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Installations Anleitung auf Englisch Bitte


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edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines to it


deb http://debian.froxlor.org lenny main
deb-src http://debian.froxlor.org lenny main


Save it and type in the following commands to get the key for the froxlor package aprovement (type it in your shell)


gpg --keyserver gpg-keyserver.de --recv-keys 4F9E9BBC
gpg --export 4F9E9BBC|apt-key add -


update your package list and system


apt-get update && apt-get upgrade


now you can install froxlor with all needed packages like webserver and so on


apt-get install froxlor 


For people who know what they are doing, they can use -y at the of the apt-get install inputs to get no question if they really want to install the given packages and suggests / recommends of them.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have done this. I attempted to access the installation following the instructions:


Please run Froxlor by opening it via your Webbrowser.

where I replaced <YOURIP> with my IP numbers. I got a web page with the message:


404 - Not Found


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