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Developing a mailman module



As mentioned bevor I am interested in a mailman module for froxlor. So I started to adapt the old syscp mailman module for froxlor (0.9.12).

The base of operations is as followed:

- installing a fresh froxlor version

- downloading the module from the syscp forum (version mailman-0.1.3.tar.gz)

- copying the files to the froxlor folder


I have run the following sql command

CREATE TABLE modules_mailman (
 id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `type` enum('list','update','new','delete','system','del_archive') NOT NULL default 'list',
 customerid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 domainid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 listid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 list_name tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_webhost tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_owner tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_mailhost tinytext NOT NULL,
 transport tinytext NOT NULL,
 list_password tinytext NOT NULL,


to guarantee that the database is up to date (no missing tables).



I have created a file 99.mailman.php in lib/navigation

return array (
   	'admin' => array (
           	'mailman' => array (
                   	'label' => $lng['admin']['mailman'],
                   	'show_element' => true,
                   	'elements' => array (
                           	array (
                                   	'url' => 'modules_admin_mailman.php?page=lists',
                                   	'label' => $lng['menue']['mailinglists']['mailinglists'],


After that I added the content of lng/modules/mailman/german.lng.php to lng/german.lng.php


Doing so I got my entry in main navigation and a link to the old admin mailinglist menu.


I've tryed to use that link, but I got a "blank" page, which means that there are no system and froxlor mailinglists (which is correct, there are none defined on my system yet) but I am not able to adept the pathes for mailman. phpmyadmin shows, that there were mailman entrys in panel_settings, but it seems but they are not displayed. Can you give me a hint which file / entrys I have to change?

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I might have found the point why the output is not set.

The template uses something like

 <td class="main_field_name">{$lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['rmlist_path']}</td>
 <td class="main_field_display" nowrap="nowrap"><input type="text" name="system_rmlist_path" value="{$settings['mailman']['system_rmlist_path']}" /></td>

and I cannot found, where


is set.


As froxlor uses something like

<if ($userinfo['tickets_used'] < $userinfo['tickets'] || $userinfo['tickets'] == '-1') && ($ticketsopen < $settings['ticket']['concurrently_open'] || ($settings['ticket']['concurrently_open'] == '-1' || $settings['ticket']['concurrently_open'] == '')) >

in tickets.tpl can you explain, where


is set, so I perhaps get a hint, in which datas I have to search to adapt the mailman module?

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Ok, thanks.

If I understand you right, if I have a following entry in panel_settings

  • settinggroup: mailman
  • varname: system_rmlist_path
  • value: /usr/sbin/rmlist

the value will be accessable by


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well, as Froxlor changed the way settings are read, you also have to add an entry in the settings-array to get it from the database, take a look at any of the files in /actions/admin/settings/, copy one of the files and rename it to [freenumber].mailman.php then edit. I hope the array-keys are selfexplaining


But _then_ your settings are available as you described it yes

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I've the next question handling post data.


I have created a file called 999.mailman.php in action/admin/settings

return array(
'groups' => array(
	'mailman' => array(
		'title' => $lng['admin']['mailman'],
		'fields' => array(
			'mailman_system_newlist_path' => array(
				'label' => $lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['newlist_path'],
				'settinggroup' => 'mailman',
				'varname' => 'system_newlist_path',
				'type' => 'string',
				'default' =>'',
				'save_method' => 'storeSettingField',
			'mailman_system_rmlist_path' => array(
				'label' => $lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['rmlist_path'],
				'settinggroup' => 'mailman',
				'varname' => 'system_rmlist_path',
				'type' => 'string',
				'default' => '',
				'save_method' => 'storeSettingField',


After that, all fields in the template are filled with the correct values taken out of the database (and the database gets filled with suggested values provided by the old script).

My next step was to change the suggested values and store them in the database.

