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Multiple Domains per account





I have recently installed and tried froxlor on debian squeeze and it is a very nice smooth control panel.


One thing that is missing that would be very usefull would be the ability to add multiple individual site TLD domains per account (like the 'addon domains' in cpanel). What I mean is when you create a 'customer' they then can add more domains that the one they sign up with. For examle they sign up with domain1.tld then they can log into there accounts then they can add website2.tld, website3.tld, website4.tld and so on and each domain would be a individual site so that user can have multiple different websites and domains under there one account. Would this be possible please?


Thank you in advance.

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Thank you for your reply.


I have only found that you can add subdomains to the user accounts when trying to add a domain. Is there a section on the configuration on the admin panel that needs to be enabled to allow for multiple tld domains per customer account?


What I did was to create a customer account add a domain (doamin.com) to that account. I then logged in to that account and I wanted to add my other doamins domain2.com and domain3.com to that account but when I looked on the sidebar there was only 'subdomains' and when I looked in that section there was only an option to add a 'subdomain' so I was unable to add doamin2.com or doamin3.com so I can upload my other 2 websites. 


I am looking to add multiple top level domains (not subdomains) for individual websites to a single customer account.



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a customer cannot add a "full" domain. you have to be admin to do that because there are configuration possibilities only an admin should change (php-config, openbasedir, nameserver, etc.etc.etc)

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Thank you for your reply d00p


Would it be possible to request the feature to be added to a future update please? It would be great is customers could add multiple 'full' domains to the accounts.


Thank you kindly for your time and advice.

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