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Everything posted by HKrause

  1. In a web from one of my customers I changed for testing purposes the pass_authorizationheader` to `1` in the froxlor database. In the virtual host.conf I can see now the option FcgidPassHeader Authorization see: <VirtualHost> ServerName latina-halle.de ServerAlias www.latina-halle.de ServerAdmin +++++++++++++++++ DocumentRoot "/var/customers/webs/latina" FcgidIdleTimeout 30 FcgidPassHeader Authorization SuexecUserGroup "latina" "latina" <Directory "/var/customers/webs/latina/"> <FilesMatch "\.(php)$"> SetHandler fcgid-script FcgidWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/latina/latina-halle.de/php-fcgi-starter .php Options +ExecCGI </FilesMatch> Require all granted AllowOverride All </Directory> Alias /awstats "/var/customers/webs/latina/awstats/latina-halle.de" Alias /awstats-icon "/usr/share/awstats/icon/" LogLevel warn ErrorLog "/var/customers/logs/latina-error.log" CustomLog "/var/customers/logs/latina-access.log" combined </VirtualHost> When I look for this option in vhost-config for froxlor in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled I find nothing.
  2. Unfortunately authentication does not work. Do you now in which file the config-data will be written for FCGI on apache24 for the froxlor host?
  3. This worked for me! See now the switch on in froxlor php config!
  4. Your support is a dream!!! Many, thanks!!! I want to send you money for your unbelievable quick response. Where I shopuld transfer it!
  5. I made intensive tests to narrow down the problem. Here my results. I went to php, php configs and used one config. I changed the switch of "Übergeben von HTTP AUTH BASIC/DIGEST-Headern von Apache an PHP" to on and saved. I called this configuration, and the switch was off. I checked the same with "Für aktuelle Kunden automatisch hinzufügen". Switch stays off. I changed other information in the php.ini Einstellungen: they correctly saved. I checked this with other php configurations. Same behavior. I used other Browser (instead of Firefox, Chrome) I checked it on other computer. Same behavior. From my point of you, it has to do with the Switch on/off elememt. So I checked next the behavior of the switch in "Domain bearbeiten". There switches work like expected. So for me it means, the switches on the PHP-Config page are the reason of the problem. I have no idea why. I will investigate the problem further with clientsite debugging. Maybe you can give me on basis of this information another hint. I would great appreciate your help.
  6. Sorry I must disturb you once more. I switch "Übergeben von HTTP AUTH BASIC/DIGEST-Headern von Apache an PHP " rto on, save. After saving I open config and switch is off!. I am lost. Why I can't switch this option to on?
  7. This was really helpful. I didn't know this option. I hope I come now a little bit further. Many thanks for your immediate help. Maybe it helps, if you give this hint in the API-documentation. Now it looks so:
  8. I need a little hint. I want to use the Froxlor API. For testing purposes I used the cURL-sample and the PHP sample. Nothing works. I get only the error: Unauthenticated. Please provide api user credentials. API Access is allowed and the key/secret pair is created and will be used in the sample code. Where is my mistake? Many thanks for your help.
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