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We think a good maintained control panel is essential for reliable webhosters. You might be one of them so you know best.


It all started up with the well known system control panel "SysCP". Many of us were working on SysCP for a long and nice time

until the team began to be at variance with the head of SysCP and his ideas about the future of SysCP.


EleRas decided to quit working on SysCP in march 2009, soon followed by d00p, atari and radiation.

We decided it was time to build a new panel with a better community-aspect and a good release-cycle.


Due to time-issues Froxlor went to sleep until January 19th, 2010.

Soon the team was back together and within two days the decision to fork SysCP was made

(we couldn't stand to let the users use this buggy tool any longer);

built up the infrastructure and fixed an enourmous amount of bugs mentioned in the SysCP bugtracker.


After this release, we will re-work the source, give it a new core and develop a more flexible

architecture which will make it easier to maintain and stabilize future releases.


Behind the scenes a more democratic approach will be used.

There is not a single person who decides where to go and what to do - it's the team.

At least three team-members are needed to approve (bigger) decisions.


Without any more words, we now proudly present: Froxlor 0.9


Froxlor-0.9 is fully compatible with SysCP. Upgrading possible with only one click ;-)


The following SysCP- bugs have been fixed in Froxlor 0.9

(bug-numbers refer to the SysCP-bugtracker)


#1013 		lighttpd - every customer should have his own php.ini
#1051 		include_shell issue in lighttpd 1.4.20
#1080 		host of third level gets overridden by second-level when wwwserveralias is not set on lighttpd
#1095 		lighttpd - redirection - "/" slash is added to end of url
#1113 		realtime functionality broken
#1122 		Field members of table ftp_groups not updated correctly when customer deletes ftp user
#1148 		Show info for inactive modifications
#1149 		Create a Configuration-Option for SPF Records in Zonefiles
#1154 		Wrong configuration set with AWstats an fcgi
#1159 		serveral errors for lighttpd
#1176 		libnss-mysql and conflicting usernames/groups
#1181 		lighttpd cronjob config for subdomains is empty
#1185 		Autoreponder - send mails via sendmail to set correct Return-Path header
#1201 		Virtualusers conflict with local users when using libnss-mysql
#1203 		Add check for PHP version and required PHP modules in install script
#1209 	 	APS crashs when installing magento
#1210 		Add start- and endtime to autoresponder
#1213 		APS class_apsinstaller.php on line 510 - error installing different apps
#1215 		php.ini: open_basedir error
#1217 		SysCP Realtime Support
#1221 		syscp xinet.d - no need to edit /etc/services
#1223 		Postfix proposed SQL-query in mysql-virtual_alias_maps.cf: use TRIM()
#1228 		Domain deletion fails
#1233 		Display errors when amount of FTP or Mail Traffic is larger than HTTP traffic
#1236 		the cron doesnt delete user directories
#1239 		awstats configs get cluttered up after domain deletion
#1246 		wrong variable assigned in /templates/admin/customers/customers_add.tpl
#1247 		tab order problems at email forward mask
#1249 		SysCP SVN(!) settings loader doesn't load some settings
#1250 		Apache redirect to Umlautdomains does not work
#1253 		admin_customers.php line 803 / 804 contain the same
#1254 		Installation no next button
#1255 		Wrong path to usage statistics under domain settings
#1263 		Cosmettic Change
#1266 		Lighttpd has a internal limit of regex-hits which limits max amount of domain-aliases
#1267 		Domain-Aliases also create a HOST-entry
#1268 		SysCP Funktion: aktualisierung in Real-Time
#1269 		AWStats RewriteRule is wrong
#1270 		xinet reltime update mistake
#1271 		cant install the package magento
#1272 		Default Config for libnss incomplete (debian/lenny)
#1273 		APS-Installer
#1275 		Setting up Traffic limit is limited to 999 GB
#1276 		Bind Zones Not Updated on Nameserver Change
#1277 		Apache Redirect => permanent 301
#1279 		incorrect usage of escapeshellcmd
#1281 		Wrong open_basedir directive
#1282 		Identical dovecot homedirs
#1283 		SysCP creating broken lighttpd config files


Beside these bugs, we decided to drop the billing-module completely in Froxlor due to many bugs and unmaintainable code.

If you are one of the very few users of that module - sorry :(


This first release should be seen as an intermediate step between SysCP and the upcoming Froxlor 1.0 release.

SysCP's design was kept in 0.9 for an easier changeover.


Download Froxlor 0.9

Visit www.froxlor.org or join our irc-channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.org


Thank you,

Your Froxlor Team

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It's awesome. I used SysCP for a long time and i appreciate that this team continue the work and bring new features to this good management tool.

  • Like 2

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