d00p Posted October 3, 2019 Posted October 3, 2019 Dear Froxlor Community, I am proud to finally release the stable version of a new API based froxlor. Due to massive internal improvements and changes in the core (almost 600 commits since users are now able to list/create/edit/delete resources and entities of froxlor via API (requires activation of api-usage in the settings and a user based API-key). The froxlor frontend itself uses the API backend too. Froxlor now uses composer to include some of its requirements like phpMailer, Logger, IdnaConvert and TwoFactorAuth libraries. All required files will be included in the official tarball so you do not need to worry about installing and using composer (only if you are using / testing the git-master, see https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/wiki/Install-froxlor-from-git-sources). Most important changes: froxlor now requires at least php-7.1 or newer, php-5.6 / php-7.0 are no longer supported because of being EOL you can access data via API, for more information see https://api.froxlor.org/doc/. An example can be found here: https://github.com/Froxlor/Froxlor/tree/master/doc/example PHPUnit tested API backend with MySQL 5.6, 5.7 and 8 as well as MariaDB 10.3 and 10.4, see https://travis-ci.com/Froxlor/Froxlor compatibility for MySQL8 2FA (two-factor-authentication) for admins/resellers/customers (email or authenticator app) all froxlor-database tables will automatically be converted to the InnoDB engine added support for Debian 10 (buster) and Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic beaver) implemented Let's Encrypt via acme.sh - Note: all your current Let's Encrypt certificates will be removed and re-created due to another structure customizable error/access log handling for webserver (format, level, pipe-to-script, etc.) deprecated Debian 7 (wheezy) and Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty tahr) support dropped support for Ubuntu 12.04 (precise pangolin) dropped ticketsystem Changes in 0.10.1: allow/disallow API access on a per-customer base new API parameters for Admins.add(), Admins.update(), Customers.add() and Customers.update() bool $api_allowed (default: false for Customers, true for Admins) add explicit tlsv1.3 ciphersuite setting fixed wrong behaviour in Ftps.add() if customer is newly created and setting customer.ftpatdomain is true added expiration date to SSL certificates loaded via API request fixed wrong return in Certificates.get() if given domain does not have a certificate allow setting http2 flag for (sub)domains in customer view, fixes #725 Changes in 0.10.2: force Let's Encrypt ACMEv2 API, fixed #728 added default-ssl-vhost settings and optionally allow including of non-ssl default-vhost settings, fixes #727 new API parameters for Domains.add() and Domains.update() string $ssl_specialsettings bool $include_specialsettings bool $dont_use_default_ssl_ipandport_if_empty removed API parameters in Domains.add() bool $use_default_ssl_ipandport_if_empty new API parameters for IpsAndPorts.add() and IpsAndPorts.update() string $ssl_specialsettings bool $include_specialsettings string $ssl_default_vhostconf_domain bool $include_default_vhostconf_domain implemented DomainZones.listing() to return custom stored dns entries fix registration and termination date to flip between empty-value and 0000-00-00 Changes in 0.10.3: fallback to /tmp/froxlor.log if file-log is activated but no file given or not writeable; fixes #737 added tls-settings per domain for admins with change_serversettings-flag set; fixes #519 new API parameter for Domains.add() and Domains.update() bool $override_tls (default: false) array $ssl_protocols string $ssl_cipher_list string $tlsv13_cipher_list preserve downward compatibility for 0.10.1 updaters regarding specialsettings for ssl-enabled domains; fixes #739 Changes in 0.10.4: added support for CIDR/netmask in mysql-access-hosts; fixes #564 fixed invalid handling of escape-sequences in api-endpoint, fixes #746 fixed an issue with adding the default ftp user for new customer when added by admin/reseller with no ftp-resources; fixes #741 fixed nginx configuration issue with fastcgi_split_path_info option; fixes #744 Changes in 0.10.5: bugfix release due to errors in Let's Encrypt re-new check; fixes #747 Changes in 0.10.6: introducing new API parameters sql_search, sql_limit, sql_offset, sql_orderby for almost all listing() calls introducing new API method listingCount() for almost all modules to return the total number of entities available changed behavior of SubDomains.listing() to return