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Posts posted by CptWolf

  1. On 12/18/2019 at 10:42 AM, d00p said:

    Create a file test in /var/www/froxlor/.well-known/acme-challenge, wirte e.g. "hello" into that file. Now try to access http://kaptan.xyz/.well-known/acme-challenge/test - if it says "hello" in the browser you should be good to go, if not, check your /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/acme.conf file

    I created a file;  test in /var/www/froxlor/.well-known/acme-challenge


    Alias "/.well-known/acme-challenge" "/var/www/froxlor/.well-known/acme-challenge"
    <Directory "/var/www/froxlor/.well-known/acme-challenge">
    Require all granted

    When i tried to access http://kaptan.xyz/.well-known/acme-challenge/test i got 404 error. Restarted apache but still the same issue exists.. :(

  2. [information] TasksCron: Searching for tasks to do
    [information] Task4 started - Rebuilding froxlor_bind.conf
    [information] Cleaning dns zone files from /etc/bind/domains/
    [debug] domId    domain                                  ismainbutsubto parent d                       omain                           list of child domain ids                         
    [debug] 19       kaptan.xyz                              0              -                              
    [debug] 23       nurettinyildirim.com                    0              -                                                        
    [information] `/etc/bind/domains/kaptan.xyz.zone` written
    [debug] Generating dns config for kaptan.xyz
    [information] `/etc/bind/domains/nurettinyildirim.com.zone` written
    [debug] Generating dns config for nurettinyildirim.com
    [information] froxlor_bind.conf written
    [information] Bind daemon reloaded
    [information] Task4 finished
    [information] Running Let's Encrypt cronjob prior to regenerating webserver conf                       ig files
    [information] Requesting/renewing Let's Encrypt certificates
    [information] Creating certificate for kaptan.xyz
    [information] Adding SAN entry: kaptan.xyz
    [information] Adding SAN entry: www.kaptan.xyz
    [information] Checking for LetsEncrypt client upgrades before renewing certifica                       tes:
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:39 +03 2019] Installing from online archive.
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:39 +03 2019] Downloading https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/a                       rchive/master.tar.gz
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:40 +03 2019] Extracting master.tar.gz
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:40 +03 2019] Installing to /root/.acme.sh
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:40 +03 2019] Installed to /root/.acme.sh/acme.sh
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:40 +03 2019] Good, bash is found, so change the shebang to use                        bash as preferred.
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] OK
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Install success!
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Upgrade success!
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Removing cron job
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Lets find script dir.
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _SCRIPT_='/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _script='/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _script_home='/root/.acme.sh'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Using config home:/root/.acme.sh
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Using server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.or                       g/directory
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Running cmd: issue
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _main_domain='kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _alt_domains='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Using config home:/root/.acme.sh
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] ACME_DIRECTORY='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.                       org/directory'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] DOMAIN_PATH='/root/.acme.sh/kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] Using ACME_DIRECTORY: https://acme-v02.api.letsen                       crypt.org/directory
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _init api for server: https://acme-v02.api.letsen                       crypt.org/directory
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] GET
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] url='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directo                       ry'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] timeout=
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /root/.acme                       .sh/http.header  -g '
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:41 +03 2019] ret='0'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_KEY_CHANGE='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt                       .org/acme/key-change'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_NEW_AUTHZ
