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Posts posted by d00p

  1. Das einzige was ich mir vorstellen kann an Änderung die dieses verhalten hervorruft ist diese: https://github.com/froxlor/Froxlor/commit/e06db3d8c5921d2ffdba61fd91eb1ebce8cadba4

    Eventuell mal einzeln testen und die entsprechende `Cronjob::inserttask(TaskId::REBUILD_VHOST);` Zeile löschen und sehen ob das Problem weiterhin besteht. Ich kann es leider nicht reproduzieren auf der aktuellen 2.1.8 - ohne zusätzliche info was ggfls eingestellt/geändert wurde und in welchem state sich da alles bei dir befindet kann ich da auch wenig zu sagen

  2. So you already did the web-installation process? And you did specify "dicetales.de" as system fqdn? At the end of the installation, you are prompted a shell command which you have to run as root on your server, did you do that?

    If everything went through, you just have to visit http://dicetales.de (if that is your froxlor system fqdn) - if not, you might want to check the output of the command you had to run whether there were any issues

  3. Well then you indeed have too many redirects....check a potential .htaccess file or the target page. A redirect is VERY basic, it just tells the client to go to the other page. Most likely the other page redirects back or does a reedirect to itself. You can find out by using `curl` on the shell and inspect the headers (Location: http://TARGET) and then follow these targets and you will see that there is a redirect back to where it came from at some point

  4. try the following patch:

    diff --git a/lib/Froxlor/Cron/Http/Apache.php b/lib/Froxlor/Cron/Http/Apache.php
    index f3fe3f6b..609f9164 100644
    --- a/lib/Froxlor/Cron/Http/Apache.php
    +++ b/lib/Froxlor/Cron/Http/Apache.php
    @@ -823,6 +823,7 @@ class Apache extends HttpConfigBase
                                            $modrew_red = ' [R=' . $code . ';L,NE]';
    +                               $vhost_content .= $this->getLogfiles($domain);
                                    // redirect everything, not only root-directory, #541
                                    $vhost_content .= '  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>' . "\n";
                                    $vhost_content .= '    RewriteEngine On' . "\n";


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