all fields from the domain table instead of the limited ones for customers when called as admin added new API module SysLog to query froxlor logs according to permission optimized panel_admins and panel_customers table to avoid mysql/mariadb warning: Row size too large (> 8126); fixes #752 corrected update of hosting plans via interface; fixes #753 implemented API method EmailForwarders.listing(); fixes #754 fixed parameters defaults for Domains.update() parameters ssl_ipandports and add new parameter (see below); fixes #756 new API parameters for Domains.update() bool $remove_ssl_ipandport Changes in 0.10.7: corrected behavior when changing mysql-access-host values; fixes #758 fix UI error "API keys not accessable due to missing Paging-class" fix trauncating of SysLog using SysLog.delete() corrected UI issue of incorrect listing of domains for customers and admin, fixes #759 corrected ordering of listings in UI regarding pagination added new settings to set default value of domain-edit-settings 'Apply specialsettings to all subdomains' and 'Apply php-config to all subdomains' corrected vhost-merging of specialsettings in nginx; fixes #757 Changes in 0.10.8: fix duplicate domain entries in customer-domain-list when domain has aliases fix searching for alias-domains by link in customer_domains use correct apiendpoint for lets encrypt; pass debug-flag onto acme.sh; fixes #762 fix removing of ssl-ip-relation to domain if no ssl-ip is selected via interface Debian package: Move mysql server dependency to redommends; fixes #761 Changes in 0.10.9: fix SQL error when searching for certificates by domainname, fixes #764 fix ordering of listings when natural sorting is activated, fixes #765 check for valid result when reading database usage from information_schema; fixes #766 Changes in 0.10.10: add new API function Froxlor.generatePassword() to return a random password based on froxlor settings regarding min-length, included characters, etc.; fixes #768 fix mysql8 issue with group by and sorting within; fixes #774 add new 'ssl-enabled' flag for domains and subdomains so ssl can be deactivated (by a customer too) even if there are ssl-ip/ports assigned; introduce new honorcipherorder and sessiontickets flags for more control over ssl-related settings on a per domain base (admin only); fixes #767 and #769 new API parameters for Domains.add() and Domains.update() bool $sslenabled bool $honorcipherorder bool $sessiontickets new API parameters for SubDomains.add() and SubDomains.update() bool $sslenabled new API method Froxlor.generatePassword() Changes in 0.10.11: apply 'notryfiles', 'writeaccesslog' and 'writeerrorlog' flags to subdomains when editing a domain fix SysLog.delete(), SysLog.listing() and SysLog.listingCount() whencalled as admin/reseller withouth customers_see_all permission add option to disable SSL sessiontickets globally for older systems, fixes #784 ability to add custom config to PHPFPM version, fixes #643 new API parameters for FpmDaemons.add() and FpmDaemons.update() string $custom_config Changes in 0.10.12: allow using more advanced LogFormat for webserver and awstats fix issue in PhpHelper::trimArray() returning an empty array, fixes #751 fix wrong behaviour of Emails.update() which allowed setting iscatchall-flag for more than one address of the same domain fix writable-check of froxlor-logfile if logfile did not exist Changes in 0.10.13: validate nameserver ip-addresses for binds allow-transfer block; fixes #791 fix IpsAndPorts when checking for system.ipaddress in update() and delete() fix Domains.update() if called as admin/reseller without change_serversettings privileges, thx to rseffner fix the case that the spf record is not inserted with its quotes, and so the condition fails and 2 spf records are inserted in the domain fix wrongly initialized resource-usage when re-calculating it; fixes #797 update php-fpm defaults; update paths for current stable php-7.3; read froxlor default php.ini from file rather then using phpconfig with id=1; fixes #796 Changes in 0.10.14: require set password complexity for admins too when resetting password; display correct error message if password complexity is not satisfied do not require enabled vhost-container for froxlor-vhost to change sslsessiontickets-setting disable sslsessiontickets-option in domain-add/edit if globally disabled in the settings fix listing of customer email addresses if 'domain' section is hidden via settings, fixes #803 add Froxlor.integrityCheck() API call to externally run integrity/consistency check, fixes #801 new API method