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_NEW_ORDER='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.                       org/acme/new-order'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_NEW_ACCOUNT='https://acme-v02.api.letsencryp                       t.org/acme/new-acct'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_REVOKE_CERT='https://acme-v02.api.letsencryp                       t.org/acme/revoke-cert'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_AGREEMENT='https://letsencrypt.org/documents                       /LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_NEW_NONCE='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.                       org/acme/new-nonce'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_VERSION='2'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Le_NextRenewTime
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] _on_before_issue
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] _chk_main_domain='kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] _chk_alt_domains='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Le_LocalAddress
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] d='kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Check for domain='kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] _currentRoot='/root/.acme.sh/'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] d='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Check for domain='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] _currentRoot='/root/.acme.sh/'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] d
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] _saved_account_key_hash is not changed, skip regi                       ster account.
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Read key length:4096
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Using config home:/root/.acme.sh
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] ACME_DIRECTORY='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.                       org/directory'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Use length 4096
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Using RSA: 4096
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] _createcsr
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] d='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] d
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] url='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/ne                       w-order'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] payload='{"identifiers": [{"type":"dns","value":"                       kaptan.xyz"},{"type":"dns","value":"www.kaptan.xyz"}]}'
    Diagnosis versions:
    OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
    apache doesn't exists.
    nginx doesn't exists.
    socat by Gerhard Rieger - see www.dest-unreach.org
    socat [options] <bi-address> <bi-address>
          -V     print version and feature information to stdout, and exit
          -h|-?  print a help text describing command line options and addresses
          -hh    like -h, plus a list of all common address option names
          -hhh   like -hh, plus a list of all available address option names
          -d     increase verbosity (use up to 4 times; 2 are recommended)
          -D     analyze file descriptors before loop
          -ly[facility]  log to syslog, using facility (default is daemon)
          -lf<logfile>   log to file
          -ls            log to stderr (default if no other log)
          -lm[facility]  mixed log mode (stderr during initialization, then syslog)
          -lp<progname>  set the program name used for logging
          -lu            use microseconds for logging timestamps
          -lh            add hostname to log messages
          -v     verbose data traffic, text
          -x     verbose data traffic, hexadecimal
          -b<size_t>     set data buffer size (8192)
          -s     sloppy (continue on error)
          -t<timeout>    wait seconds before closing second channel
          -T<timeout>    total inactivity timeout in seconds
          -u     unidirectional mode (left to right)
          -U     unidirectional mode (right to left)
          -g     do not check option groups
          -L <lockfile>  try to obtain lock, or fail
          -W <lockfile>  try to obtain lock, or wait
          -4     prefer IPv4 if version is not explicitly specified
          -6     prefer IPv6 if version is not explicitly specified
          pipe[,<opts>]     groups=FD,FIFO
          abstract-client:<filename>        groups=FD,SOCKET,RETRY,UNIX
          abstract-connect:<filename>       groups=FD,SOCKET,RETRY,UNIX
          abstract-listen:<filename>        groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,UNIX
          abstract-recv:<filename>  groups=FD,SOCKET,RETRY,UNIX
          abstract-recvfrom:<filename>      groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,UNIX
          abstract-sendto:<filename>        groups=FD,SOCKET,RETRY,UNIX
          create:<filename> groups=FD,REG,NAMED
          exec:<command-line>       groups=FD,FIFO,SOCKET,EXEC,FORK,TERMIOS,PTY,PARE                       NT,UNIX
          fd:<num>  groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,SOCKET,TERMIOS,UNIX,IP4,IP6,UDP,TCP,S                       CTP
          gopen:<filename>  groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,SOCKET,NAMED,OPEN,TERMIOS,UNI                       X
