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vHost PHP disabled in apache configuration

Tom Spielvogel


Hello community. Maybe you can help me:

I have created a Domain / vHost in froxlor with PHP enabled. However, the vHost configuration get's updated with

# PHP is disabled for this vHost
php_flag engine off
When I manually remove this from the vHost config (and restart apache) PHP works and I can confirm with the API (I assume it goes directly to the database) that PHP is set to enabled.
{'id': '4', 'domain': ... 'domain_ace': ... 'adminid': '1', 'customerid': '3', 'aliasdomain': None, 'documentroot': '/var/www/froxlor/', 'isbinddomain': '0', 'isemaildomain': '0', 'email_only': '0', 'iswildcarddomain': '0', 'subcanemaildomain': '0', 'caneditdomain': '0', 'zonefile': '', 'dkim': '0', 'dkim_id': '0', 'dkim_privkey': '', 'dkim_pubkey': '', 'wwwserveralias': '0', 'parentdomainid': '0', 'phpenabled': '1', 'openbasedir': '1', 'openbasedir_path': '0', 'speciallogfile': '0', 'ssl_redirect': '1', 'specialsettings': '', 'ssl_specialsettings': '', 'include_specialsettings': '1', 'deactivated': '0', 'bindserial': '2000010100', 'add_date': '1636454556', 'registration_date': None, 'termination_date': None, 'phpsettingid': '1', 'mod_fcgid_starter': '-1', 'mod_fcgid_maxrequests': '-1', 'ismainbutsubto': '2', 'letsencrypt': '1', 'hsts': '0', 'hsts_sub': '0', 'hsts_preload': '0', 'ocsp_stapling': '0', 'http2': '0', 'notryfiles': '0', 'writeaccesslog': '1', 'writeerrorlog': '1', 'override_tls': '0', 'ssl_protocols': '', 'ssl_cipher_list': '', 'tlsv13_cipher_list': '', 'ssl_enabled': '1', 'ssl_honorcipherorder': '0', 'ssl_sessiontickets': '1', 'description': '', 'ipsandports': [{'id': '1', 'ip': ..., 'port': '80', 'listen_statement': '0', 'namevirtualhost_statement': '1', 'vhostcontainer': '1', 'vhostcontainer_servername_statement': '1', 'specialsettings': None, 'ssl': '0', 'ssl_cert_file': '', 'ssl_key_file': '', 'ssl_ca_file': '', 'default_vhostconf_domain': None, 'ssl_cert_chainfile': '', 'docroot': '', 'ssl_specialsettings': None, 'include_specialsettings': '0', 'ssl_default_vhostconf_domain': None, 'include_default_vhostconf_domain': '0'}, {'id': '2', 'ip': ..., 'port': '443', 'listen_statement': '0', 'namevirtualhost_statement': '0', 'vhostcontainer': '0', 'vhostcontainer_servername_statement': '0', 'specialsettings': '', 'ssl': '1', 'ssl_cert_file': '', 'ssl_key_file': '', 'ssl_ca_file': '', 'default_vhostconf_domain': '', 'ssl_cert_chainfile': '', 'docroot': '', 'ssl_specialsettings': '', 'include_specialsettings': '0', 'ssl_default_vhostconf_domain': '', 'include_default_vhostconf_domain': '0'}]}
The domain is a subdomain. For the parent domain also I have PHP enabled and set it to inherit it's settings to the subdomains - also no success
Webserver: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
PHP-Version: 7.4.25
MySQL-Server-Version: 5.5.5-10.1.48-MariaDB-0+deb9u2
Webserver-Interface: APACHE2HANDLER


Installierte Version: 0.10.30-1 (DB: 202109040)


I'd appreciate any pointers.


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