This is the result after 150 participants - thank you very much. The interpretation will follow in the announcement of the next release. You are welcome to join a discussion about the survey-results in our IRC-channel #froxlor on 1. What operating systems are you using in your server(s)?
74,66% - Debian
2133% - Ubuntu
8,66% - Gentoo
3,33% - Other
2,66% - Redhat
2% - SuSe
2% - BSD
2. What webserver are you using?
64% - Apache-2.2
44,66% - Apache-2.4
24% - Nginx
13,33% - Lighttpd
<1% - Other
3. Are you using your own nameservers and the Froxlor generated DNS-configurations?
62,9% - No
37,1% - Yes
4. Feature usage/importance (by average rating 1 - 4)
3,79 - SSL
3,68 - IPv6
3,64 - proftpd
3,60 - quota
3,57 - dovecot
3,50 - fcgid
3,43 - php-fpm
3,28 - SNI
3,26 - built-in backup-solution
3,21 - domainkeys
2,98 - perl/cgi
2,85 - bind
2,74 - nginx
2,74 - courier
2,72 - custom-dns
2,69 - pureftpd
2,61 - ticket-system
2,39 - APS
2,37 - lighttpd
2,36 - newsletter-system
2,26 - PowerDNS