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llucps last won the day on January 10 2023

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  1. Yes you're right, it was me that I had that redirection in place. I removed and I've been able to login just fine. Thank you
  2. umm.. I'm confused, checking the domain on the Settings panel it seems to be correct: And the apache config file 10_froxlor_ipandport_xxx.xxx.xxx.443.conf:
  3. Hi, After upgrading to Froxlor 2.1 I get this message: My main domain is not managed by Froxlor, but rather manually, mainly because back in the day Froxlor didn't support SSL wildcards certificates, so I managed the main domain myself. I'm guessing this is is the reason ? [other] Domains pointing to the server but are unmanaged by froxlor will now display a corresponding message Any idea of how to resolve this? I would like to keep my main domain as it was and not having Froxlor managing it if possible. Thanks.
  4. I recently upgraded one of my servers from 0.10.38 to 2.0.5 following the upgrade manual listed on the documentation, and all went well. This morning I saw there was an update to 2.0.7 and I updated with the the command ./bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:update And all went well as well. The weird this my Froxlor installation using the official deb repository wasn't were that I already updated to the latest 2.0.7 version. So I ran apt update and it also went well, but I already did have the latest version that I just installed. So, what's the best approach to update/upgrade Froxlor from now on? I'm a bit confused between apt update and the new Froxlor command ./bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:update Thanks.
  5. I meant that as a compliment being the only thing I had to do following the migration guide which I re-read several times
  6. Bravo! 👏👏👏👏 I had no idea that you're working on Froxlor revamp. It's been a nice surprise. Thank you! For the moment I just upgraded one of the two servers, the one with less services just in case. The only thing I had to do was commenting out the default_pass_scheme = CRYPT option Kudos to all the team @d00p P.D. I'm just curious about the new path to /var/www/html/ . Why of that change? Nevermind I see that that it was a frequent request https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/issues/1068
  7. I also encountered this problem a couple of weeks ago, suddenly acme.sh was trying to renew one of my domains using ZeroSSL, when in all my settings I explicitly had Letsencrypt as CA. I managed to fix the problem by registering and account with ZeroSSL, it's just a command which registers an account bu using an email, as it's explained here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68538044/why-cant-write-certificate-crt-with-acme acme.sh --register-account -m yyyy@yahoo.com Once I did that then I was be able to create a new certificate with ZeroSSL, then because I didn't want to change Letsencrypt I forced a new certificate renewal by specifying /root/.acme.sh/acme.sh --home "/root/.acme.sh" --renew-all --debug 2 --log --server letsencrypt --force I still have no idea why acme.sh was trying to use ZeroSSL to issue new certificates, but it's been working fine since then.
  8. Yes that was it, I changed to https://deb.froxlor.org/debian and it wored. Strange that has been working all the years, anyway. thanks! Lluc
  9. Hi, Since yesterday, I've been suddenly receiving these messages from cron /usr/sbin/apticron; then /usr/sbin/apticron --cron; E: The repository 'http://debian.froxlor.org bullseye Release' no longer has a Release file. and with apt-get update it complains about not finding the Release file: Err:10 https://deb.froxlor.org/debian bullseye Release 404 Not Found [IP: 443] Reading package lists... Done E: The repository 'http://debian.froxlor.org bullseye Release' no longer has a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. I see the Release file for Bullseye on http://debian.froxlor.log.. Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me? Strange.. Thanks Lluc
  10. This also happened to me. What I did was first create the domain without SSL, and once done, this will add a A record for the new domain to the DNS and then I was able to create the certificate SSL with Let's encrypt. So basically I have to do it in two steps, this behavior I think is different when Froxlor was using certbot, I remember creating my previous domains and SSL certificates in one step. It's not a big deal but I just thought it was worth to mention. Is it also your case @d00p? Thanks,
  11. Yes that's what I thought I need to get used to systemd services syntax.. old habits Thanks,
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