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Import von vielen Emailadressen




ich steh vor der Herausforderung viele Emailadressen zu importieren bzw. neu anzulegen.

Prinzipiell dachte ich, das über die API zu machen, vorzugsweise auf der CLI.

Ist das eine gute Idee?

Gibt es dazu eventuell ein Beispiel?

beste Grüße 

6 answers to this question

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da es keinen email-adressen importer via UI gibt bietet sich die API an ja :)

Ein beispiel wäre:


// include FroxlorAPI helper class
require __DIR__ . '/FroxlorAPI.php';

// create object of FroxlorAPI with URL, apikey and apisecret
$fapi = new FroxlorAPI('', 'your-api-key', 'your-api-secret');

// source data (loginname only required if called as admin/reseller)
$email_addresses = [
  ['email_part' => 'one', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web1'],
  ['email_part' => 'two', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web1'],
  ['email_part' => 'three', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web2'],
  ['email_part' => 'four', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web2'],
  // ...

// loop through data
foreach ($email_addresses as $email_addr)
  // send request
  $fapi->request('Emails.add', $email_addr);
  // check for error
  if ($fapi->getLastStatusCode() != 200) {
	echo "HTTP-STATUS: " . $fapi->getLastStatusCode() . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Description: "  . $response['message'] . PHP_EOL;


See also API documentation: https://docs.froxlor.org/latest/api-guide/commands/emails.html

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nein, Konto anlegen ist ein zweiter Schritt - man kann ja auch Adressen haben, ohne das diese ein Konto sind.

Müsstest du einen zweiten API call machen:


// include FroxlorAPI helper class
require __DIR__ . '/FroxlorAPI.php';

// create object of FroxlorAPI with URL, apikey and apisecret
$fapi = new FroxlorAPI('', 'your-api-key', 'your-api-secret');

// source data (loginname only required if called as admin/reseller)
$email_addresses = [
  ['email_part' => 'one', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web1', 'email_password' => 's3cret'],
  ['email_part' => 'two', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web1'],
  ['email_part' => 'three', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web2'],
  ['email_part' => 'four', 'domain' => 'domain.tld', 'loginname' => 'web2'],
  // ...

// loop through data
foreach ($email_addresses as $email_addr)
  // check for account-password
  $accnt_pwd = $email_addr['email_password'] ?? null;
  // send request
  $fapi->request('Emails.add', $email_addr);
  // check for error
  if ($fapi->getLastStatusCode() != 200) {
	echo "HTTP-STATUS: " . $fapi->getLastStatusCode() . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Description: "  . $response['message'] . PHP_EOL;
  // create account if password is set
  if (!empty($accnt_pwd)) {
    // send request
    $fapi->request('EmailAccounts.add', [
      'emailaddr' => $email_addr['email_part'] . '@' . $email_addr['domain'],
      'loginname' => $email_addr['loginname'],
      'email_password' => $accnt_pwd
    // check for error
    if ($fapi->getLastStatusCode() != 200) {
	  echo "HTTP-STATUS: " . $fapi->getLastStatusCode() . PHP_EOL;
      echo "Description: "  . $response['message'] . PHP_EOL;


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