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[TIP] LogRatation in Froxlor (Taeglich)



Ich wollte unbedingt eine "Sortierte" Auflistung meiner Log Dateien haben. Aus diesem Grund habe ich die rotatelogs (Apache) in Froxlor uebernommen.


Wuerde es begruessen wenn das Team diese Einstellung uebernehmen wuerde. Da man (Bei Groesseren Projekte schon mal auf 100MB Logs aufkommen) Ja Rotatelogs ist Standard dabei (Doch als GZ gepackt ;) )


Ich poste hier mal die komplette /scripts/jobs/cron_tasks.inc.http.10.apache.php 

<?php if (!defined('MASTER_CRONJOB')) die('You cannot access this file directly!');

 * This file is part of the Froxlor project.
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2009 the SysCP Team (see authors).
 * Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
 * file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
 * COPYING file online at http://files.froxlor.org/misc/COPYING.txt
 * @copyright  (c) the authors
 * @author     Florian Lippert <flo@syscp.org> (2003-2009)
 * @author     Froxlor team <team@froxlor.org> (2010-)
 * @license    GPLv2 http://files.froxlor.org/misc/COPYING.txt
 * @package    Cron

class apache {
	private $logger = false;
	private $debugHandler = false;
	private $idnaConvert = false;

	// protected
	protected $known_vhostfilenames = array();
	protected $known_diroptionsfilenames = array();
	protected $known_htpasswdsfilenames = array();
	protected $virtualhosts_data = array();
	protected $diroptions_data = array();
	protected $htpasswds_data = array();

	 * indicator whether a customer is deactivated or not
	 * if yes, only the webroot will be generated
	 * @var bool
	private $_deactivated = false;

	public function __construct($logger, $debugHandler, $idnaConvert) {
		$this->logger = $logger;
		$this->debugHandler = $debugHandler;
		$this->idnaConvert = $idnaConvert;


	public function reload() {
		if ((int)Settings::Get('phpfpm.enabled') == 1) {
			fwrite($this->debugHandler, '   apache::reload: reloading php-fpm' . "\n");
			$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, 'reloading php-fpm');
		fwrite($this->debugHandler, '   apache::reload: reloading apache' . "\n");
		$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, 'reloading apache');

	 * define a standard <Directory>-statement, bug #32
	private function _createStandardDirectoryEntry() {
		$vhosts_folder = '';
		if (is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) {
			$vhosts_folder = makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'));
		} else {
			$vhosts_folder = makeCorrectDir(dirname(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')));
		$vhosts_filename = makeCorrectFile($vhosts_folder . '/05_froxlor_dirfix_nofcgid.conf');

		if (Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid') == '1'
			|| Settings::Get('phpfpm.enabled') == '1'
		) {
			// if we use fcgid or php-fpm we don't need this file
			if (file_exists($vhosts_filename)) {
				fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::_createStandardDirectoryEntry: unlinking ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n");
				$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'unlinking ' . basename($vhosts_filename));
		} else {
			if (!isset($this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename])) {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] = '';

			$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '  <Directory "' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.documentroot_prefix')) . '">' . "\n";
			// >=apache-2.4 enabled?
			if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    Require all granted' . "\n";
			} else {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    Order allow,deny' . "\n";
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    allow from all' . "\n";
			$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '  </Directory>' . "\n";

	 * define a default ErrorDocument-statement, bug #unknown-yet
	private function _createStandardErrorHandler() {
		if (Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.enabled') == '1'
			&& (Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.err401') != ''
				|| Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.err403') != ''
				|| Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.err404') != ''
				|| Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.err500') != '')
		) {
			$vhosts_folder = '';
			if (is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) {
				$vhosts_folder = makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'));
			} else {
				$vhosts_folder = makeCorrectDir(dirname(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')));

			$vhosts_filename = makeCorrectFile($vhosts_folder . '/05_froxlor_default_errorhandler.conf');

			if (!isset($this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename])) {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] = '';

			$statusCodes = array('401', '403', '404', '500');
			foreach ($statusCodes as $statusCode) {
				if (Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.err' . $statusCode) != '') {
					$defhandler = Settings::Get('defaultwebsrverrhandler.err' . $statusCode);
					if (!validateUrl($defhandler)) {
						if (substr($defhandler, 0, 1) != '"' && substr($defhandler, -1, 1) != '"') {
							$defhandler = '"'.makeCorrectFile($defhandler).'"';
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= 'ErrorDocument ' . $statusCode . ' ' . $defhandler . "\n";

	public function createIpPort() {
		$result_ipsandports_stmt = Database::query("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_IPSANDPORTS . "` ORDER BY `ip` ASC, `port` ASC");

		while ($row_ipsandports = $result_ipsandports_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			if (filter_var($row_ipsandports['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
				$ipport = '[' . $row_ipsandports['ip'] . ']:' . $row_ipsandports['port'];
			} else {
				$ipport = $row_ipsandports['ip'] . ':' . $row_ipsandports['port'];

			fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for  ' . $ipport . "\n");
			$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, 'creating ip/port settings for  ' . $ipport);
			$vhosts_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/10_froxlor_ipandport_' . trim(str_replace(':', '.', $row_ipsandports['ip']), '.') . '.' . $row_ipsandports['port'] . '.conf');

			if (!isset($this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename])) {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] = '';

			if ($row_ipsandports['listen_statement'] == '1') {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= 'Listen ' . $ipport . "\n";
				$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_DEBUG, $ipport . ' :: inserted listen-statement');

			if ($row_ipsandports['namevirtualhost_statement'] == '1') {
				// >=apache-2.4 enabled?
				if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') {
					$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, $ipport . ' :: namevirtualhost-statement no longer needed for apache-2.4');
				} else {
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= 'NameVirtualHost ' . $ipport . "\n";
					$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_DEBUG, $ipport . ' :: inserted namevirtualhost-statement');

			if ($row_ipsandports['vhostcontainer'] == '1') {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '<VirtualHost ' . $ipport . '>' . "\n";

				if ($row_ipsandports['docroot'] == '') {
					 * add 'real'-vhost content here, like doc-root 
					if (Settings::Get('system.froxlordirectlyviahostname')) {
						$mypath = makeCorrectDir(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
					} else {
						$mypath = makeCorrectDir(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))));
				} else {
					// user-defined docroot, #417
					$mypath = makeCorrectDir($row_ipsandports['docroot']);

