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Customer Backup no path/folder shown but several folders exist in customer root



Hello all,

I am currently struggling to find an Issue in my froxlor config (or less likely a froxlor bug).

I have several customer accounts some of them are showing path/folder options in customer backup some of them not. But all accounts have folders in their root directories. Problem with all accounts is if I add folders (via ftp, chmod 750) to a customer account this new folder is not shown in froxlor UI as a path option.

Any idea where I should have a look in the config or database?

How does froxlor read those path? The moment someone clicks in the UI or is this scaned via a cron task?
Is this somewhere saved into the froxlor db?

Any help and hint is appreciated.

18 answers to this question

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Okay, thanks for the info @d00p.

Which permissions are needed for that? Read for the froxlor process should be enough, right?

Froxlor is running on php-7.3.31 (debian 10 distro php) under the apache2 www-data user. Froxlor is on latest version 0.10.36-1.

For example in one customer account the following folders are existing, but only two of them are shown in froxlor UI, but they have all the same permissions.

drwxr-xr-x 36 root    root    4,0K May  2  2021 ..
drwxr-x---  2 cardcal cardcal 4,0K Jul  5 08:54 backup
drwxr-x---  8 cardcal cardcal 4,0K Dec 23  2018 folder1
drwxr-x---  9 cardcal cardcal 4,0K Dec 26  2018 folder2
-rw-r--r--  1 cardcal cardcal    0 May  2  2021 .htaccess
drwxr-x---  2 cardcal cardcal 4,0K Jul  4 17:26 test

In froxlor UI only "folder1" and "folder2" are shown, "test" and "backup" is missing.

I have no idea why, because they have the same permissions. .htaccess is empty and should not have any impact. There are no other configs for "test" and "backup" such as directory protection.

Do you have any idea whats wrong here?

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6 minutes ago, soxlo said:

In froxlor UI only "folder1" and "folder2" are shown, "test" and "backup" is missing.

looks to me like they have identical permissions set

Are you using mod_php or fpm/fcgid? Do you have libnss-extrausers installed and configured? The www-user should be in the customer's groups to be able to access the folders

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froxlor itself is running with mod_php, apache2 and froxlor user accounts are using php-fpm with different php versions. This setup is running already quite a while, so not a new installation in this case.

I have libnss-extrausers installed and configured.

In the ftp_group database table entry for that users group looks good to me, www-data is a member (also for all other groups):


Strange is that for this user two folders are shown but not the others having the same permissions.

On another customer account no folders are shown but also I think permissions are like they should be.


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This looks good to me, also very strange that only a few folder are shown, so it basically works...froxlor just restricts the depth (subfolders) and will then fallback to an input-field

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I tried to start a backup by creating a valid entry in database table panel_tasks

then I geht the following error at cron job runtime:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'Froxlor\Cron\System\FileDir' not found in /var/www/froxlor/lib/Froxlor/Cron/System/BackupCron.php:161
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/froxlor/lib/Froxlor/Cron/System/BackupCron.php(100): Froxlor\Cron\System\BackupCron::createCustomerBackup(Array, '/var/kunden/web...', Object(Froxlor\FroxlorLogger))
#1 /var/www/froxlor/lib/Froxlor/Cron/MasterCron.php(119): Froxlor\Cron\System\BackupCron::run()
#2 /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php(26): Froxlor\Cron\MasterCron::run()
#3 {main}
  thrown in /var/www/froxlor/lib/Froxlor/Cron/System/BackupCron.php on line 161

might be the same problem why froxlor can not show (some) folders?

Or do I need to do more than just add an entry to the panel_tasks table to fake that backup job?

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well the entry must have valid content...that's why you dont just add things manually do the db

I'll check the error in the backupcron

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Argh, yes, the File::safe_exec on line 161 needs to be \Froxlor\FileDir::safe_exec - but again, this has nothing to do with the ability to read the directories from within the panel

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Evtl. ist der eine Aufruf in Zeile 162 fehlerhaft? https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/blob/master/lib/Froxlor/Cron/System/BackupCron.php#L162

				\Froxlor\FileDir::safe_exec('mysqldump --defaults-file=' . escapeshellarg($mysqlcnf_file) .' -u ' . escapeshellarg($sql_root['user']) . ' ' . $row['databasename'] . ' > ' . FileDir::makeCorrectFile($tmpdir . '/mysql/' . $row['databasename'] . '_' . date('YmdHi', time()) . '.sql'), $bool_false, [

Beim FileDir::makeCorrectFile fehlt da evtl. das /Froxlor/ vorneweg? Also /Froxlor/FileDir::makeCorrectFile?

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Backup was successfully created after I made the fixes in BackupCron.php.

My panel_task entry was valid.

But still have no clue why froxlor can not read the folders in the customer Panel UI.

Does it work as expected in one of your froxlor Installations?

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Maybe the change of the Recursor breaks folder detection somehow?


At the beginning of the year it was working, but sure could be still some missconfiguration on my setup. But in some accounts some folders are found, also found one account on which i get a white page by froxlor. In this account I have a nextcloud running, could be a problem with too many subfolders?

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okay I tried to copy one of the folder which got detected and the copy was also detected but if I create a new one it is not detected - super strange.

Maybe I have some kind of filesystem problem?

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3 minutes ago, d00p said:

Check PHP and Webserver error Log. Can't help without any messages

White Page came from an permission error "failed to open dir: Permission denied in /var/www/froxlor/lib/Froxlor/FileDir.php:505" I fixed that permission now the page loads but does not show any of the folders, just the dropdown with one entry "/".

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just tries to reproduce this on one of my machines, works as expected. Problem with "Dropdown"-mode is, it makes absolutely no sense if there are a lot of directories, escpecially regarding subdirectories.

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Ok, thank you so far, couldn't figure out whats wrong in my environtment. Too many directories is not the Problem, I have the same issue on accounts with <5 Folders or even just one folder.

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