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I tried to upgrade the froxlor panel using the web update feature... i am now stuck with this:


It seems you are using an older version of PHP

Froxlor requires at least PHP version 7.4.0

The installed version is: 7.3.33-14+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1


php -v

PHP 7.4.33 (cli) (built: Sep  2 2023 08:03:15) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.33, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

I have installed a later version of PHP and made sure it is system default, but Froxlor doesnt seem to recognise that - what am i doing wrong ?

How do i tell Froxlor to use the updated version of PHP ?


Thanks in advance



8 answers to this question

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21 minutes ago, Adam Fyfe said:

How do i tell Froxlor to use the updated version of PHP ?

First, we'd need to know how php is used/integrated. Are you using mod_php or fcgid or php-fpm?

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1 minute ago, d00p said:

As the message states, you will need to install php7.4 or newer (and you definetly should)


as per my post, i have done so, and php -v recognised that, but Froxlor doesnt ?

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and i guess you did not add newer php versions to the available fpm-daemons in froxlor prior to the update and now can't access froxlor to do so.

Try to adjust the values accordingly directly in mysql. The current values are shown by running:

SELECT * FROM `panel_fpmdaemons`;

The important fields to adjust are reload_cmd and config_dir

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You have to regenerate the configs, you can do so by running the froxlor cronjob manually:

/var/www/html/froxlor/bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:cron -fd


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