				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= 'DocumentRoot "'.$mypath.'"'."\n";

				if ($row_ipsandports['vhostcontainer_servername_statement'] == '1') {
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' ServerName ' . Settings::Get('system.hostname') . "\n";

				// create fcgid <Directory>-Part (starter is created in apache_fcgid)
				if (Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_ownvhost') == '1'
					&& Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid') == '1'
				) {
					$configdir = makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_configdir') . '/froxlor.panel/' . Settings::Get('system.hostname'));
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  FcgidIdleTimeout ' . Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_idle_timeout') . "\n";
					if ((int)Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_wrapper') == 0) {
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  SuexecUserGroup "' . Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_httpuser') . '" "' . Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_httpgroup') . '"' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  ScriptAlias /php/ ' . $configdir . "\n";
					} else {
						$domain = array(
							'id' => 'none',
							'domain' => Settings::Get('system.hostname'),
							'adminid' => 1, /* first admin-user (superadmin) */
							'mod_fcgid_starter' => -1,
							'mod_fcgid_maxrequests' => -1,
							'guid' => Settings::Get('phpfpm.vhost_httpuser'),
							'openbasedir' => 0,
							'email' => Settings::Get('panel.adminmail'),
							'loginname' => 'froxlor.panel',
							'documentroot' => $mypath
						$php = new phpinterface($domain);
						$phpconfig = $php->getPhpConfig(Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_defaultini_ownvhost'));

						$starter_filename = makeCorrectFile($configdir . '/php-fcgi-starter');
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  SuexecUserGroup "' . Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_httpuser') . '" "' . Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_httpgroup') . '"' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '  <Directory "' . $mypath . '">' . "\n";
						$file_extensions = explode(' ', $phpconfig['file_extensions']);
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    <FilesMatch "\.(' . implode('|', $file_extensions) . ')$">' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '      SetHandler fcgid-script' . "\n";
						foreach ($file_extensions as $file_extension) {
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '      FcgidWrapper ' . $starter_filename . ' .' . $file_extension . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '      Options +ExecCGI' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    </FilesMatch>' . "\n";
						// >=apache-2.4 enabled?
						if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') {
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    Require all granted' . "\n";
						} else {
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    Order allow,deny' . "\n";
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    allow from all' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '  </Directory>' . "\n";
				// create php-fpm <Directory>-Part (config is created in apache_fcgid)
				elseif (Settings::Get('phpfpm.enabled') == '1') {
					$domain = array(
						'id' => 'none',
						'domain' => Settings::Get('system.hostname'),
						'adminid' => 1, /* first admin-user (superadmin) */
						'mod_fcgid_starter' => -1,
						'mod_fcgid_maxrequests' => -1,
						'guid' => Settings::Get('phpfpm.vhost_httpuser'),
						'openbasedir' => 0,
						'email' => Settings::Get('panel.adminmail'),
						'loginname' => 'froxlor.panel',
						'documentroot' => $mypath,

					$php = new phpinterface($domain);
					$phpconfig = $php->getPhpConfig(Settings::Get('phpfpm.vhost_defaultini'));
					$srvName = substr(md5($ipport),0,4).'.fpm.external';
					if ($row_ipsandports['ssl']) {
						$srvName = substr(md5($ipport),0,4).'.ssl-fpm.external';
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  FastCgiExternalServer ' . $php->getInterface()->getAliasConfigDir() . $srvName .' -socket ' . $php->getInterface()->getSocketFile() . ' -idle-timeout ' . Settings::Get('phpfpm.idle_timeout') . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  <Directory "' . $mypath . '">' . "\n";
					$file_extensions = explode(' ', $phpconfig['file_extensions']);
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '   <FilesMatch "\.(' . implode('|', $file_extensions) . ')$">' . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '     AddHandler php5-fastcgi .php'. "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '     Action php5-fastcgi /fastcgiphp' . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '      Options +ExecCGI' . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= '    </FilesMatch>' . "\n";
					// >=apache-2.4 enabled?
					if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') {
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '    Require all granted' . "\n";
					} else {
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '    Order allow,deny' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '    allow from all' . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  </Directory>' . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  Alias /fastcgiphp ' . $php->getInterface()->getAliasConfigDir() . $srvName . "\n";

				 * dirprotection, see #72
				 * @TODO deferred until 0.9.5, needs more testing
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t<Directory \"'.$mypath.'(images|packages|templates)\">\n";
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t\tAllow from all\n";
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t\tOptions -Indexes\n";
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t</Directory>\n";

				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t<Directory \"'.$mypath.'*\">\n";
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t\tOrder Deny,Allow\n";
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t\tDeny from All\n";
				 $this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= "\t</Directory>\n";
				 * end of dirprotection

				if ($row_ipsandports['specialsettings'] != '') {
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= $row_ipsandports['specialsettings'] . "\n";

				if ($row_ipsandports['ssl'] == '1' && Settings::Get('system.use_ssl') == '1') {
					if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_file'] == '') {
						$row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_file'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_cert_file');

					if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_key_file'] == '') {
						$row_ipsandports['ssl_key_file'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_key_file');

					if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_ca_file'] == '') {
						$row_ipsandports['ssl_ca_file'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_ca_file');

