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froxdiff.php - script to diff config files



The following script is intended to make upgrading or checking the config a little bit easier. It should be put into /var/froxlor/scripts (or wherever you have installed Froxlor), and can be used as follows:


 froxdiff.php -d distro_id -s daemon_id 


will compare all config files for the given distro and demon against the templates/recommendations from Froxlor, and tell whether they are equal, different or missing


 froxdiff.php -d distro_id -f /path/to/configfile


will check configfile and output a diff between the template and the actual configfile.




will provide a list of available distros and daemons.


The reasoning behind that script is that comparing a lot of configfiles by hand is tedious and error-prone, but on the other hand there are often special configurations which require a different config. With the script, it is possible to only see the differences, without having to check each file manually, or read every release note for necessary updates. It would be even nicer if the diff was available from the web interface directly, but this was too complicated for me :-/


If you could include this somehow into Froxlor, that would be great. If there are bugs or necessary adjustments, just let me know.


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