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Idea / How to: BIND9 with Froxlor server(s) as primary and other (DNS) server(s) as secondary


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Further reading:

I want to share this idea as a thank you to the Froxlor community, maybe it helps someone in the future.


1. On a Froxlor server ("primary") (called h2) that already has DNS setup:

1.1. Create script that makes the catalog zone.

touch /etc/example-bind/serial
chmod 600 /etc/example-bind/serial
chown root:root /etc/example-bind/serial
nano -w /etc/example-bind/serial


touch /etc/example-bind/on_reload_bind9.sh
chmod 700 /etc/example-bind/on_reload_bind9.sh
chown root:root /etc/example-bind/on_reload_bind9.sh
nano -w /etc/example-bind/on_reload_bind9.sh






touch $catalog_file
chown bind:0 $catalog_file
chmod 0644 $catalog_file

serial=$(($(cat /etc/example-bind/serial) + 1))
echo $serial > /etc/example-bind/serial

echo "catalog.${catalog_name}.example.    IN SOA . . $serial 172800 960 3600000 300
catalog.${catalog_name}.example.    IN NS invalid.
version.catalog.${catalog_name}.example.    IN TXT \"2\"
" > $catalog_file

named-checkconf -l /etc/bind/froxlor_bind.conf | awk "{ printf \"%s.zones.catalog.%s.example. PTR %s.\n\",makeZoneEntry(\$1),\"$catalog_name\",\$1 }
function makeZoneEntry( id,  cmd, output ) {
        cmd = \"echo \\047\" id \"\\047 | sha1sum\"
        if ( (cmd | getline output) > 0 ) {
                sub(/ .*/,\"\",output)
        else {
                print \"failed to hash \" id | \"cat>&2\"
                output = id
        close( cmd )
        return output
}" >> $catalog_file

systemctl reload bind9

# TODO: hash catalog zone and update serial only when it changes

1.2. Run the script once


1.3. Create a TSIG key:

tsig-keygen -a hmac-sha256 catalog.h2.example

This shoud look similar to:

key "catalog.h2.example" {
    algorithm hmac-sha256;
    secret "<YOUR SECRET HERE>";

1.4. Create zone file for catalog zone:

touch /etc/bind/example_bind.conf
chmod 760 /etc/bind/example_bind.conf
chown root:bind /etc/bind/example_bind.conf
nano -w /etc/bind/example_bind.conf

key "catalog.h2.example." {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "<YOUR SECRET HERE>";

zone "catalog.h2.example" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/catalog.h2.example.db";
        allow-transfer   { key "catalog.h2.example."; };
        also-notify { <A SECONADRY IP HERE>; }; # put IPS of your DNS secondaries here

1.5. edit /etc/bind/named.conf.local


# ...

include "/etc/bind/example_bind.conf";

bellow the froxlor one

1.6. Test config on primary:

named-checkconf -p
ONLY PROCEED if it doesn't complain about errors, otherwise fix or roll-back changes.


2. On a secondary DNS (could be made with Froxlor or at least Froxlor configs with DNS setup already) (called h3):


touch /etc/bind/example_bind.conf
chmod 760 /etc/bind/example_bind.conf
chown root:bind /etc/bind/example_bind.conf
nano -w /etc/bind/example_bind.conf

key "catalog.h2.example." {
        algorithm "hmac-sha256";
        secret "<YOUR SECRET HERE>";
server <PRIMARY IP HERE> {
        keys { "catalog.h2.example."; };

zone "catalog.h2.example" {
        type slave;
        file "catalog.h2.example.db";
        allow-transfer { none; }; # important
        masters { <PRIMARY IP HERE>; };

2.2 Modify /etc/bind/named.conf.options

# ...
        allow-transfer { none; }; # important
        catalog-zones {
                zone "catalog.h2.example" default-masters { <YOUR PRIMARY IP HERE>; };

2.3. Append to /etc/bind/named.conf.local after froxlor one:

# ...

include "/etc/bind/example_bind.conf";

2.4. Test config on secondary:
named-checkconf -p
ONLY PROCEED if it doesn't complain about errors, otherwise fix or rollback changes.

2.5 Restart bind9 on secondary:

systemctl restart bind9

3. Update Settings  » Nameserver settings on primary:

  • DNS Server reload command: /etc/example-bind/on_reload_bind9.sh
  • IMPORTANT: Either the secondaries must be listed in Nameservers, or their IP must be in AXFR servers (Froxlor has no option for TSIG keys)
Edited by ripieces
fixed information disclousure vulnerability
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Important update thanks to security researcher Ronak Nahar ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/naharronak/ )

Step 2 on h3 (secondary DNS) needs to have allow-transfer { none; }

in 2.1 /etc/bind/example_bind.conf on secondary NS (h3)

zone "catalog.h2.example" {
        type slave;
        file "catalog.h2.example.db";
        allow-transfer { none; }; # this is new
        masters { <PRIMARY IP HERE>; };

in 2.2 /etc/bind/named.conf.options on secondary NS (h3)

# ...
        allow-transfer { none; }; # this is new
        catalog-zones {
                zone "catalog.h2.example" default-masters { <YOUR PRIMARY IP HERE>; };

in the config, I fixed the config above accordingly.

Edited by ripieces
fixed spelling of researcher name
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