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Everything posted by d00p

  1. That's one big change in two steps...
  2. there is a reason: we wanted it that way. and i don't get what you want us to tell with ...in this "short time period between the changes...." ?
  3. Thanks a lot And I agree with you, spending too much time with 'getting money' or anything will definetly lead to less progress in development.
  4. It says "down for maintenance" because of exactly that, we're switching to redmine ;-) Don't panic, it will be back online in no time
  5. Dear Froxies, as of this months, Februrary 2011, we've switched our source repository from SVN (subversion) to GIT (http://git-scm.com/). This arranges the repository as follows: Anonymous read-only access is provided via git://git.froxlor.org/froxlor.git and http://git.froxlor.org/froxlor.git'>http://git.froxlor.org/froxlor.git. The Froxlor GIT - repository may be browsed with the webinterface installed on http://git.froxlor.org If you want to contribute, you no longer need your own branch nor svn-access. Just clone our repository, make your changes, and create a patch using git format-patch origin/master. If you want to make our lives even easier, use git send-email to directly send us your patches vie e-mail. If you want to know more, join us on IRC (irc.freenode.net/#froxlor). Some more detailed information will be published on http://wiki.froxlor.org/doc/git these days. That's about it for now. d00p and the Froxlor-team
  6. no they havent and no, i dont think they have to...maybe you just use and not-yet-updated gpg-key-server
  7. there is not yet a 0.9.17 package, please read posts above
  8. key has been renewed. Packages, sorry, no info yet, Dessa seems to be sick (we haven't heard from him in four days). We'll notify you if we know more
  9. We hope you will, but it's not svn-ready yet and we don't want others to report bugs about "errors" with the new design even if it's no done (twice the work for us).
  10. no stress...it's there when it's there
  11. we're three devs short of our five-men group...we're trying our best
  12. ugh, we'll take care of this asap, sorry for any inconvenience
  13. sorry...Dessa builds the packages and he's currently a bit busy
  14. Hi Froxies, two days late (sorry) but here it is: Froxlor 0.9.17. As the team is really short with time these days, we decided to tighten up our plans. To make it short, there will be no new features in the 0.9-series except for the (re)design and multiserver-support. Which also is the roadmap, along with Froxlor-1.0, for the next months. ChangeLog for 0.9.17: Legend: ChangeLog: Download Froxlor 0.9.17 Visit www.froxlor.org or join our irc-channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.org Debian packages are in process of being built and will be available later today as usual. Thank you, your Froxlor Team
  15. Yup, we try to be backwards compatible and keep supporting the "old" theme (well, at least for a bit ) We try really hard for .17 but it's more likely to make it into .18
  16. In German (just to avoid any misunderstandings): Haben wir alles schon durchgesprochen und uns informiert, der administrative Aufwand f?r die F?hrung eines Vereins ist einfach noch zu gro? im Moment, als das es sich f?r uns lohnen w?rde. Wir sind alle freiwillig und in unserer Freizeit bei Froxlor t?tig und m?chten ungern noch mehr unserer kostbaren Zeit mit Verwaltungsaufwand f?r einen Verein einbu?en. Auch haben wir schon die M?glichkeit in Betracht gezogen uns einer externen Verwaltungsstelle f?r Open-Source-Projekte anzuschlie?en, allerdings erschien uns das zur Zeit einfach nicht notwendig. Die meisten Spender sind Privatleute oder kleine- bis mittelst?ndige Unternehmen die bisher keine Quittung verlangt haben. Wie gesagt, wir stecken unsere Energie und Zeit lieber in die Weiterentwicklung als in die Verwaltung f?r einen Verein nur um "mehr Spenden" zu bekommen. Das ist nicht unser Prim?rziel und auch nicht das, was wir mit Froxlor erreichen wollen.
  17. We discussed that. there is a lot of administrative stuff we would have to do for this (ber?hmte "Beh?rdeng?nge" usw.) which is not worth cutting of time for development. Also, we don't want to pay taxes or anything (what we surely would, cause i unsure if we would get a non-profit-organisation status). It's too complicated. On the other hand - i like the support-membership idea. We already have a company which donates on a regular basis (Bedios eBusiness Solutions)
  18. As there were some changes in the process of packaging for Debian we have to do some more work than usual. ETA is this week.
  19. It's intended. We wanted to keep the "pattern" for every php-fcgi-starter and didn't think about what could happen to updaters Sorry
  20. soon, sorry we're all a bit busy these days
  21. We try to get it into 0.9.17 1) for 1.0 -> PEAR standard; for 0.9.x -> something....we don't really know 2) we are aware of the resolution-"problem" and trying to get rid of the large overviews with the new theme
  22. That's correct, the internal-version has not increased because there were no database-updates necessary.
  23. Hi Froxies, we welcome you to an all-new version of Froxlor: 0.9.15. One of the major changes is that we dropped support for Debian etch (please note: the 0.9.15 packages are incompatible with etch, but you should upgrade your distribution anyway!) and that we now have a complete native support for the NGINX webserver (developed by a community-member: Philderbeast, thank you very much). Please note, that the Dovecot and Courier - configurations have changed due to a bug with allow-imap and allow-pop3, please compare your installed configurations to the configurations in the panel. UPDATE: The configuration templates for Dovecot ('dovecot-sql.conf') are not working properly in 0.9.15. Due to a wrong SQL-query it is not possible to send mails. Either use the quick-fix below if you already installed 0.9.15 or if you are a new user, use Quickfix dovecot-sql.conf open the file /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf (or similar) find the line that starts with 'password_query = ' now replace (at the end of the line): AND ((imap = 1 AND '%Ls' = 'imap') OR (pop3 = 1 AND '%Ls' = 'pop3')) with AND ((imap = 1 AND '%Ls' = 'imap') OR (pop3 = 1 AND '%Ls' = 'pop3') OR '%Ls' = 'smtp') The following changes and features also found their way into 0.9.15: Legend: ChangeLog: Download Froxlor Visit www.froxlor.org or join our irc-channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.org Debian packages are in process of being built and will be available later today as usual. Thank you, your Froxlor Team
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