Froxlor.integrityCheck() make customer firstname,name,company and customer-no available for all templates; fixes #808 store ace-string of domain besides idn-converted string to have correct sorting in the frontend; fixes #809 allow private ip ranges in ips-and-ports as some configurations require that; fixes #802 Changes in 0.10.15: fixed temporary userdata file creation results in an empty file on installation; fixes #815 Changes in 0.10.16: remove ssl-certificates connected to domains that are being deleted when deleting a customer; fixes #818 fix removing ip address if ip is set as system-ipaddress but there are other entries of that ip with a different port fixed parsing due to changes in dovecots default mail_log_prefix restructure acmesh implementation and let acme.sh take care of renewing the certificates itself; fixes #792, fixes #816 Double check whether installation of acme.sh worked when not installed yet and do not continue if not; fixes #823 add optional dns validation for let's encrypt activated domains; fixes #817 let send-to-alternative-email be optional if no address is given instead of displaying error that the email address is invalid; fixes #829 Changes in 0.10.17: fix minor issue with let's encrypt and uppercase letters in domainnames validate we're using the required minimum version of php in frontend and cron, not only on installation adding email addresses via webinterface results in error if domains are hidden from customers; fixes #803 fix including of language-strings in reports-cron, fixes #836 Changes in 0.10.18: remove TLSv1 from the list of default SSL-protocols marked Ubuntu 16.04 configuration templates as deprecated removed Ubuntu 14.04 configuration templates added configuration-templates for Ubuntu 20.04 added configuration-templates for CentOS 8 added distribution detection on installation and OS possibility for specific setting-adjustments (for later use) read certificate data folder from acme.sh.env file, fixes #846 corrected API docs, fixes #856 and #857 Changes in 0.10.19: return full domain object on Domains.update() call, fixes #861 add missing parmeter customerid for SubDomains.delete() which is required when called as admin; fixes #862 check for possible CNAME overrides of A/AAAA record in dns-editor, fixes #864 corrected timestamp-check for let's encrypt filesystem sync, fixes #865 Changes in 0.10.20: fix permanent rebuilding of vhost configs when using let's encrypt updated jquery library, fixes #872 unset any limit as we do not have pagination when showing search-results, fixes #869 fix missing query-parameters for IpsAndPorts.listing() when using sql_search show current count of results besides total count in listings, fixes #869 remove underscore from dkim-selector, refs #619 use overridden limit_extensions and idle_timeout values in vhost config when using fpm and not mod_proxy Changes in 0.10.21: corrected check for possible empty-value but existing ssl-certificate on filesystem corrected wrong unit in traffic graphs, fixes #425 removed old/unused table panel_diskspace_admins Changes in 0.10.22: unify customerid/loginname api-parameter-descriptions; fixes #883 list dns entries after add/delete action handling so the table of entries always shows the current state withouth reloading the page; fixes #887 create quotatallies entry if it not exists, fixes #885 correction in api-doc for Ftps.update ftp_password parameter, fixes #889 fix awstats/webalizer directory protection when using nginx; fixes #888 do not set description to empty value in Mysqls.update() if not passed as parameter as it is optionally; fixes #890 make given documentroot of domain relative to customerroot if no absolute path if given; fixes #892 [domainbulk] remove reqiurement for customer-select in webinterface as it is an API-parameter do not allow setting www as CNAME record if domain has automatic www-Alias enabled, fixes #895 remove duplicate AXFR records as nameserver get added automatically in case they were added also to AXFR list Changes in 0.10.23: Due to recent updates in the requirements/dependencies a minimum version of PHP 7.1+ is required corrected delete_userfiles flag not being passed to Emails.delete() via webinterface email-address overview corrected validation of idn-tld's, fixes #899 trigger rebuild of config-files also if customer email is changed, fixes #896 added date-range parameters for Traffic.listing(), fixes #878 new API parameters for Traffic.listing() int $date_from int $date_until added missing return-code in DomainZones.add() which messes up the error-handling when using API Changes