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DNS panel questions




Heres what i have and what i would like to do with Froxlor ..


I already have a dns server with postfix and apache etc running my domain jms-networks.net .

But what i plan to do is setup another server just for Froxlor with its own apache postfix etc.

What do i need to do to get Froxlor on the new dedicated Froxlor server to use bind on my main server.

As i want to call the Froxlor unit panel.jms-networks.net and i know how to point bind just not sure how

to make Froxlor use my other servers bind?

The reason for this is to keep my customers on a seperate server and still have my main bind server seperate.


Also just out of interest could this maybe become a feature request ?

Allowing Froxlor to use services like Apache / Postfix / Bind on different servers, that would allow you to

have seperate http , dns and mail servers and Froxlor on its own too.


An help would be greatly appreciated.

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