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Everything posted by negrusti

  1. re. UI my main complaint is there is way too much white space (yes I know it is good for conventional sites). What used to be a concise view is now several pages of scrolling. Previous UI was awesome BTW and one of the main reasons I chose Froxlor some years ago. Are there any plans of refining that?
  2. no such files in /etc/nginx/ after that command was run. nginx.conf was overwritten by default nginx version of that file
  3. Is there a way to set auto-upgrade to 1.x versions only? Not loving the new UI/UX at all and want to keep the auto-uprade functional
  4. bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:config-services --apply='{"http":"nginx","dns":"x","smtp":"x","mail":"x","ftp":"x","distro":"focal","system":[]}' This command at the very least must create backups of configuration files before overwriting them...
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