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Everything posted by Carello

  1. Thank you d00p! It actually works, now that I test it, though it wasn't obvious as the certificate can't be selected for more than one domain name
  2. Hi, I just started experimenting with Froxlor (0.10.13) for the first time, and even though it took some time to get used to and get everything running, I finally have it working correctly. There is one big question I have though, which I cannot find has been asked before; Is it, or would it be possible, to incorporate support for the same SSL certificate to be used by a customer for multiple domains/websites, say a SAN/wildcard certificate (not Let's Encrypt)? As far as I can tell, if a customer adds a wildcard certificate (or any type of certificate), it's not possible to use it for multiple domains/websites for that customer, without adding the same certificate multiple times as Froxlor does not seem to support more than one domain per SSL certificate that's added. Because of this, it makes it much harder when it comes to renewing the certificate, as it has to be added several times over - it would be much better if a certificate could be used for multiple domains as it makes the renewal and management process much simpler. Any ideas?
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