in 0.10.24: added setting to hide non-compatible settings (mostly depending on chosen webserver) [installation] set minimum required php-version to 7.1 and recommended php-version to 7.4 Check return of validateFormField() just for non-falsey values and not expect boolean data-type; fixes #904 correctly read in domain's ssl-ips for CAA entries if enabled, fixes #903 display sizes of used diskspace/traffic dynamically formatted depending on value instead of fixed added option to specify (optional) fileextension/suffix for generated dkim-private keys; fixes #907 Changes in 0.10.25: added possibility to use 'in' sql-operation in sql_where parameter for all applicable API calls list only phpenabled and http-enabled domains in php-configuration overview, fixes #911 corrected check for required firstname/name/company in Customers.update(), fixes #915 more work on complete php-8 compatibility added setting for email address of SOA record (nameserver) added show_usages parameter for Customers.listing() and Customers.get(), fixes #912 new API parameters for Customers.listing() and Customers.get() bool $show_usages added description parameter for Domains.add()/Domains.update() and Emails.add()/Emails.update(), fixes #910 new API parameters for Domains.add()/Domains.update() and Emails.add()/Emails.update() string $description added deactivated parameter for EmailAccounts.update(), fixes #921 new API parameters for EmailAccounts.update() bool $deactivated escape passwords for email content (new email-account, new ftp-account and new database), fixes #905 trigger acme.sh and powerdns removal for domains if customers is being deleted, fixes #923 Changes in 0.10.26: refactoring columns from large table to avoid '1118 Row size too large' error check rr against possible existing CNAME entries, fixes #927 add vhost replacer {FPMSOCKET} for custom vhost configs; fixes #931 add new settings for legal-notes; terms-of-use and privacy-policy; fixes #930 additionally sort by length of username for libnss-extrausers passwd file to have the main user as first in result in any case; fixes #933 do not touch/chown error/access log if log is disabled, fixes #934 catch exception of password-complexity check when changing account password; fixes #935 bump phpmailer/phpmailer from 6.2.0 to 6.4.1 Download: 0.10.26 Note: There are no packages for oldoldstable (jessie) anymore Visit http://www.froxlor.org or join our IRC channel #froxlor on irc.freenode.net for support, help, participation or just a chat Thank you, d00p
cscholz Posted October 3, 2019 Posted October 3, 2019 Thanks you very mucht for your work! I've already updates 4 hours ago witout any issue. BR Christian 1
llucps Posted October 4, 2019 Posted October 4, 2019 Congratulations! and thank you for all your efforts and work! I'll update when Debian packages become available. Cheers.
tt33tt Posted October 8, 2019 Posted October 8, 2019 Thank you! Will be the Auto Update reactivated later for this update?
d00p Posted October 8, 2019 Author Posted October 8, 2019 It currently seems not possible without getting the 500 error because I would need to add a short sleep() to admin_autoupdate which I cannot for existing installations
Afox Posted October 16, 2019 Posted October 16, 2019 Congratulations for this huge release. Can you give any detail about when the packages will be available?
d00p Posted October 16, 2019 Author Posted October 16, 2019 That's something only @Dessa can tell you But if you're brave enough, you can always use (test) the nightly build on https://files.froxlor.org/releases/nightlies/ (froxlor-nightly.deb is always the latest). But keep in mind that's always the latest git state
dxd Posted October 17, 2019 Posted October 17, 2019 Thank you for new release. Everything works great for me. Well done. 1
Kreativrat Posted October 19, 2019 Posted October 19, 2019 Am 3.10.2019 um 13:07 schrieb d00p: Note: Debian packages will be created and released as soon as possible, please be patient Guten Abend, sag gibt es schon Entwicklung bezüglich der Veröffentlichung? Paar Kunden schreien förmlich danach. Good evening, are there any developments regarding the release? Couple of customers are screaming for it.
d00p Posted October 19, 2019 Author Posted October 19, 2019 Nothing new yet. This topic will be updated accordingly if it happens
llucps Posted October 22, 2019 Posted October 22, 2019 Thanks d00p, I tried to update a Debian Stretch server to the latest 0.10.2 but it seems there are only packages for Buster? Is it possible to update Stretch to the 0.10.2 with Debian packages? Thanks!
