed automatically. Please keep in mind that this feature is in BETA state. - Important: Let's Encrypt uses cURL - ensure you have the php-curl extension installed on your system - To ensure the Let's Encrypt cronjob is in your /etc/cron.d/froxlor file, please run the cronjob manually using the --force parameter, e.g. php /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --force - As Let's Encrypt uses requests to a special URI you need to configure an Alias for your webserver to do so follow these simple steps: - activate Let's Encrypt in the settings - as admin, goto Configuration -> select your distro -> select Webserver -> select your software - copy'n'paste the acme.conf part of the configration template - restart/reload webserver Multiple default IP addresses You can now select multiple IP addresses you want to be set as default for new domains in the System-settings. Until now it was only possible to define one default IP address. This is especially handy if your server has an IPv4 and IPv6 address for example. Auto-Update As of the release candidate 0.9.35-rc1, you are be able to update to future releases from within the webinterface. It will automatically download the latest archive and extract it - and you're done. Most of you will first enjoy this after our next release ;-) Menu structure We re-organized some menu-items to reflect their corresponding affinity. The former "Server" category is now called "System". PHP related settings / information are now in their own category. Also "IPs and Ports" and "Recalculate resource usage" were put in the "Resources" category (where they belong). Set MYSQL_PASSWORD on configuration templates It is now possible to set the MYSQL_PASSWORD value (via JavaScript, only client-side) when configurating services with our templates. This eases the process and you do not need to search and replace for MYSQL_PASSWORD in the config files again (also you are likely to not miss any of the occurences). System-Log for customer The customers are now able to see actions related to their account in the menu-item "System-Log", depending on the log-level set in the settings. This is also very helpful for response-messages from Let's Encrypt. Changes in 0.9.35: You can see all changes in our bugtracker at http://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/68 and http://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/70 Download: 0.9.35 Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages are now available. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  4. Latest commit bc336c6 on 13 Jun 2015.... and why advertise your fork if you could for example contribute things like that as pull-request?
  5. Dear Froxlor Community, we are proud to announce the first release candidate for our upcoming version 0.9.35 which includes some new kick-ass features. Support for Let's Encrypt Many of you were waiting for this one for quite some time now. We finally managed to include ssl-certificate generation via Let's Encrypt directly within froxlor's interface. It's easy as a click on "use let's encrypt" when adding/editing a domain. The certificate will be created and renewed automatically. Please keep in mind that this feature is in BETA state. VHost-Templates Froxlor now provides an editor for custom virtual-host configurations for you. Whenever you have special needs for specific domains or you want to have full control over the content of the generated virtual-hosts - this feature is what you want :-) This feature was not fully operational and will not be included in the final version of 0.9.35 Multiple default IP addresses You can now select multiple IP addresses you want to be set as default for new domains in the System-settings. Until now it was only possible to define one default IP address. This is especially handy if your server has an IPv4 and IPv6 address for example. Auto-Update As of this release candidate, you will be able to update to future releases from within the webinterface. It will automatically download the latest archive and extract it - and you're done - and yes, you can use that already to update to the final release of 0.9.35 when it's released. Menu structure We re-organized some menu-items to reflect their corresponding affinity. The former "Server" category is now called "System". PHP related settings / information are now in their own category. Also "IPs and Ports" and "Recalculate resource usage" were put in the "Resources" category (where they belong). Set MYSQL_PASSWORD on configuration templates It is now possible to set the MYSQL_PASSWORD value (via JavaScript, only client-side) when configurating services with our templates. This eases the process and you do not need to search and replace for MYSQL_PASSWORD in the config files again (also you are likely to not miss any of the occurences). System-Log for customer The customers are now able to see actions related to their account in the menu-item "System-Log", depending on the log-level set in the settings. This is also very helpful for response-messages from Let's Encrypt. Changes in 0.9.35-rc1: You can see all (minor) changes in our bugtracker at http://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/68 Download: 0.9.35-rc1 Note: Gentoo users might use the 9999 ebuild for a live-version. There will be no Debian packages for release-candidates. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  6. We are somewhat like cpanel....it's the same thing there....you may want to call it "users" instead of "customers" if it suites you better, but it stays the same somehow.
  7. 1) remove all custom vhosts and let the default point to /var/www/ as intended. that way you can open http://[ip]/froxlor 2) you do know what froxlor is for dont you? I'm a bit confused that you don't know what i mean with "customer". That's what froxlor is about, providing an interface for shared-hosting customers (and you as admin of course...)
  8. No, customer was not a typo. Open froxlor, add a customer, move wordpress to the customers docroot, remove any custom vhosts and let froxlors cronjob create them for you. Then you can open wordpress with the standardsubdomain created by froxlor or you add another domain for the customer and use that.
  9. Froxlor handles its own stuff. You should add a customer and move the wordpress stuff in the customer docroot with its own domain/subdomain.
  10. I'd guess you already have a special vhost for your wordpress, elseway it would make no sense why you hit its 404 handler...A common default vhost points to /var/www/, that's why we can say: open http://[ip]/froxlor ...