					// #418
					if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_chainfile'] == '') {
						$row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_chainfile'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_cert_chainfile');

					if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_file'] != '') {
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLEngine On' . "\n";
						// this makes it more secure, thx to Marcel (08/2013)
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLHonorCipherOrder On' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLCipherSuite ' . Settings::Get('system.ssl_cipher_list') . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLVerifyDepth 10' . "\n";
						$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLCertificateFile ' . makeCorrectFile($row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_file']) . "\n";

						if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_key_file'] != '') {
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLCertificateKeyFile ' . makeCorrectFile($row_ipsandports['ssl_key_file']) . "\n";

						if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_ca_file'] != '') {
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= ' SSLCACertificateFile ' . makeCorrectFile($row_ipsandports['ssl_ca_file']) . "\n";

						// #418
						if ($row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_chainfile'] != '') {
							$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '  SSLCertificateChainFile ' . makeCorrectFile($row_ipsandports['ssl_cert_chainfile']) . "\n";

				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '</VirtualHost>' . "\n";
				$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_DEBUG, $ipport . ' :: inserted vhostcontainer');

		 * bug #32

		 * bug #unknown-yet

	 * We put together the needed php options in the virtualhost entries
	 * @param array $domain
	 * @param bool $ssl_vhost
	 * @return string
	protected function composePhpOptions($domain, $ssl_vhost = false) {
		$php_options_text = '';

		if ($domain['phpenabled'] == '1') {
			// This vHost has PHP enabled and we are using the regular mod_php

			if ($domain['openbasedir'] == '1') {
				$_phpappendopenbasedir = appendOpenBasedirPath($domain['customerroot'], true);

				$_custom_openbasedir = explode(':', Settings::Get('system.phpappendopenbasedir'));
				foreach ($_custom_openbasedir as $cobd) {
					$_phpappendopenbasedir .= appendOpenBasedirPath($cobd);

				$php_options_text .= '  php_admin_value open_basedir "' . $_phpappendopenbasedir . '"'."\n";
		} else {
			$php_options_text .= '  # PHP is disabled for this vHost' . "\n";
			$php_options_text .= '  php_flag engine off' . "\n";

		return $php_options_text;

	public function createOwnVhostStarter() {}

	 * We collect all servernames and Aliases
	protected function getServerNames($domain) {
		$servernames_text = '  ServerName ' . $domain['domain'] . "\n";

		$server_alias = '';
		if ($domain['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') {
			$server_alias = '*.' . $domain['domain'];
		} elseif ($domain['wwwserveralias'] == '1') {
			$server_alias = 'www.' . $domain['domain'];

		if (trim($server_alias) != '') {
			$servernames_text .= '  ServerAlias ' . $server_alias . "\n";

		$alias_domains_stmt = Database::prepare("
			SELECT `domain`, `iswildcarddomain`, `wwwserveralias`
			WHERE `aliasdomain`= :domainid
		Database::pexecute($alias_domains_stmt, array('domainid' => $domain['id']));

		while (($alias_domain = $alias_domains_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {
			$server_alias = '  ServerAlias ' . $alias_domain['domain'];

			if ($alias_domain['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') {
				$server_alias .= ' *.' . $alias_domain['domain'];
			} else {
				if ($alias_domain['wwwserveralias'] == '1') {
					$server_alias .= ' www.' . $alias_domain['domain'];

			$servernames_text .= $server_alias . "\n";

		$servernames_text .= '  ServerAdmin ' . $domain['email'] . "\n";
		return $servernames_text;

	 * Let's get the webroot
	protected function getWebroot($domain) {
		$webroot_text = '';
		$domain['customerroot'] = makeCorrectDir($domain['customerroot']);
		$domain['documentroot'] = makeCorrectDir($domain['documentroot']);

		if ($domain['deactivated'] == '1'
			&& Settings::Get('system.deactivateddocroot') != ''
		) {
			$webroot_text .= '  # Using docroot for deactivated users...' . "\n";
			$webroot_text .= '  DocumentRoot "' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.deactivateddocroot')) . "\"\n";
			$this->_deactivated = true;
		} else {
			$webroot_text .= '  DocumentRoot "' . $domain['documentroot'] . "\"\n";
			$this->_deactivated = false;

		return $webroot_text;

	 * Lets set the text part for the stats software
	protected function getStats($domain) {
		$stats_text = '';

		if ($domain['speciallogfile'] == '1') {
			$statDomain = ($domain['parentdomainid'] == '0') ? $domain['domain'] : $domain['parentdomain'];
			if (Settings::Get('system.awstats_enabled') == '1') {
				$stats_text .= '  Alias /awstats "' . makeCorrectFile($domain['customerroot'] . '/awstats/' . $statDomain) . '"' . "\n";
				$stats_text .= '  Alias /awstats-icon "' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.awstats_icons')) . '"' . "\n";
			} else {
				$stats_text .= '  Alias /webalizer "' . makeCorrectFile($domain['customerroot'] . '/webalizer/' . $statDomain) . '"' . "\n";
		} else {
			if ($domain['customerroot'] != $domain['documentroot']) {
				if (Settings::Get('system.awstats_enabled') == '1') {
					$stats_text.= '  Alias /awstats "' . makeCorrectFile($domain['customerroot'] . '/awstats/' . $domain['domain']) . '"' . "\n";
					$stats_text.= '  Alias /awstats-icon "' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.awstats_icons')) . '"' . "\n";
				} else {
					$stats_text.= '  Alias /webalizer "' . makeCorrectFile($domain['customerroot'] . '/webalizer') . '"' . "\n";
			// if the docroots are equal, we still have to set an alias for awstats
			// because the stats are in /awstats/[domain], not just /awstats/
			// also, the awstats-icons are someplace else too!
			// -> webalizer does not need this!
			elseif (Settings::Get('system.awstats_enabled') == '1') {
				$stats_text.= '  Alias /awstats "' . makeCorrectFile($domain['documentroot'] . '/awstats/' . $domain['domain']) . '"' . "\n";
				$stats_text.= '  Alias /awstats-icon "' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.awstats_icons')) . '"' . "\n";

		return $stats_text;

