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Creating a Customer via API does not create a standard Subdomain

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I try to create a customer via the API. The customer is created, but the standard subdomain is omitted.When I create a customer via the GUI, the standard subdomain is created. I run 2.2.1-1. This worked fine in last years version.

This is my API payload:

 const command = {
    command: "Customers.add",
    params: {
      new_loginname: customer.loginname,
      email: customer.email,
      firstname: customer.firstname,
      name: customer.lastname,
      company: `HTL Villach / ${customer.clazz}-24/25`,
      store_defaultindex: 1,
      sendpassword: 1,
      createstdsubdomain: true,
      // adminid: 1,
      gender: customer.gender,
      street: "Tschinowitscher Weg 5",
      zipcode: "9600",
      city: "Villach",
      phone: "",
      fax: "",
      customernumber: "",
      def_language: "de",
      diskspace: 1000,
      //      diskspace_used: 628,
      mysqls: 4,
      ftps: 1,
      subdomains: 1,
      traffic: 10,
      pop3: 0,
      imap: 0,
      perlenabled: 1,
      phpenabled: 1,
      dnsenabled: 0,
      logviewenabled: 1,
      theme: "Froxlor_dark",
      custom_notes: "",
      allowed_phpconfigs: [1],
      allowed_mysqlserver: [0],

I also tried

createstdsubdomain: 1,

 What can I do to create a stabdad subdomain for a customer via the API?


Whats the result of the API call? Anything in the logs (should be originating from froxlor with [API] prefixed to the message)

Posted (edited)

This is the API response, iz basically tells me that all is OK

    "data": {
        "customerid": 243,
        "loginname": "aaaaaa",
        "password": "$2y$10$py7pPqvFcPVhij9vUd5dxO0kP0/R2jROfP7zB6VYAo77Rwq6etNx.",
        "adminid": 4,
        "name": "AA",
        "firstname": "AA",
        "gender": 1,
        "company": "HTL Villach / 2AFITT-24/25",
        "street": "Tschinowitscher Weg 5",
        "zipcode": "9600",
        "city": "Villach",
        "phone": "",
        "fax": "",
        "email": "somebody@tld.com",
        "customernumber": "",
        "def_language": "de",
        "diskspace": 1024000,
        "diskspace_used": 0,
        "mysqls": 4,
        "mysqls_used": 0,
        "emails": 0,
        "emails_used": 0,
        "email_accounts": 0,
        "email_accounts_used": 0,
        "email_forwarders": 0,
        "email_forwarders_used": 0,
        "email_quota": -1,
        "email_quota_used": 0,
        "ftps": 1,
        "ftps_used": 0,
        "subdomains": 1,
        "subdomains_used": 0,
        "traffic": 10485760,
        "traffic_used": 0,
        "documentroot": "/var/customers/webs/aaaaaa/",
        "standardsubdomain": 0,
        "guid": 10242,
        "ftp_lastaccountnumber": 0,
        "mysql_lastaccountnumber": 0,
        "deactivated": 0,
        "phpenabled": 1,
        "lastlogin_succ": 0,
        "lastlogin_fail": 0,
        "loginfail_count": 0,
        "reportsent": 0,
        "pop3": 0,
        "imap": 0,
        "perlenabled": 1,
        "dnsenabled": 0,
        "theme": "Froxlor_dark",
        "custom_notes": "",
        "custom_notes_show": 0,
        "lepublickey": null,
        "leprivatekey": null,
        "leregistered": 0,
        "allowed_phpconfigs": "[1]",
        "type_2fa": 0,
        "data_2fa": "",
        "api_allowed": 1,
        "logviewenabled": 1,
        "allowed_mysqlserver": "[0]",
        "gui_access": 1,
        "adminname": "wiiadmin"

The log tells me:

[API] Unable to add standard-subdomain: No more resources available

 I create the user for the admin "wiiadmin"

Wiiadmin has unlimited subdomains.

Fun fact: when I create the user for "admin", it works.