  11. Dear Froxlor Community, as our latest stable release of froxlor is quite established now, it is time for some minor bugfixes and improvements. Changes in / + #1562: added always_populate_raw_post_data when create php-fpm config file + #1566: added Apache 2.4 als Auswahl im Setup + #1567: added orange/warning color in web- and traffic-progress bars (admin/customer overview) ~ #611: fixed function.findDirs stops after first unreadable directory ~ #1517: fixed SUSE config files not accessible ~ #1550: fixed Read config file in panels ~ #1553: fixed frische Installation auf openSuSE 13.2 ~ #1554: fixed Password Reset defect / MD5 hashed password recalculated to faulty hash ~ #1555: fixed PHP Notice: Undefined variable: domain in /var/www/froxlor/scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php on line 321 ~ #1556: fixed libnss-mysql might return wrong username ~ #1559: fixed incorrect Mail Path ~ #1565: fixed vhosts f?r deaktivierte user werden erstellt ~ #1568: fixed ssl settings werden bei rewrite nicht angewendet ~ #1575: fixed Debian Wheezy postfix wrong sql statements or wrong main.cf ~ #1578: fixed Warnung bei Standard FTP-User ~ #1582: fixed Install prompt in Froxlor incorrect - Bind9 Start Error rndc: connect failed: connection refused ~ #1583: fixed SSL aktiv obwohl kein Zertifikat hinterlegt wurde You can see all changes in our bugtracker at http://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/69 Download: Update: Due to an issue with the nginx-cron file we updated the release to Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages are now available. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  12. We have had this idea before...basically, just putt something like "Hook::callHook('name')" at any position you want to implement a hook. then have a static Hook-class that searches (defined) paths for files providing the hook-function 'name' and run it.
  13. steht im handbuch, der user muss angelegt werden. Siehe https://redmine.froxlor.org/projects/froxlor/wiki/FPM_-_handbook#5-Enable-fastcgi-and-PHP-FPM-in-Froxlor
  14. Dear Froxlor Community, today we are releasing our next major stable release 0.9.34 which (finally) brings configuration templates for Debian Jessie's services. The domain-import feature was enhanced, so even more fields can be specified, see http://redmine.froxlor.org/projects/froxlor/wiki/DomainBulkActionDoc for more detailed information. Configuration templates for dovecot now include managesieve / sieve so you can use server-side filtering-scripts - yay We also changed the naming of the virtual-config files for the webserver to allow the use of nth-level subdomains (sub.sub.sub.domain.tld or even deeper). And for apache, we now support mpm-itk. Additionally, a community driven feature was merged which allows the viewing of older statistics, when using awstats. Our database-integrity-check now checks for correct membership of webserver- and local froxlor-user/group when using FCGID / php-fpm or mpm-itk. Important: The already deprecated configuration templates for the following distributions have been dropped: Debian Squeeze (6.x), Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) and SUSE Linux Enterprise. We also had to drop support for FreeBSD because no one in the team uses it and can test the config (feel free to contact us, if you do!). Changes in 0.9.34: + #545: add access to older statistics when using awstats + #957: added managesieve/sieve to configuration-templates of dovecot + #1400: added support for apache mpm-itk + #1485: check for existence of ssl-files and if not, do not create ssl-related vhost-settings + #1486: added possibility to specify umask when using FCGID ~ #1488: fixed css issues ~ #1491: fixed changing of webserver-user/group in the users-table when they were changed in the settings ~ #1492: fixed missing LSB tags for php-fcgi on debian based distros ~ #1503: fixed database-connection when using sockets, do not replace 'host' value but use 'socket' ~ #1507: fixed open_basedir-path when using mod_php ~ #1512: enhanced domain-import, see http://redmine.froxlor.org/projects/froxlor/wiki/DomainBulkActionDoc ~ #1535: fixed problem when using sub-subdomain (or deeper) with apache due to file-naming ~ #1541: enhanced default ssl-cipher-list to be more secure - #xxxx: removed webftp-script as we think this is a possible security issue and not necessary You can see all changes in our bugtracker at http://redmine.froxlor.org/versions/55 Download: 0.9.34 Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages are now available. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  15. You sir have a completely other problem. Please open a new topic.
  16. Sorry, as i was pushed to do a release it just got lost in the hurry...removing all .log files from the directory should do the job, alternatively just use the class.ConfigIO.php from Github (https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/blob/0_9_34/lib/classes/webserver/class.ConfigIO.php)
  17. Dear Froxlor-community, due to a severe security issue in the database logging system, we strongly recommend to update your current froxlor installation to We also recommend to remove any content from the /froxlor/logs/ directory. Download: Note: Gentoo-ebuild and Debian packages are now available.. Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net. Thank you, d00p
  18. joa is ja bald nen halbes Jahr her, hat sich wohl erledigt
  19. d00p

    FTP Pfade

    Daf?r ist FTP auch nicht gedacht, schon garnicht f?r Kunden. Wenn du als root-user ungerne auf der Konsole spielst, sondern Dateien lieber "Explorer"-like browsed, empfehle ich dir Tools wie "WinSCP"
  20. Where did you find anything from 2014-11-30??? Anyway - not part of froxlor -> not an "update error"
  21. Looks like you are using the (very old) spamassassin-module which was community-based (not part of froxlor!) - your database knows about the language files but you seem to have removed them from your froxlor-directory
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