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I am using Froxlor 2.1.9 under the Domain manage.mydomain.com. How to add a Lets Encrypt Certificate for this subdomain?

Chrissie Brown


14 answers to this question

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mach einfach direkt in der DB ein:

UPDATE `panel_ipsandports` SET `vhostcontainer` = '1';

und dann stellste in den Froxlor Vhost Einstellungen die Let's Encrypt nummer ein

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Ok, this is working now. Thank you, d00p. Maybe some Altlasten :)

root@localhost [froxlor2]> select id, port, vhostcontainer from panel_ipsandports;
| id | port | vhostcontainer |
|  7 |   80 |              1 |
|  9 |  443 |              0 |
| 10 |   80 |              1 |
| 11 |  443 |              0 |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

root@localhost [froxlor2]> UPDATE `panel_ipsandports` SET `vhostcontainer` = '1';
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.019 sec)
Rows matched: 4  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0

root@localhost [froxlor2]> select id, port, vhostcontainer from panel_ipsandports;
| id | port | vhostcontainer |
|  7 |   80 |              1 |
|  9 |  443 |              1 |
| 10 |   80 |              1 |
| 11 |  443 |              1 |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)


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