          interface:<interface>     groups=FD,SOCKET
          ip-datagram:<host>:<protocol>     groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4,IP6
          ip-recv:<protocol>        groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4,IP6
          ip-recvfrom:<protocol>    groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE,IP4,IP6
          ip-sendto:<host>:<protocol>       groups=FD,SOCKET,IP4,IP6
          ip4-datagram:<host>:<protocol>    groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4
          ip4-recv:<protocol>       groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4
          ip4-recvfrom:<protocol>   groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE,IP4
          ip4-sendto:<host>:<protocol>      groups=FD,SOCKET,IP4
          ip6-datagram:<host>:<protocol>    groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP6
          ip6-recv:<protocol>       groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP6
          ip6-recvfrom:<protocol>   groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE,IP6
          ip6-sendto:<host>:<protocol>      groups=FD,SOCKET,IP6
          open:<filename>   groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,NAMED,OPEN,TERMIOS
          openssl:<host>:<port>     groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4,IP6,TCP,OPENSSL
          openssl-listen:<port>     groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP4,IP                       6,TCP,OPENSSL
          pipe:<filename>   groups=FD,FIFO,NAMED,OPEN
          proxy:<proxy-server>:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4                       ,IP6,TCP,HTTP
          pty       groups=FD,NAMED,TERMIOS,PTY
          sctp-connect:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4,IP6,SCT                       P
          sctp-listen:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP4,IP                       6,SCTP
          sctp4-connect:<host>:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4,SCTP
          sctp4-listen:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP4,SC                       TP
          sctp6-connect:<host>:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP6,SCTP
          sctp6-listen:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP6,SC                       TP
          socket-connect:<domain>:<protocol>:<remote-address>       groups=FD,SOCKET                       ,CHILD,RETRY
          socket-datagram:<domain>:<type>:<protocol>:<remote-address>       groups=F                       D,SOCKET,RANGE
          socket-listen:<domain>:<protocol>:<local-address> groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,                       CHILD,RETRY,RANGE
          socket-recv:<domain>:<type>:<protocol>:<local-address>    groups=FD,SOCKET                       ,RANGE
          socket-recvfrom:<domain>:<type>:<protocol>:<local-address>        groups=F                       D,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE
          socket-sendto:<domain>:<type>:<protocol>:<remote-address> groups=FD,SOCKET
          socks4:<socks-server>:<host>:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4                       ,IP6,TCP,SOCKS4
          socks4a:<socks-server>:<host>:<port>      groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4                       ,IP6,TCP,SOCKS4
          stderr    groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,SOCKET,TERMIOS,UNIX,IP4,IP6,UDP,TCP,S                       CTP
          stdin     groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,SOCKET,TERMIOS,UNIX,IP4,IP6,UDP,TCP,S                       CTP
          stdio     groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,SOCKET,TERMIOS,UNIX,IP4,IP6,UDP,TCP,S                       CTP
          stdout    groups=FD,FIFO,CHR,BLK,REG,SOCKET,TERMIOS,UNIX,IP4,IP6,UDP,TCP,S                       CTP
          system:<shell-command>    groups=FD,FIFO,SOCKET,EXEC,FORK,TERMIOS,PTY,PARE                       NT,UNIX
          tcp-connect:<host>:<port> groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4,IP6,TCP
          tcp-listen:<port> groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP4,IP6,TCP
          tcp4-connect:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP4,TCP
          tcp4-listen:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP4,TC                       P
          tcp6-connect:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RETRY,IP6,TCP
          tcp6-listen:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP6,TC                       P
          tun[:<ip-addr>/<bits>]    groups=FD,CHR,NAMED,OPEN,INTERFACE
          udp-connect:<host>:<port> groups=FD,SOCKET,IP4,IP6,UDP
          udp-datagram:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4,IP6,UDP
          udp-listen:<port> groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RANGE,IP4,IP6,UDP
          udp-recv:<port>   groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4,IP6,UDP
          udp-recvfrom:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE,IP4,IP6,UDP
          udp-sendto:<host>:<port>  groups=FD,SOCKET,IP4,IP6,UDP
          udp4-connect:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,IP4,UDP
          udp4-datagram:<remote-address>:<port>     groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4,UDP