	 * Lets set the logfiles
	protected function getLogfiles($domain) {

		$logfiles_text = '';

		if ($domain['speciallogfile'] == '1') {
			//if ($domain['parentdomainid'] == '0') {
				$speciallogfile = '-' . $domain['domain'];
			//} else {
			//	$speciallogfile = '-' . $domain['parentdomain'];
		} else {
			$speciallogfile = '';

		// The normal access/error - logging is enabled
		$error_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");
		$error_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";
		$error_log = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-error.'.$error_log_time);
		$error_log_1 = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-error.'.$error_log_apache_time);
		// Create the logfile if it does not exist (fixes #46)
		chown($error_log, Settings::Get('system.httpuser'));
		chgrp($error_log, Settings::Get('system.httpgroup'));

		$access_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");
		$access_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";
		$access_log = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-access.'.$access_log_time);
		$access_log_1 = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-access.'.$access_log_apache_time);
		// Create the logfile if it does not exist (fixes #46)
		chown($access_log, Settings::Get('system.httpuser'));
		chgrp($access_log, Settings::Get('system.httpgroup'));

		$logfiles_text .= '  ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs ' . $error_log_1 . ' 10M"' . "\n";
		$logfiles_text .= '  CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs ' . $access_log_1 .' 86400" common' . "\n";

		if (Settings::Get('system.awstats_enabled') == '1') {
			if ((int)$domain['parentdomainid'] == 0) {
				// prepare the aliases and subdomains for stats config files
				$server_alias = '';
				$alias_domains_stmt = Database::prepare("
					SELECT `domain`, `iswildcarddomain`, `wwwserveralias`
					WHERE `aliasdomain` = :domainid OR `parentdomainid` = :domainid
				Database::pexecute($alias_domains_stmt, array('domainid' => $domain['id']));

				while (($alias_domain = $alias_domains_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {

					$server_alias .= ' ' . $alias_domain['domain'] . ' ';

					if ($alias_domain['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') {
						$server_alias .= '*.' . $alias_domain['domain'];
					} elseif ($alias_domain['wwwserveralias'] == '1') {
						$server_alias .= 'www.' . $alias_domain['domain'];

				$alias = '';
				if ($domain['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') {
					$alias = '*.' . $domain['domain'];
				} elseif ($domain['wwwserveralias'] == '1') {
					$alias = 'www.' . $domain['domain'];

				// After inserting the AWStats information,
				// be sure to build the awstats conf file as well
				// and chown it using $awstats_params, #258
				// Bug 960 + Bug 970 : Use full $domain instead of custom $awstats_params as following classes depend on the informations
				createAWStatsConf(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-access.log', $domain['domain'], $alias . $server_alias, $domain['customerroot'], $domain);

		return $logfiles_text;

	 * Get the filename for the virtualhost
	protected function getVhostFilename($domain, $ssl_vhost = false) {
		if ((int)$domain['parentdomainid'] == 0
			&& isCustomerStdSubdomain((int)$domain['id']) == false
			&& ((int)$domain['ismainbutsubto'] == 0
				|| domainMainToSubExists($domain['ismainbutsubto']) == false)
		) {
			$vhost_no = '22';
		} elseif ((int)$domain['parentdomainid'] == 0
			&& isCustomerStdSubdomain((int)$domain['id']) == false
			&& (int)$domain['ismainbutsubto'] > 0
		) {
			$vhost_no = '21';
		} else {
			$vhost_no = '20';

		if ($ssl_vhost === true) {
			$vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/'.$vhost_no.'_froxlor_ssl_vhost_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');
		} else {
			$vhost_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '/'.$vhost_no.'_froxlor_normal_vhost_' . $domain['domain'] . '.conf');

		return $vhost_filename;

	 * We compose the virtualhost entry for one domain
	protected function getVhostContent($domain, $ssl_vhost = false) {
		if ($ssl_vhost === true
			&& ($domain['ssl_redirect'] != '1'
				&& $domain['ssl'] != '1')
		) {
			return '';

			WHERE dip.id_domain = :domainid AND i.id = dip.id_ipandports ";

		if ($ssl_vhost === true
			&& ($domain['ssl'] == '1' || $domain['ssl_redirect'] == '1')
		) {
			// by ordering by cert-file the row with filled out SSL-Fields will be shown last, thus it is enough to fill out 1 set of SSL-Fields
			$query .= "AND i.ssl = '1' ORDER BY i.ssl_cert_file ASC;";
		} else {
			$query .= "AND i.ssl = '0';";

		$vhost_content = '';
		$result_stmt = Database::prepare($query);
		Database::pexecute($result_stmt, array('domainid' => $domain['id']));

		$ipportlist = '';
		$_vhost_content = '';
		while ($ipandport = $result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

			$ipport = '';
			$domain['ip'] = $ipandport['ip'];
			$domain['port'] = $ipandport['port'];
			if ($domain['ssl'] == '1') {
				$domain['ssl_cert_file'] = $ipandport['ssl_cert_file'];
				$domain['ssl_key_file'] = $ipandport['ssl_key_file'];
				$domain['ssl_ca_file'] = $ipandport['ssl_ca_file'];
				$domain['ssl_cert_chainfile'] = $ipandport['ssl_cert_chainfile'];

