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  1. Hi everyone, just a little problem here. I have severa domains registered on my froxlor installation and a different hostname of course. So let's say domain1.de is my hostname. The second domain, which is used by a customer is called domain2.de . When I view the mail.log I am not able to find my connection request. I do only see the bruteforce bots with example@domain1.de connecting. But any example@domain2.de request is not getting forwareded. I did configure the installation accordingdly with the provided templates. Best regards, thunfischbaum
  2. Hi, Wile doing migration of email accounts from one froxlor server to another I have noting some thing. Expecting some clarification on this. As we all know emails are normally stored in the location "/var/customers/mail/user/domain.com/user/Maildir/" . I create email accounts via froxlor panel and copy the email files directly via scp or rsync from old server to new. The strange thing I have noticed is it is not coping custom folders and its emails like we have in source. The solution I have found for this is to use imapsync between old and new. imapsync is preserving custom folders like as it is in source. Does it mean custom folder settings are stored somewhere else? How we can preserve it and copy emails manually?
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