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Duane Raymond

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Posts posted by Duane Raymond

  1. Hi. I'm trying to add rate limiting to the nginx server via froxlor. This seems to mean:

    1. At the root of the .conf file is a line: limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=mylimit:10m rate=10r/s;
    2. In each relevant location is a line: limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay;

     By adding the location line to my domains vhost in froxlor it correctly re-generates the .conf file with the 'limit_req' line.  However adding the limit_req_zone at the root level in the vhost config via froxlor adds it to the bottom of the .conf file, which causes the nginx server reload/start to fail.

    I'm manually added it at root level of the .conf file, and nginx restart/reloads with no errors.  Is there a way (besides manually editing it on each server restart) to do this with froxlor now? Perhaps an include file with the details (but that would put it outside froxlor's conf file generation)?

    See nginx example/documentation at http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_limit_req_module.html


  2. Super - that seems to have worked!

    Once I set the subdomain as having no parent and set the "Own vHost settings" to be like:

    location / {
          # Configure the location of the uWSGI server
           include uwsgi_params;
           uwsgi_pass unix:///var/customers/webs/<customer dir>/<app folder>/myapp.sock;

    The webserver config regeneration script recognised the custom root location setting was part of root and merged it into the standard root location configuration...and everything works fine now.

    Thanks for your guidance on this and hopefully this post helps others implement wsgi apps into their domains / subdomains.

  3. 7 minutes ago, d00p said:

    have you tried adding your uWSGI lines to the "Own vHost-settings" field of that domain?

    I can't find an "Own vHost-settings" for the specific domain (a sub domain)...it is what I was expecting to find it under <customer> -> Domains -> Domain overview -> <my wsgi domain>. - but I don't see an vHost settings there.  I only find them at the level of the top level domain. The top level domain uses PHP while the subdomain has a custom WSGI app. 

    I also checked if I missed allowing domain level vhost settings at the admin level, but also didn't find an option for that, although I did see the "Own vHost-settings" at the TLD level.  I'm concerned if I add the WSGI settings at the TLD level that it will break the PHP config of that site when I need it just to apply to the subdomain. (when I first posted, I didn't realised the TLD had more options than the subdomain)

  4. Hi.

    One of the domains I use needs to run Flask using uWSGI and I'm wondering of the recommended approach to manage the Nginx conf file for this specific domain. I use Froxlor to map the path to the application and generate the Let's Encrypt SSL certificates and I've edited the Froxlor-generated Nginx conf file to remove php-specific include lines and add uWSGI lines, so it all works fine. But I suspect the next time the cron runs that regenerates the scripts, it will be overwrtten. 

    So my question is: what is the recommended approach for keeping the custom configuration for this domain as I didn't see any domain-specific field for adding custom Nginx conf lines...or did I miss something?  I've checked the forum responses and feature requests for an answer, but didn't find an answer.

    I'm guessing there are a few approaches:

    1. Copy and keep the conf file entirely separate from Froxlor (and somehow prevent it from generating one)
    2. Perhaps add a snippet for the custom configuration to include
    3. I've overlooked a domain-specific custom configuration I can add so Froxlor generates the correct file
    4. something else?

    Any guidance would be helpful and appreciated! (chatGPT suggested a solution too, but it seems to have been based on Froxlor < v2)

  5. Thanks d00p, here is what I did this time to get it working on Debian 10:

    1. Stop cron jobs (via: service cron stop)
    2. Switch the webserver setting to Nginx (via: System > Settings > Webserver > select Nginx)
    3. Change any references to apache2 paths to nginx paths (I verified the new paths first, htpassword is created if missing, not sure about the others) and turn off Apache only switches
    4. Changed the SSL path settings to be nginx (via: System > Settings > SSL) 
    5. For each IP entry under 'Resources > IP and Posts' remove Apache-specific vHost/SSL settings/directives (e.g. Include) - I made mine empty
    6. Now it should be ready to switch via 'System > Configuration > HTTP' select nginx and it will give instructions for a command line to reconfigure your system
    7. Once complete, manually run the cronjob with the force option: /var/www/html/froxlor/bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:cron -f
    8. Stop Apache (not sure these last two steps are necessary, but I did them anyway)
    9. Start nginx if necessary (my failures for it to start led me to the 'Resources > IP and Posts'  changes above) and once it starts, test it all works 
    10. Restart the cron service and monitor to ensure it keeps running 🙂

    If anyone else had anything to add/suggest, feel free...but so far it is all switched over and working fine.

    edit: I also had to update /etc/nginx/nginx.conf by uncommenting: server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;


  6. Hi. Does anyone have success / tips for switching from Aoache2 to Nginx using Froxlor on Debian 10?

    The old forum instructions say to 

    1. Stop cron jobs
    2. Switch the webserver configuration to Nginx and follow the instructions (which required running a json script which installed nginx and did other config work)
    3. Rerun the cronjob with the force option: /var/www/html/froxlor/bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:cron -f
    4. Restart the cron service

    However with Froxlor v2.0.10 this didn't quite work that smoothly (no existing websites loaded, but nginx seemed to start fine).

    I've ended up rolling back to Apache2 using: bin/froxlor-cli froxlor:config-services --apply='{"http":"apache2","dns":"bind","smtp":"x","mail":"x","ftp":"x","distro":"buster","system":[]}' 

    I've used the pay-for-help https://froxlor.support service a lot to help solve other problems and it is fantastic, but I thought I'd try here as I suspect others will need whatever answers I find :-)


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