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mysql error bei installation SLED 11 SP1



Bei einer neue forxlor installation,

erscheint im Browser diese Fehlermeldung.


Ein weiter button erscheint nicht.


rpm -q froxlor



Froxlor Installation

Testing if MySQL-root-username and password are correct... OK

Create backup of the old Database... OK

Erasing old Database... OK

Creating MySQL-database and username... OK

Testing if MySQL-database and username have been created correctly... OK

Importing data into MySQL-database... OK

System Servername... OK

Changing imported data... OK

Adding Administrator Account...Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO `panel_admins` SET

`loginname` = 'admin',

`password` = '0102812fbd5f73aa18aa0bae2cd8f79f',

`name` = 'Siteadmin',

`email` = 'admin@odo.suse.de',

`def_language` = 'English',

`customers` = -1,

`customers_used` = 0,

`customers_see_all` = 1,

`caneditphpsettings` = 1,

`domains` = -1,

`domains_used` = 0,

`domains_see_all` = 1,

`change_serversettings` = 1,

`diskspace` = -1024,

`diskspace_used` = 0,

`mysqls` = -1,

`mysqls_used` = 0,

`emails` = -1,

`emails_used` = 0,

`email_accounts` = -1,

`email_accounts_used` = 0,

`email_forwarders` = -1,

`email_forwarders_used` = 0,

`email_quota` = -1,

`email_quota_used` = 0,

`ftps` = -1,

`ftps_used` = 0,

`tickets` = -1,

`tickets_used` = 0,

`subdomains` = -1,

`subdomains_used` = 0,

`traffic` = -1048576,

`traffic_used` = 0,

`deactivated` = 0,

`aps_packages` = -1,

`aps_packages_used` = 0,

`email_autoresponder` = -1,

`email_autoresponder_used` = 0

mysql error number: 1054

mysql error desc: Unknown column 'email_autoresponder' in 'field list'

Time/date: 15/10/2010 03:25 PM

Script: /froxlor/install/install.php

Referer: http://meinserver/froxlor/install/install.php?check=1&language=english&chooselang=Go


die datenbank wurde teilweise angelegt

mysql> use froxlor

Database changed

mysql> show tables;


| Tables_in_froxlor |


| aps_instances |

| aps_packages |

| aps_settings |

| aps_tasks |

| aps_temp_settings |

| cronjobs_run |

| domain_redirect_codes |

| ftp_groups |

| ftp_quotalimits |

| ftp_quotatallies |

| ftp_users |

| mail_autoresponder |

| mail_users |

| mail_virtual |

| panel_admins |

| panel_customers |

| panel_databases |

| panel_diskspace |

| panel_diskspace_admins |

| panel_domains |

| panel_htaccess |

| panel_htpasswds |

| panel_ipsandports |

| panel_languages |

| panel_phpconfigs |

| panel_sessions |

| panel_settings |

| panel_syslog |

| panel_tasks |

| panel_templates |

| panel_ticket_categories |

| panel_tickets |

| panel_traffic |

| panel_traffic_admins |

| redirect_codes |


35 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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2 answers to this question

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Hm, habe vorgestern erst eine frische Installation unter debian gemacht. Das RPM allerdings kommt auch nicht von uns, versuche bitte zun?chst eine Installation mittels tar.gz Archiv um Probleme mit dem RPM ausschlie?en zu k?nnen.

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Hm, habe vorgestern erst eine frische Installation unter debian gemacht. Das RPM allerdings kommt auch nicht von uns, versuche bitte zun?chst eine Installation mittels tar.gz Archiv um Probleme mit dem RPM ausschlie?en zu k?nnen.



ok mache ich

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