The template code is

<td class="main_field_name">{$lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['newlist_path']}</td>
<td class="main_field_display" nowrap="nowrap"><input type="text" name="system_newlist_path" value="{$settings['mailman']['system_newlist_path']}" /></td>
<td class="main_field_name">{$lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['rmlist_path']}</td>
<td class="main_field_display" nowrap="nowrap"><input type="text" name="system_rmlist_path" value="{$settings['mailman']['system_rmlist_path']}" /></td>
<td class="main_field_confirm" colspan="2"><input type="hidden" name="send" value="send"><input class="bottom" type="submit" value="{$lng['panel']['save']}" /></td>


The code which should do the changes is if I have identified it right

$needed_commands =array("newlist","rmlist");

if ( $page == 'lists' ){
 if (isset($_POST['send']) 
&& !empty($_POST['system_newlist_path']) 
&& !empty($_POST['system_rmlist_path'])) {

foreach($mysql_commands as $value){
 	$query = 'SELECT `varname`, `value` FROM `'.TABLE_PANEL_SETTINGS.'` WHERE `settinggroup` = "mailman" AND `varname`="'.$value.'"';
 	$result  = $db->query_first($query);
 	if($result && (!empty($result['value']) || isset($result['value']))){
   	$fillin_value = $_POST[$value];
	$query2 = 'UPDATE `'. TABLE_PANEL_SETTINGS .'` SET `value` = "' . $fillin_value . '" WHERE `settinggroup`="mailman" AND `varname`="'.$value.'"';
	$result2  = $db->query($query2);
	$query2 = 'INSERT INTO '. TABLE_PANEL_SETTINGS .' (`settinggroup`, `varname`, `value` ) VALUES ("mailman","'.$value.'","'.$_POST[$value].'")';
	$result2  = $db->query($query2);


But no changes are made when the script is called.

I don't know, if my 999.mailman.php is incorrect, or I have an error in the script routine.

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the default value given in 999.mailman.php is kind of a "backup" value if the setting cannot be found in or read from the database. You should also provide a simple SQL file with the needed CREATE TABLE's and UPDATE TABLE's according to your needs (as this should not go into Froxlor's update process, which will be overwritten on every update)

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Ok, mailman runs and it seems, that most work of migrating the old module is finished.

The old module has had a cronjob which was started by

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/localhost/htdocs/syscp/scripts/modules/mailman/mailmanscript.php


I've tryed to run this, but I got errors from connecting to the database. As there are changes vom syscp crons to froxlor crons, I suppose this changes causes the old cron not to be able to connect to mysql.

Is there a way to add the new cron to froxlor?


As it might help, I will post the error message below:

~ # /usr/lib/php5/bin/php /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/scripts/modules/mailman/mailmanscript.php
Establishing connection failed, exiting<br />
mysql error number: 1045<br />
mysql error desc: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)<br />
Time/date: 06/10/2010 04:10 PM<br />
Script: <br />
Referer: <br />

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Don't put anything else in the cron.d-config. Implementing new/external cronscripts requires you to insert some data into the Froxlor-database:


1. Move the Cronfile to the correct folder

cp /var/www/localhost/htdocs/syscp/scripts/modules/mailman/mailmanscript.php /var/www/localhost/htdocs/syscp/scripts/jobs/


2. Add required language-string so cron-description will be displayed in the Cronjob-settings page

(in the file where $lng['module']['mailman']['admin']['rmlist_path'] is found)


$lng['crondesc']['cron_mailman'] = 'Mailman cronjob';


3. Insert cron-information into cron-table


   `module` = 'mailman/mailman',
   `cronfile` = 'mailmanscript.php', 
   `interval` = '1 HOUR', 
   `isactive` = '1', 
   `desc_lng_key` = 'cron_mailman'

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I've copied the mailmanscript.php file

 # cp /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/scripts/modules/mailman/mailmanscript.php /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/scripts/jobs/

After the cronjob has run, I've got the following error

Subject: Cron <root@myserver> /usr/lib/php5/bin/php -q /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php
X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin>
X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/root>
X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>
X-Cron-Env: <USER=root>
Message-Id: <20101007083501.BF22D2A8021@myserver.tld>
Date: Thu,  7 Oct 2010 10:35:01 +0200 (CEST)

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class db in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/syscp/lib/class_mysqldb.php on line 24


I've written a howto the convert the module to froxlor. I will post it, if the module works correct.

