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After froxlor update to 2.0.10 - cronjobs are not working



Hi, i made a few days ago the update via webservice.. all seems to be ok, but when i created a new domain the workspace folder was not created and than i saw that the cronjobs are not executed.
Any ideas?

8 answers to this question

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Does you php-cli version differ from the mod_php/fcgi/fpm version for web? Try running the cronjob manually to see if there are any issues:

php /var/www/html/froxlor/bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:cron -f -d


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Hi d00p,

thanks for the hint.. indead there is a problem with the php version.. i already fixed this morning some old bugs.. - i upgraded from 7.3 to 7.4 but it seemed to be a mixed instalation.. so froxlor was on 7.4 but the clients still on the old and when i tried to upgrade today to php8.2 than the downgrade to 7.4 only affected the main server and the froxlor.. not the clients.. i found than out to change the symlinks in /usr/bin/php-cgi   etc...and now its ok... but you a re right, when starting the cronjobs i get this error:

Froxlor requires at least php-7.4. Please validate that your php-cli version is suitable.root@mail:~#

so maybe i am missing to fix another symlink...

any ideas?
i also tried to create another php-config to run also joomla 4 so with php8.2 and created a php-config where the binary is "/usr/bin/php-cgi8.2 " but this config is not yet available for the clients to choose.. because of the missing cronjob execution...

but we are on o good way...

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Thanks d00p,

i did this already.. but cannot choose the created php config later in the domain settings.... because its not there. I soluted the cronjob problem.. but i think i have more problems due to an old and buggy installation: bind9 is not starting...
After doing the bind9 configuration  - executeing the comands in the console as root - i get this error:


--- Configuring: SYSTEM ---
bind9.service is not active, cannot reload.
All services have been configured

ystemctl status bind9.service
● bind9.service - BIND Domain Name Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bind9.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-02-07 19:16:03 CET; 5min ago
     Docs: man:named(8)
  Process: 26475 ExecStop=/usr/sbin/rndc stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 24299 ExecReload=/usr/sbin/rndc reload (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 5860 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/named -f $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 5860 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Feb 07 19:16:03 mail named[5860]: /etc/bind/froxlor_bind.conf:339: zone 'www.xxxx.com': already exists previous definition: /
Feb 07 19:16:03 mail named[5860]: loading configuration: failure
Feb 07 19:16:03 mail named[5860]: exiting (due to fatal error)


no idea... checking the configs... ssl all deactivated becaue with not running bind, dns check for letsencrpyt ist no working .... and so on... little complicated...


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49 minutes ago, Oliver Schaarschmidt said:

bind9.service is not active, cannot reload.

this basically means, as you might have specified 'reload' in the command, that a reload is not possible if the service is not running at all (e.g. stopped/crashed).

50 minutes ago, Oliver Schaarschmidt said:

Feb 07 19:16:03 mail named[5860]: /etc/bind/froxlor_bind.conf:339: zone 'www.xxxx.com': already exists previous definition: /
Feb 07 19:16:03 mail named[5860]: loading configuration: failure

also, you might want to check whether you include the froxlor_bind.conf multiple times in the named.conf

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sure understand all this.. but the bind9.service cannot started! its not working, i think due to this error messages... dont understand the problem in froxlor_bind.conf... but mabe i have a general misunderstanding... regarding the configurtation of the domains... because i created long long ago allways domain.ltd  and also www.domain.ltd... wht might me wrong ... have to check what is normal suggested to do.. maybe onle domain.ltd and than alias *wildcard.. ord alias www and both is working ... also with the ssl certs from letsencrypt ??? sorry, i think a stupi basic information missing....

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4 minutes ago, Oliver Schaarschmidt said:

sure understand all this.. but the bind9.service cannot started! its not working, i think due to this error messages... dont understand the problem in froxlor_bind.conf... but mabe i have a general misunderstanding... regarding the configurtation of the domains... because i created long long ago allways domain.ltd  and also www.domain.ltd... wht might me wrong ... have to check what is normal suggested to do.. maybe onle domain.ltd and than alias *wildcard.. ord alias www and both is working ... also with the ssl certs from letsencrypt ??? sorry, i think a stupi basic information missing....

you might want to switch over to the GERMAN section of this forum, I almost got a stroke trying to read/understand this

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