Edited by rhufsky
additional info

hm....no resources is weird, a standardcustomerdomain is not supposed to be counted to the domain-resources ... I'll check, thanks for the feedback


Seems I found the reason. I created the customer with the credentials of "wiiadmin". This admin had Domains=0, I changed ths to "unlimited" and now it works.

What is confusing though:

  • When Domains is set to 0 for an admin, Froxlor API happily creates the customer and just omits the standard domain without further warnings or error messages.
  • When I create the customer with the credentials of "admin", it creates the standard domain anyways. When I move this customer to "wiiadmin" with Domains set to 0 also no complaints.

Anyways, the hint to the logs helped a lot.   


I agree, there should be an active display of "issues" when creating a customer which not directly affects the resource "customer" (e.g. std-subdomain could not be added, or similar). 

For the main issue, as any admin who can create users should be able to create std-subdomains, you might want to test the following patch:



Thanks, I will happily test that. Alas, the attachment seems to be unavailable for now. Maybe both of us should enjoy the upcoming weekend now 🙂



Weird, I'm not aware of any restrictions for attachments...need to check. In the meatime here:

diff --git a/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Customers.php b/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Customers.php
index ccbef644..f0492ed2 100644
--- a/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Customers.php
+++ b/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Customers.php
@@ -738,11 +738,12 @@ class Customers extends ApiCommand implements ResourceEntity
 							'adminid' => $this->getUserDetail('adminid'),
 							'docroot' => $documentroot,
 							'phpenabled' => $phpenabled,
-							'openbasedir' => '1'
+							'openbasedir' => '1',
+							'is_stdsubdomain' => 1
 						$domainid = -1;
 						try {
-							$std_domain = $this->apiCall('Domains.add', $ins_data);
+							$std_domain = $this->apiCall('Domains.add', $ins_data, true);
 							$domainid = $std_domain['id'];
 						} catch (Exception $e) {
 							$this->logger()->logAction(FroxlorLogger::ADM_ACTION, LOG_ERR, "[API] Unable to add standard-subdomain: " . $e->getMessage());
diff --git a/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Domains.php b/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Domains.php
index 2dfbfb94..0ed0fbc9 100644
--- a/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Domains.php
+++ b/lib/Froxlor/Api/Commands/Domains.php
@@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ class Domains extends ApiCommand implements ResourceEntity
 	 *            $override_tls is true
 	 * @param string $description
 	 *            optional custom description (currently not used/shown in the frontend), default empty
-	 *
+	 * @param bool $is_stdsubdomain (internally)
+	 *            optional whether this is a standard subdomain for a customer which is being added so no usage is decreased
 	 * @access admin
 	 * @return string json-encoded array
 	 * @throws Exception
@@ -282,7 +283,8 @@ class Domains extends ApiCommand implements ResourceEntity
 	public function add()
 		if ($this->isAdmin()) {
-			if ($this->getUserDetail('domains_used') < $this->getUserDetail('domains') || $this->getUserDetail('domains') == '-1') {
+			$is_stdsubdomain = $this->isInternal() ? $this->getBoolParam('is_stdsubdomain', true, 0) : false;
+			if ($is_stdsubdomain || $this->getUserDetail('domains_used') < $this->getUserDetail('domains') || $this->getUserDetail('domains') == '-1') {
 				// parameters
 				$p_domain = $this->getParam('domain');

@@ -795,12 +797,15 @@ class Domains extends ApiCommand implements ResourceEntity
 					$ins_data['id'] = $domainid;

-					$upd_stmt = Database::prepare("
-						UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_ADMINS . "` SET `domains_used` = `domains_used` + 1
-						WHERE `adminid` = :adminid");
-					Database::pexecute($upd_stmt, [
-						'adminid' => $adminid
-					], true, true);
+					if (!$is_stdsubdomain) {
+						$upd_stmt = Database::prepare("
+							UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_ADMINS . "` SET `domains_used` = `domains_used` + 1
+							WHERE `adminid` = :adminid
+						");
+						Database::pexecute($upd_stmt, [
+							'adminid' => $adminid
+						], true, true);
+					}

 					$ins_stmt = Database::prepare("


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