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negrusti last won the day on January 11 2018

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  1. re. UI my main complaint is there is way too much white space (yes I know it is good for conventional sites). What used to be a concise view is now several pages of scrolling. Previous UI was awesome BTW and one of the main reasons I chose Froxlor some years ago. Are there any plans of refining that?
  2. no such files in /etc/nginx/ after that command was run. nginx.conf was overwritten by default nginx version of that file
  3. Is there a way to set auto-upgrade to 1.x versions only? Not loving the new UI/UX at all and want to keep the auto-uprade functional
  4. bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:config-services --apply='{"http":"nginx","dns":"x","smtp":"x","mail":"x","ftp":"x","distro":"focal","system":[]}' This command at the very least must create backups of configuration files before overwriting them...
  5. kill -USR2 [php-fpm PID] is there for more than 7 years AFAIK
  6. Considering the default PHP configuration command service phpX.X-fpm restart which is executed after config rebuild, this leads to site outages every 5 minutes on a busy server. Changing restart to reload mitigates the risk of customers forgetting to set site alias to none, as happened in my case.
  7. As I understand obtaining the certificate is the job of a separate task. Why should it rebuild the whole config if the certificate issuance failed?
  8. */5 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --tasks 1> /dev/null */5 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --letsencrypt 1> /dev/null other task types are disabled
  9. It might be related to this: Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for <redacted domain>: [Wed Jan 15 15:50:04 UTC 2020] Creating domain key [Wed Jan 15 15:50:06 UTC 2020] The domain key is here: /root/.acme.sh/<redacted domain>/<redacted domain>.key [Wed Jan 15 15:50:06 UTC 2020] Multi domain='DNS:<redacted domain>,DNS:www.<redacted domain>' [Wed Jan 15 15:50:06 UTC 2020] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Wed Jan 15 15:50:10 UTC 2020] Getting webroot for domain='<redacted domain>' [Wed Jan 15 15:50:10 UTC 2020] Getting webroot for domain='www.<redacted domain>' [Wed Jan 15 15:50:10 UTC 2020] <redacted domain> is already verified, skip http-01. [Wed Jan 15 15:50:10 UTC 2020] Verifying: www.<redacted domain> And that happened because www. wasn't pointed to the server. However this should not create reconfiguration loop.
  10. Rebuilding webserver-configuration happens every 5 minutes for hours, causing nginx and php-fpm reloads. Confirmed by checking the timestamps of the conf files for nginx and php-fpm. Froxlor Installed version: 0.10.10 (DB: 201912100), this installation has been upgraded multiple times. How do I debug this? Nothing relevant in System log. Thanks!
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