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Posts posted by a7hybnj2

  1. I just stumbled through installing Froxlor and so far am quite satisfied.

    I have a self signed cert on the Froxlor host  (Is there a way to make this a lets encrypt cert?) and I used that for setting up "IPs and Ports" for the ip:80 and ip:443.

    I then tried to do a lets encrypt cert on my domain with WWW set as the ServerAlias running "php /var/www/html/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --letsencrypt --debug" gives me "[error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for XXXXX.com: Curl error: Could not resolve host: www.XXXXX.com"

    But, when I set ServerAlias to 'no alias' and run the cronjob.php --letsencrypt it works perfectly.


    So, What I want is a way to forward www.XXXXX.com to XXXXX.com or to use the alias.There are just so many people that default to typing www in front of the domain name I don't want that to result in a "can't find server" error.

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