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I suppose, one of these lines will cause this error


include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/cron_init.php/';
#include ('/var/www/syscp/lib/cron_init.php');
#include ($pathtophpfiles . '/lib/cron_init.php');

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Never work with more than one version of a file ;)


On my server, the file looked like



$aliases_file = "/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases";

#include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/cron_init.php/';
include "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/syscp/lib/cron_init.php";
#include ('/var/www/syscp/lib/cron_init.php');
#include ($pathtophpfiles . '/lib/cron_init.php');


The file, I've downloaded (and with which I've developed the howto) looked like



$aliases_file = "/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases";

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/cron_init.php/';
#include ('/var/www/syscp/lib/cron_init.php');
#include ($pathtophpfiles . '/lib/cron_init.php');


So I commented out the hard coded path und adepted the first, and it worked.

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Aktually I am using 0.9.12


#include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/cron_init.php/';

doesn't seem to work.

I have changed it to a hardcoded version

include "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/lib/cron_init.php";

And now I got

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare includefunctions() (previously declared in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/lib/functions.php:24) in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/lib/functions.php on line 43

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Ok, you set wrote a debughandler to your cron files.


I've done it to, and now I got


Warning: fwrite(): 6 is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php on line 27

Warning: mysql_query(): 167 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/lib/classes/database/class.db.php on line 190

Warning: mysql_error(): 167 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/lib/classes/database/class.db.php on line 300

Warning: mysql_errno(): 167 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/meinaccount/lib/classes/database/class.db.php on line 301
Invalid SQL: SELECT MAX(`guid`) as `fguid` FROM `panel_customers`<br />
mysql error number: <br />
mysql error desc: <br />
Time/date: 07/10/2010 01:10 PM<br />
Script: <br />
Referer: <br />


I've changed the start of the mailmanscript.php file to


fwrite($debugHandler, 'Analysing mailman structure for possible updates' . "\n");


$aliases_file = "/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases";

   	if(@php_sapi_name() != 'cli' && @php_sapi_name() != 'cgi')
           	die('This script will only work in the shell.');


*  	Read in the existing lists from the system

   	$cmd = $settings['mailman']['system_list_lists_path'].' -b';
   	$existing_lists = shell_exec("$cmd");
   	$existing_lists_array = split("\n", $existing_lists);
*  	Create all new lists

*  	Create the List in mailman
   	$result 		= $db->query("SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_MODULE_MAILMAN."` WHERE type = 'new'");
   	// foreach dataset
   	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)){
           	$list_name = substr($row['list_name'],0,strpos($row['list_name'],"@"));
           	$list_mailhost = substr($row['list_name'],strpos($row['list_name'],"@")+1);
           	$list_webhost = $row['list_webhost'];
           	$list_owner = $row['list_owner'];
           	$list_password = $row['list_password'];
           	$cmd=$settings['mailman']['system_newlist_path']." -q --urlhost=".$list_webhost." --emailhost=".$list_mailhost." ".$list_name." ".$list_owner." ".$list_password;
           	$cmd = $settings['mailman']['system_withlist_path'].' -l -r fix_url '.$list_name.' -u '.$list_mailhost.' >/dev/null 2>&1';
           	$output = shell_exec($cmd);
           	$cmd=$settings['mailman']['system_genaliases_path']." -q";
           	$aliases_file_handler = fopen($aliases_file, 'w');
           	fwrite($aliases_file_handler, $output);

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What are you doing? SELECT MAX(`guid`) as `fguid` FROM `panel_customers` is a SQL-query which works perfect if you run it in phpMyAdmin or the mysql-shell. Something wrong on your system. Also, i can't reproduce why the filehandle of the lock-file should be an invalid stream resource.


Can you please download a fresh froxlor-archive and paste a DIFF between your Froxlor-folder and the "original" so we can see all your changes

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Phew, you sure got a hell lot of very old files there, i recommend you follow the upgrade guide (link) and start with only recent files (the upgrade-guide will lead you there).


Then import your mailman-patches and then test again.

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