				// SSL STUFF
				$dssl = new DomainSSL();
				// this sets the ssl-related array-indices in the $domain array
				// if the domain has customer-defined ssl-certificates

			if (filter_var($domain['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
				$ipport = '['.$domain['ip'].']:'.$domain['port']. ' ';
			} else {
				$ipport = $domain['ip'].':'.$domain['port'].' ';

			if ($ipandport['default_vhostconf_domain'] != '') {
				$_vhost_content .= $ipandport['default_vhostconf_domain'] . "\n";
			$ipportlist .= $ipport;

		$vhost_content .= '<VirtualHost ' . trim($ipportlist) . '>' . "\n";
		$vhost_content.= $this->getServerNames($domain);

		if (($ssl_vhost == false
				&& $domain['ssl'] == '1'
				&& $domain['ssl_redirect'] == '1')
		) {
			// We must not check if our port differs from port 443,
			// but if there is a destination-port != 443
			$_sslport = '';
			// This returns the first port that is != 443 with ssl enabled, if any
			// ordered by ssl-certificate (if any) so that the ip/port combo
			// with certificate is used
			$ssldestport_stmt = Database::prepare("
				LEFT JOIN `".TABLE_DOMAINTOIP."` `dip` ON (`ip`.`id` = `dip`.`id_ipandports`)
				WHERE `dip`.`id_domain` = :domainid
				AND `ip`.`ssl` = '1'  AND `ip`.`port` != 443
				ORDER BY `ip`.`ssl_cert_file` DESC, `ip`.`port` LIMIT 1;
			$ssldestport = Database::pexecute_first($ssldestport_stmt, array('domainid' => $domain['id']));

			if ($ssldestport['port'] != '') {
				$_sslport = ":".$ssldestport['port'];

			$domain['documentroot'] = 'https://' . $domain['domain'] . $_sslport . '/';

		if ($ssl_vhost === true
			&& $domain['ssl'] == '1'
			&& Settings::Get('system.use_ssl') == '1'
		) {
			if ($domain['ssl_cert_file'] == '') {
				$domain['ssl_cert_file'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_cert_file');

			if ($domain['ssl_key_file'] == '') {
				$domain['ssl_key_file'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_key_file');

			if ($domain['ssl_ca_file'] == '') {
				$domain['ssl_ca_file'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_ca_file');

			if ($domain['ssl_cert_chainfile'] == '') {
				$domain['ssl_cert_chainfile'] = Settings::Get('system.ssl_cert_chainfile');

			if ($domain['ssl_cert_file'] != '') {
				$vhost_content .= '  SSLEngine On' . "\n";
				// this makes it more secure, thx to Marcel (08/2013)
				$vhost_content .= '  SSLHonorCipherOrder On' . "\n";
				$vhost_content .= '  SSLCipherSuite ' . Settings::Get('system.ssl_cipher_list') . "\n";
				$vhost_content .= '  SSLVerifyDepth 10' . "\n";
				$vhost_content .= '  SSLCertificateFile ' . makeCorrectFile($domain['ssl_cert_file']) . "\n";

				if ($domain['ssl_key_file'] != '') {
					$vhost_content .= '  SSLCertificateKeyFile ' . makeCorrectFile($domain['ssl_key_file']) . "\n";

				if ($domain['ssl_ca_file'] != '') {
					$vhost_content .= '  SSLCACertificateFile ' . makeCorrectFile($domain['ssl_ca_file']) . "\n";

				if ($domain['ssl_cert_chainfile'] != '') {
					$vhost_content .= '  SSLCertificateChainFile ' . makeCorrectFile($domain['ssl_cert_chainfile']) . "\n";

		if (preg_match('/^https?\:\/\//', $domain['documentroot'])) {
			$corrected_docroot = $this->idnaConvert->encode($domain['documentroot']);

			// Get domain's redirect code
			$code = getDomainRedirectCode($domain['id']);
			$modrew_red = '';
			if ($code != '') {
				$modrew_red = '[R='. $code . ';L]';

			// redirect everything, not only root-directory, #541
			$vhost_content .= '  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>'."\n";
			$vhost_content .= '    RewriteEngine On' . "\n";
			$vhost_content .= '    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off' . "\n";
			$vhost_content .= '    RewriteRule ^/(.*) '. $corrected_docroot.'$1 ' . $modrew_red . "\n";
			$vhost_content .= '  </IfModule>' . "\n";

			$code = getDomainRedirectCode($domain['id']);
			$vhost_content .= '  Redirect '.$code.' / ' . $this->idnaConvert->encode($domain['documentroot']) . "\n";

		} else {

			mkDirWithCorrectOwnership($domain['customerroot'], $domain['documentroot'], $domain['guid'], $domain['guid'], true, true);
			$vhost_content .= $this->getWebroot($domain);
			if ($this->_deactivated == false) {
				$vhost_content .= $this->composePhpOptions($domain,$ssl_vhost);
				$vhost_content .= $this->getStats($domain);
			$vhost_content .= $this->getLogfiles($domain);

			if ($domain['specialsettings'] != '') {
				$vhost_content .= $domain['specialsettings'] . "\n";

			if ($_vhost_content != '') {
				$vhost_content .= $_vhost_content;

			if (Settings::Get('system.default_vhostconf') != '') {
				$vhost_content .= Settings::Get('system.default_vhostconf') . "\n";

		$vhost_content .= '</VirtualHost>' . "\n";

		return $vhost_content;

	 * We compose the virtualhost entries for the domains
	public function createVirtualHosts() {

		$domains = WebserverBase::getVhostsToCreate();
		foreach ($domains as $domain) {

			fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain ' . $domain['id'] . ', customer ' . $domain['loginname'] . "\n");
			$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, 'creating vhost container for domain ' . $domain['id'] . ', customer ' . $domain['loginname']);
			$vhosts_filename = $this->getVhostFilename($domain);

