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Cant access the Froxlor server management panel after installation



Hello everyone,

I currently have the problem, that i cant access the server management panel after the installation of froxlor.
I followed the official instructions on https://docs.froxlor.org/latest/general/installation/apt-package.html,
but when i try and access the management panel afterwards, i get a 404.

I was thinking if it was connected to my problem with the FQDN-Name of my server, as when i tried to enter the name i recieved from my console with the hostname-command 'DiceTales', it wouldnt work.
Only after i added '.de' to the name it accepted it, but now i wonder if i have to change the hostname to 'DiceTales.de' or if i can leave it at 'DiceTales'

6 answers to this question

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DiceTales is a hostname, not a full qualified domain name, that would be "DiceTales.de" (hostname + Tld).

Regarding installation, you will have to specify a Full qualified domain name - but of course you cannot just use any domain, you have to own it and the DNS entries need to point to your server.

So, if you so not own the domain DiceTales.de you cannot use it

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Thank you for the quick respone, regarding owning 'DiceTales.de', I do. 

But I still cant access the management panel. From the instructions i get that it should have been installed, when i finished the normal installation via the web-interface for the froxler installation?

Or do i have to install additional packages for it?

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So you already did the web-installation process? And you did specify "dicetales.de" as system fqdn? At the end of the installation, you are prompted a shell command which you have to run as root on your server, did you do that?

If everything went through, you just have to visit http://dicetales.de (if that is your froxlor system fqdn) - if not, you might want to check the output of the command you had to run whether there were any issues

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yes,i did the web-installation process, i specified "dicetales.de" as my fqdn and i also executed the shell command without errors.

Is there a way to check the output again? i work with a remote server console, so the output isn't saved.


I added the screenshot of what is being displayed if i try to connect to http://dicetales.de, if that helps. 


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If that is displayed your system fqdn is NOT dicetales.de. Please check the generated virtual-host configuration file (e.g. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled). It should start with 10_froxlor_*

Also, you are welcome to join us on discord to solve your issue - it's a lot faster that way :)

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issue was that the domain for the system-hostname was entered with upper and lowercase letters and the check then compared "dicetales.de" to "DiceTales.de" - future versions will store the value as lowercase in the installprocess to avoid this issue

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