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Heyho.. i am using froxlor since more than a decade now.. i was installing it on a archlinux-server. thx to the rhel-config-files some years ago, it was no big thing to install froxlor on arch.

Now i need to setup a new server - also archlinux. i would love to use froxlor on this machine but rhel-support is canceld, due to no maintainer for it. So there is only support/config for debian/ubuntu. So, this is not a support-question directly to the froxlor-team - i know, that this is absolutely not your task.

But maybe in this community there is someone who is using froxlor on arch - who can give some hints on configuring current stable version of froxlor on archlinux - maybe sharing config-files.

Just a call to the community.

thx a lot

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