d00p Posted October 22, 2019 Author Posted October 22, 2019 There should be yes, see https://debian.froxlor.org/dists/
llucps Posted October 22, 2019 Posted October 22, 2019 I don't think Stretch packages have been updated yet.. last update was December 5th 2018.. Am I doing something wrong? Architectures: amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 Codename: stretch Components: main Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 07:51:29 +0000 Label: Froxlor Repository Origin: froxlor.org Suite: stable
d00p Posted October 22, 2019 Author Posted October 22, 2019 5 minutes ago, llucps said: I don't think Stretch packages have been updated yet.. last update was December 5th 2018.. Am I doing something wrong? Architectures: amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 Codename: stretch Components: main Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 07:51:29 +0000 Label: Froxlor Repository Origin: froxlor.org Suite: stable I'll check what's up there, sorry for the inconvinience
d00p Posted October 22, 2019 Author Posted October 22, 2019 @llucps If you're brave, you could try using https://deb.froxlor.org/debian - it's a new testing repository, but use at own risk Should be safe though
llucps Posted October 22, 2019 Posted October 22, 2019 If I use this testing repository, can then I change to the "production" one for future updates? If there can be conflicts after using both.. I'll wait for @Dessa to fix repository. Thanks!
d00p Posted October 22, 2019 Author Posted October 22, 2019 Sure, the testing repo will be the new production repo later anyway (supporting Ubuntu besides Debian)
llucps Posted October 23, 2019 Posted October 23, 2019 Hi there, I finally could update to the latest Froxlor version with the testing repository. Thanks! 1
crazy4chrissi Posted November 12, 2019 Posted November 12, 2019 I got these errors after upgrading: Class 'Settings' not found in /var/www/froxlor/lib/init.php Debugging, I found that my template was incompatible with the new version. Moving it out of /var/www/froxlor/templates solved the issue. Just in case someone runs into the same issue.
d00p Posted November 12, 2019 Author Posted November 12, 2019 Yup, it's all in namespaces now. Thanks for the notice, might help People with custom theme
crazy4chrissi Posted November 21, 2019 Posted November 21, 2019 I encounter a strange issue in 0.10.6-1 (from Debian Stretch repository): For some customers, some domains show up multiple times. The domains appear once in admins domain list and in the customer dashboard. But in the domain settings of the customer, where the customer can configure subdomains, the same domain appears multiple times. Some domains twice, one domain 7 times. They link to the exact same edit link. I am not talking about subdomains, the affected domains do not even have subdomains. This is not the case for all domains, not even all domains of the affected customer. In the database, everything seems fine, the domain is only there once. It looks like there is some JOIN going wrong duplicating the domains. Edit: I checked a different server also running froxlor (same version) and it also is affected. There domains with subdomains are affected and the subdomains are also listed multiple times.
d00p Posted November 21, 2019 Author Posted November 21, 2019 42 minutes ago, crazy4chrissi said: I encounter a strange issue in 0.10.6-1 (from Debian Stretch repository): For some customers, some domains show up multiple times. The domains appear once in admins domain list and in the customer dashboard. But in the domain settings of the customer, where the customer can configure subdomains, the same domain appears multiple times. Some domains twice, one domain 7 times. They link to the exact same edit link. I am not talking about subdomains, the affected domains do not even have subdomains. This is not the case for all domains, not even all domains of the affected customer. In the database, everything seems fine, the domain is only there once. It looks like there is some JOIN going wrong duplicating the domains. Edit: I checked a different server also running froxlor (same version) and it also is affected. There domains with subdomains are affected and the subdomains are also listed multiple times. There are known issues in 0.10.6 with the new listing which have been fixed for the upcoming 0.10.7 (tomorrow), sorry for any inconvenience
crazy4chrissi Posted November 22, 2019 Posted November 22, 2019 On 11/21/2019 at 11:07 AM, d00p said: There are known issues in 0.10.6 with the new listing which have been fixed for the upcoming 0.10.7 (tomorrow), sorry for any inconvenience I installed 0.10.7-1 and it does not quite fix the problem completely. In the previous version, the domains and all subdomains had been duplicated. Example: example.com [Statistics] example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] somesub.example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] example.com [Statistics] example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] somesub.example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] The part in bold is the duplicate that shouldn't be there. Now, the domain is there once, but under that, the line where you can configure it is duplicated. Example: example.com [Statistics] example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] somesub.example.com %PATH% [edit] [delete] [letsencrypt] The bold part shouldn't be there. The same domains are affected as in the last version.
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