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[solved] We are sorry, but a MySQL - error occurred.



Hey you guys, im really new here! BTW great job with Froxlor. +++REP



So im getting this error:



We are sorry, but a MySQL - error occurred. The administrator may find more information in syslog with the ID 056903506dcb2f07aa1c017ea45b98c6 or in the sql-error.log in the logs/ directory


I have tried to change the root pw from this guide:




Still doesen't work.


Iv'e tried different users. This is my syslog output:

Dec 16 20:21:26 ubuntu Froxlor: MySQL - Error: Establishing connection failed, exiting; ErrNo: 2003; Desc: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111); Script: /froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; Ref: http://centralgame.se/froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; 871efb6508474bca33b2e0f21c18da60
Dec 16 20:21:54 ubuntu Froxlor: MySQL - Error: Establishing connection failed, exiting; ErrNo: 2003; Desc: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111); Script: /froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; Ref: http://centralgame.se/froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; 56eed7899667fa9c74168e7a772a44f5
Dec 16 20:23:30 ubuntu Froxlor: MySQL - Error: Establishing connection failed, exiting; ErrNo: 1045; Desc: Access denied for user 'root'@'h-217-220.a260.priv.bahnhof.se' (using password: NO); Script: /froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; Ref: http://centralgame.se/froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; 740508c059423796372976ac9e749f5b
Dec 16 20:28:13 ubuntu Froxlor: MySQL - Error: Establishing connection failed, exiting; ErrNo: 1045; Desc: Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: NO); Script: /froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; Ref: http://centralgame.se/froxlor/install/install.php?check=1; a341424a559d09661e64b5930b10c662

Why does it say (using password: NO); when i have a mysql root password on my phpmyadmin web login?





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Iv'e been trying for FU***** 4 hours and this is the problem. Oh my god!  :rolleyes:


Thank you d00p  :wub:


Hmm one more question:


The only thing i did was to cown user and group and then i uploaded the Froxlor to my www map and installed it from webb.


Is that all i need? 


EDIT: when install is done i get i get to the install startpage again: http://centralgame.se/froxlor/


The tables in database are created and ive tried to delete the install folder but i still go to the install page when clicking the "login buttom" after finished the install!

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