			// Apply header
			$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] = '# Domain ID: ' . $domain['id'] . ' - CustomerID: ' . $domain['customerid'] . ' - CustomerLogin: ' . $domain['loginname'] . "\n";

			if ($domain['deactivated'] != '1'
				|| Settings::Get('system.deactivateddocroot') != ''
			) {
				// Create vhost without ssl
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename].= $this->getVhostContent($domain, false);

				if ($domain['ssl'] == '1' || $domain['ssl_redirect'] == '1') {
					// Adding ssl stuff if enabled
					$vhosts_filename_ssl = $this->getVhostFilename($domain, true);
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename_ssl] = '# Domain ID: ' . $domain['id'] . ' (SSL) - CustomerID: ' . $domain['customerid'] . ' - CustomerLogin: ' . $domain['loginname'] . "\n";
					$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename_ssl] .= $this->getVhostContent($domain, true);
			} else {
				$this->virtualhosts_data[$vhosts_filename] .= '# Customer deactivated and a docroot for deactivated users hasn\'t been set.' . "\n";

	 * We compose the diroption entries for the paths
	public function createFileDirOptions() {
		$result_stmt = Database::query("
			SELECT `htac`.*, `c`.`guid`, `c`.`documentroot` AS `customerroot`
			FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_HTACCESS . "` `htac`
			LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "` `c` USING (`customerid`)
			ORDER BY `htac`.`path`
		$diroptions = array();

		while ($row_diroptions = $result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			if ($row_diroptions['customerid'] != 0
				&& isset($row_diroptions['customerroot'])
				&& $row_diroptions['customerroot'] != ''
			) {
				$diroptions[$row_diroptions['path']] = $row_diroptions;
				$diroptions[$row_diroptions['path']]['htpasswds'] = array();

		$result_stmt = Database::query("
			SELECT `htpw`.*, `c`.`guid`, `c`.`documentroot` AS `customerroot`
			FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_HTPASSWDS . "` `htpw`
			LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "` `c` USING (`customerid`)
			ORDER BY `htpw`.`path`, `htpw`.`username`

		while ($row_htpasswds = $result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			if ($row_htpasswds['customerid'] != 0
				&& isset($row_htpasswds['customerroot'])
				&& $row_htpasswds['customerroot'] != ''
			) {
				if (!isset($diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']]) || !is_array($diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']])) {
					$diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']] = array();

				$diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']]['path'] = $row_htpasswds['path'];
				$diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']]['guid'] = $row_htpasswds['guid'];
				$diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']]['customerroot'] = $row_htpasswds['customerroot'];
				$diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']]['customerid'] = $row_htpasswds['customerid'];
				$diroptions[$row_htpasswds['path']]['htpasswds'][] = $row_htpasswds;

		foreach ($diroptions as $row_diroptions) {
			$row_diroptions['path'] = makeCorrectDir($row_diroptions['path']);
			mkDirWithCorrectOwnership($row_diroptions['customerroot'], $row_diroptions['path'], $row_diroptions['guid'], $row_diroptions['guid']);
			$diroptions_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions') . '/40_froxlor_diroption_' . md5($row_diroptions['path']) . '.conf');

			if (!isset($this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename])) {
				$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] = '';

			if (is_dir($row_diroptions['path'])) {
				$cperlenabled = customerHasPerlEnabled($row_diroptions['customerid']);

				$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '<Directory "' . $row_diroptions['path'] . '">' . "\n";

				if (isset($row_diroptions['options_indexes'])
					&& $row_diroptions['options_indexes'] == '1'
				) {
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  Options +Indexes';

					// add perl options if enabled
					if ($cperlenabled
						&& isset($row_diroptions['options_cgi'])
						&& $row_diroptions['options_cgi'] == '1'
					) {
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= ' +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +FollowSymLinks'."\n";
					} else {
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= "\n";
					fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  cron_tasks: Task3 - Setting Options +Indexes' . "\n");

				if (isset($row_diroptions['options_indexes'])
					&& $row_diroptions['options_indexes'] == '0'
				) {
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  Options -Indexes';

					// add perl options if enabled
					if ($cperlenabled
						&& isset($row_diroptions['options_cgi'])
						&& $row_diroptions['options_cgi'] == '1'
					) {
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= ' +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +FollowSymLinks'."\n";
					} else {
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= "\n";
					fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  cron_tasks: Task3 - Setting Options -Indexes' . "\n");

				$statusCodes = array('404', '403', '500');
				foreach ($statusCodes as $statusCode) {
					if (isset($row_diroptions['error' . $statusCode . 'path'])
						&& $row_diroptions['error' . $statusCode . 'path'] != ''
					) {
						$defhandler = $row_diroptions['error' . $statusCode . 'path'];
						if (!validateUrl($defhandler)) {
							if (substr($defhandler, 0, 1) != '"' && substr($defhandler, -1, 1) != '"') {
								$defhandler = '"'.makeCorrectFile($defhandler).'"';
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename].= '  ErrorDocument ' . $statusCode . ' ' . $defhandler . "\n";

				if ($cperlenabled
					&& isset($row_diroptions['options_cgi'])
					&& $row_diroptions['options_cgi'] == '1'
				) {
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  AllowOverride None' . "\n";
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl' . "\n";
					// >=apache-2.4 enabled?
					if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') {
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  Require all granted' . "\n";
					} else {
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  Order allow,deny' . "\n";
						$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  Allow from all' . "\n";
					fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  cron_tasks: Task3 - Enabling perl execution' . "\n");