          udp4-listen:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RANGE,IP4,UDP
          udp4-recv:<port>  groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP4,UDP
          udp4-recvfrom:<host>:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE,IP4,UDP
          udp4-sendto:<host>:<port> groups=FD,SOCKET,IP4,UDP
          udp6-connect:<host>:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,IP6,UDP
          udp6-datagram:<host>:<port>       groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP6,UDP
          udp6-listen:<port>        groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RANGE,IP6,UDP
          udp6-recv:<port>  groups=FD,SOCKET,RANGE,IP6,UDP
          udp6-recvfrom:<port>      groups=FD,SOCKET,CHILD,RANGE,IP6,UDP
          udp6-sendto:<host>:<port> groups=FD,SOCKET,IP6,UDP
          unix-client:<filename>    groups=FD,SOCKET,NAMED,RETRY,UNIX
          unix-connect:<filename>   groups=FD,SOCKET,NAMED,RETRY,UNIX
          unix-listen:<filename>    groups=FD,SOCKET,NAMED,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,UNIX
          unix-recv:<filename>      groups=FD,SOCKET,NAMED,RETRY,UNIX
          unix-recvfrom:<filename>  groups=FD,SOCKET,NAMED,CHILD,RETRY,UNIX
          unix-sendto:<filename>    groups=FD,SOCKET,NAMED,RETRY,UNIX
    [debug] https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Creating domain key
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] The domain key is here: /root/.acme.sh/kaptan.xyz                       /kaptan.xyz.key
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] Multi domain='DNS:kaptan.xyz,DNS:www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] Getting domain auth token for each domain
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:46 +03 2019] Getting webroot for domain='kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:46 +03 2019] Getting webroot for domain='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:46 +03 2019] Verifying: kaptan.xyz
    <title>404 Not Found</title>
    <h1>Not Found</h1>
    <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>
    <address>Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at kaptan.xyz Port 80</address>
    [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for kaptan.xyz:
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:42 +03 2019] Creating domain key
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] The domain key is here: /root/.acme.sh/kaptan.xyz                       /kaptan.xyz.key
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] Multi domain='DNS:kaptan.xyz,DNS:www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:43 +03 2019] Getting domain auth token for each domain
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:46 +03 2019] Getting webroot for domain='kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:46 +03 2019] Getting webroot for domain='www.kaptan.xyz'
    [Thu Dec 12 23:30:46 +03 2019] Verifying: kaptan.xyz
    <title>404 Not Found</title>
    <h1>Not Found</h1>
    <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>
    <address>Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at kaptan.xyz Port 80</address>
    [information] No new certificates or certificates due for renewal found
    [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for  37xxxxx:80
    [debug] 37xxxxx:80 :: inserted listen-statement
    [debug] 37xxxxx:80 :: inserted vhostcontainer
    [information] apache::createIpPort: creating ip/port settings for  37xxxxx:443
    [debug] 37xxxxx:443 :: inserted vhostcontainer
    [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 19                       , customer kaptan
    [information] apache::createVirtualHosts: creating vhost container for domain 18                       , customer kaptan
    [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
    [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/htpasswd/
    [information] apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
    [information] Froxlor\Cron\Http\ApacheFcgi::reload: reloading Froxlor\Cron\Http\                       ApacheFcgi
    [notice] Creating passwd file
    [notice] Writing 7 entries to passwd file
    [notice] Succesfully wrote passwd file
    [notice] Creating group file
    [notice] Writing 7 entries to group file
    [notice] Succesfully wrote group file
    [notice] Creating shadow file
    [notice] Writing 7 entries to shadow file
    [notice] Succesfully wrote shadow file
    [notice] Checking system's last guid

    Here is the information, still ssl not activated

  3. Hello all,


    I'm using one of my websites with Trust safe Pro ssl certificate, but for the other small websites i would like to use let's encrypt.

    SSL already working and activated in my vserver. But when i tried to activate let's encrypt from froxlor , i cannot access ssl copy-paste area under the domain/ssl tab. I successfully created ssl certificates under root with cronjob (domain.conf , domain.csr, domain.csr.conf , domain.key)

    Also it is not showing ssl certificates under froxlor ssl tab.

    When i tried to reach my website i got ; SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER error in mozilla.


    How can i fix it? Thanks!


    I used https://myridia.com/dev_posts/view/1696 page for installation


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