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Developing a mailman module




As mentioned bevor I am interested in a mailman module for froxlor. So I started to adapt the old syscp mailman module for froxlor (0.9.12).

The base of operations is as followed:

- installing a fresh froxlor version

- downloading the module from the syscp forum (version mailman-0.1.3.tar.gz)

- copying the files to the froxlor folder


I have run the following sql command

CREATE TABLE modules_mailman (
 id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `type` enum('list','update','new','delete','system','del_archive') NOT NULL default 'list',
 customerid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 domainid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 listid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 list_name tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_webhost tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_owner tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_mailhost tinytext NOT NULL,
 transport tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_password tinytext NOT NULL,


to guarantee that the database is up to date (no missing tables).



I have created a file 99.mailman.php in lib/navigation

return array (
   	'admin' => array (
           	'mailman' => array (
                   	'label' => $lng['admin']['mailman'],
                   	'show_element' => true,
                   	'elements' => array (
                           	array (
                                   	'url' => 'modules_admin_mailman.php?page=lists',
                                   	'label' => $lng['menue']['mailinglists']['mailinglists'],


After that I added the content of lng/modules/mailman/german.lng.php to lng/german.lng.php


Doing so I got my entry in main navigation and a link to the old admin mailinglist menu.


I've tryed to use that link, but I got a "blank" page, which means that there are no system and froxlor mailinglists (which is correct, there are none defined on my system yet) but I am not able to adept the pathes for mailman. phpmyadmin shows, that there were mailman entrys in panel_settings, but it seems but they are not displayed. Can you give me a hint which file / entrys I have to change?

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The page isn't blank in terms of a white page, but the page doesn't contain any predefined entry.

I hope, the following picture helps illustrating

post-310-087651700 1286203710_thumb.jpg


well, as this is an external module, i don't know its code, maybe it returns an empty resultset from the database, or does not output its content correctly


I might have found the point why the output is not set.

The template uses something like

 <td class="main_field_name">{$lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['rmlist_path']}</td>
 <td class="main_field_display" nowrap="nowrap"><input type="text" name="system_rmlist_path" value="{$settings['mailman']['system_rmlist_path']}" /></td>

and I cannot found, where


is set.


As froxlor uses something like

<if ($userinfo['tickets_used'] < $userinfo['tickets'] || $userinfo['tickets'] == '-1') && ($ticketsopen < $settings['ticket']['concurrently_open'] || ($settings['ticket']['concurrently_open'] == '-1' || $settings['ticket']['concurrently_open'] == '')) >

in tickets.tpl can you explain, where


is set, so I perhaps get a hint, in which datas I have to search to adapt the mailman module?


all stuff in $settings can be found in the database-table panel_settings, where the first index of the array (e.g. ticket) is the groupname and the second (e.g. concurrently_open) is the varname


Ok, thanks.

If I understand you right, if I have a following entry in panel_settings

  • settinggroup: mailman
  • varname: system_rmlist_path
  • value: /usr/sbin/rmlist

the value will be accessable by



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