					// check for suexec-workaround, #319
					if ((int)Settings::Get('perl.suexecworkaround') == 1) {
						// symlink this directory to suexec-safe-path
						$loginname = getCustomerDetail($row_diroptions['customerid'], 'loginname');
						$suexecpath = makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('perl.suexecpath').'/'.$loginname.'/'.md5($row_diroptions['path']).'/');

						if (!file_exists($suexecpath)) {
							safe_exec('mkdir -p '.escapeshellarg($suexecpath));
							safe_exec('chown -R '.escapeshellarg($row_diroptions['guid']).':'.escapeshellarg($row_diroptions['guid']).' '.escapeshellarg($suexecpath));

						// symlink to {$givenpath}/cgi-bin
						// NOTE: symlinks are FILES, so do not append a / here
						$perlsymlink = makeCorrectFile($row_diroptions['path'].'/cgi-bin');
						if (!file_exists($perlsymlink)) {
							safe_exec('ln -s '.escapeshellarg($suexecpath).' '.escapeshellarg($perlsymlink));
						safe_exec('chown '.escapeshellarg($row_diroptions['guid']).':'.escapeshellarg($row_diroptions['guid']).' '.escapeshellarg($perlsymlink));
				} else {
					// if no perl-execution is enabled but the workaround is,
					// we have to remove the symlink and folder in suexecpath
					if ((int)Settings::Get('perl.suexecworkaround') == 1) {
						$loginname = getCustomerDetail($row_diroptions['customerid'], 'loginname');
						$suexecpath = makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('perl.suexecpath').'/'.$loginname.'/'.md5($row_diroptions['path']).'/');
						$perlsymlink = makeCorrectFile($row_diroptions['path'].'/cgi-bin');

						// remove symlink
						if (file_exists($perlsymlink)) {
							safe_exec('rm -f '.escapeshellarg($perlsymlink));
						// remove folder in suexec-path
						if (file_exists($suexecpath)) {
							safe_exec('rm -rf '.escapeshellarg($suexecpath));

				if (count($row_diroptions['htpasswds']) > 0) {
					$htpasswd_filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . '/' . $row_diroptions['customerid'] . '-' . md5($row_diroptions['path']) . '.htpasswd');

					if (!isset($this->htpasswds_data[$htpasswd_filename])) {
						$this->htpasswds_data[$htpasswd_filename] = '';

					foreach ($row_diroptions['htpasswds'] as $row_htpasswd) {
						$this->htpasswds_data[$htpasswd_filename] .= $row_htpasswd['username'] . ':' . $row_htpasswd['password'] . "\n";

					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  AuthType Basic' . "\n";
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  AuthName "'.$row_htpasswd['authname'].'"' . "\n";
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  AuthUserFile ' . $htpasswd_filename . "\n";
					$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '  require valid-user' . "\n";

				$this->diroptions_data[$diroptions_filename] .= '</Directory>' . "\n";

	 * We write the configs
	public function writeConfigs() {
		// Write diroptions
		fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions') . "\n");
		$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'));

		if (count($this->diroptions_data) > 0) {
			if (!isConfigDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) {
				// Save one big file
				$diroptions_file = '';

				foreach ($this->diroptions_data as $diroptions_filename => $diroptions_content) {
					$diroptions_file.= $diroptions_content . "\n\n";

				$diroptions_filename = Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions');

				// Apply header
				$diroptions_file = '# ' . basename($diroptions_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $diroptions_file;
				$diroptions_file_handler = fopen($diroptions_filename, 'w');
				fwrite($diroptions_file_handler, $diroptions_file);
			} else {
				if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) {
					fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::writeConfigs: mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) . "\n");
					$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))));
					safe_exec('mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))));

				// Write a single file for every diroption
				foreach ($this->diroptions_data as $diroptions_filename => $diroptions_file) {
					$this->known_diroptionsfilenames[] = basename($diroptions_filename);

					// Apply header
					$diroptions_file = '# ' . basename($diroptions_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $diroptions_file;
					$diroptions_file_handler = fopen($diroptions_filename, 'w');
					fwrite($diroptions_file_handler, $diroptions_file);

		// Write htpasswds
		fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . "\n");
		$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'));

		if (count($this->htpasswds_data) > 0) {
			if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))) {
				$umask = umask();
				mkdir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'), 0751);

			if (isConfigDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'), true)) {
				foreach ($this->htpasswds_data as $htpasswd_filename => $htpasswd_file) {
					$this->known_htpasswdsfilenames[] = basename($htpasswd_filename);
					$htpasswd_file_handler = fopen($htpasswd_filename, 'w');
					fwrite($htpasswd_file_handler, $htpasswd_file);
			} else {
				fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  cron_tasks: WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!' . "\n");
				echo 'WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!';
				$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_WARNING, 'WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!');

		// Write virtualhosts
		fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . "\n");
		$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'));

		if (count($this->virtualhosts_data) > 0) {
			if (!isConfigDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) {
				// Save one big file
				$vhosts_file = '';

				// sort by filename so the order is:
				// 1. subdomains                  20
				// 2. subdomains as main-domains  21
				// 3. main-domains                22
				// #437

				foreach ($this->virtualhosts_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhost_content) {
					$vhosts_file.= $vhost_content . "\n\n";

				// Include diroptions file in case it exists
				if (file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) {
					$vhosts_file.= "\n" . 'Include ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions') . "\n\n";

				$vhosts_filename = Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost');

				// Apply header
				$vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file;
				$vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w');
				fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file);
			} else {
				if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) {
					fwrite($this->debugHandler, '  apache::writeConfigs: mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) . "\n");
					$this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))));
					safe_exec('mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))));

				// Write a single file for every vhost
				foreach ($this->virtualhosts_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhosts_file) {
					$this->known_vhostfilenames[] = basename($vhosts_filename);

					// Apply header
					$vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file;
					$vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w');
					fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file);


Die Funktion getLogfiles habe ich Veraendert! Ich habe die Standard Einstellung (CatchAll Domain auf die Master-Logs Veraendert) das heisst: Eigentlich erstellt Froxlor eine Datei "Username-Domain.error.log" und "Username-Domain.access.log" doch keine Subdomain! Dies war fuer mich auch Wichtig deshalb habe ich dies dort auch veraendert!!!!


Fuer die Error Log Datei: 
$error_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");


$error_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";
$access_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");
$access_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";
Sollte Ihr dies veraendern bitte auf


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3 answers to this question

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Froxlor macht Standardmaessig in Ordner /var/customers/logs/ Apache Logs Dateien die 




Die Dateien werden dann von Rotate in einen GZIP gepackt (Je nach Groesse) da mit das aber zu unuebersichtlich ist. Wollte ich die Dateien nach Datum also


KUNDENNAME-DOMAIN-access-YEAR-MONTH-DAY haben. Da ich somit besser mit Piwik Import Script arbeiten kann (Heisst aber nicht das man dies Spaeter so machen sollte. Ist lediglich eine Optimierte Log Speicherung.


Nochmal die Funktion getLogfiles 

	 * Lets set the logfiles
	protected function getLogfiles($domain) {

		$logfiles_text = '';

		if ($domain['speciallogfile'] == '1') {
			//if ($domain['parentdomainid'] == '0') {
				$speciallogfile = '-' . $domain['domain'];
			//} else {
			//	$speciallogfile = '-' . $domain['parentdomain'];
		} else {
			$speciallogfile = '';

		// The normal access/error - logging is enabled
		$error_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");
		$error_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";
		$error_log = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-error.'.$error_log_time);
		$error_log_1 = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-error.'.$error_log_apache_time);
		// Create the logfile if it does not exist (fixes #46)
		chown($error_log, Settings::Get('system.httpuser'));
		chgrp($error_log, Settings::Get('system.httpgroup'));

		$access_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");
		$access_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";
		$access_log = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-access.'.$access_log_time);
		$access_log_1 = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-access.'.$access_log_apache_time);
		// Create the logfile if it does not exist (fixes #46)
		chown($access_log, Settings::Get('system.httpuser'));
		chgrp($access_log, Settings::Get('system.httpgroup'));

		$logfiles_text .= '  ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs ' . $error_log_1 . ' 10M"' . "\n";
		$logfiles_text .= '  CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs ' . $access_log_1 .' 86400" common' . "\n";

		if (Settings::Get('system.awstats_enabled') == '1') {
			if ((int)$domain['parentdomainid'] == 0) {
				// prepare the aliases and subdomains for stats config files
				$server_alias = '';
				$alias_domains_stmt = Database::prepare("
					SELECT `domain`, `iswildcarddomain`, `wwwserveralias`
					WHERE `aliasdomain` = :domainid OR `parentdomainid` = :domainid
				Database::pexecute($alias_domains_stmt, array('domainid' => $domain['id']));

				while (($alias_domain = $alias_domains_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {

					$server_alias .= ' ' . $alias_domain['domain'] . ' ';

					if ($alias_domain['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') {
						$server_alias .= '*.' . $alias_domain['domain'];
					} elseif ($alias_domain['wwwserveralias'] == '1') {
						$server_alias .= 'www.' . $alias_domain['domain'];

				$alias = '';
				if ($domain['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') {
					$alias = '*.' . $domain['domain'];
				} elseif ($domain['wwwserveralias'] == '1') {
					$alias = 'www.' . $domain['domain'];

				// After inserting the AWStats information,
				// be sure to build the awstats conf file as well
				// and chown it using $awstats_params, #258
				// Bug 960 + Bug 970 : Use full $domain instead of custom $awstats_params as following classes depend on the informations
				createAWStatsConf(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-access.log', $domain['domain'], $alias . $server_alias, $domain['customerroot'], $domain);

		return $logfiles_text;

Ich habe aus diese Funktion ein paar "tricks" da dies Mir nicht gepasst hat. Ich wollte fuer jede SubDomain eine Log-Datei haben aus diesem Grund habe ich

//if ($domain['parentdomainid'] == '0') {
				$speciallogfile = '-' . $domain['domain'];
			//} else {
			//	$speciallogfile = '-' . $domain['parentdomain'];



Hier nun der eigentliche Aenderung zuerst wollte ich der Community die moeglichkeit geben ihr eigenes Datumsformat geben. $error_log_apache_time dient hierbei lediglich fuer Rotatelog spaeter in der apache config.

$error_log_time = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d");
		$error_log_apache_time = "%Y-%m-%d";

Um Froxlor die Dateien zugeben und auch die Rechte auf der Datei zugeben musste ich 2 Variablen setzen, $error_log_1 dient hierbei lediglich fuer spaeter der apache config.

$error_log = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-error.'.$error_log_time);
		$error_log_1 = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.logfiles_directory') . $domain['loginname'] . $speciallogfile . '-error.'.$error_log_apache_time);

Nun noch den Eintrag fuer die Config Datei

$logfiles_text .= '  ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs ' . $error_log_1 . ' 10M"' . "\n";
		$logfiles_text .= '  CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs ' . $access_log_1 .' 86400" common' . "\n";

Man koennte auch die 10M oder die 86400 (1 Tag) aendern nach seinen belieben.


Ich hoffe das ich dies nun genauer beschrieben habe. 


Gruesse Sascha

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ge-piped an rotatelogs...spezielleres setup. standard ist n?mlich das "logrotate" programm, f?r welches es auch von froxlor ein config-template gibt, dass auch gerne angepasst werden darf, je nach bedarf (z.B. datum im namen etc. ist dort alles m?glich). Solche speziellen ?nderungen wie deine jetzt ,werden wir nicht in Froxlor ?bernehmen k?nnen, da sie nur einen sehr kleinen Teil der Benutzergruppe betreffen.

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