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Posts posted by nisamudeen97

  1. Hi @d00p


    I have already tried this method.   After enabling it again running it I am getting the below message. 

    [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/domain.com/'
    [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for domain.com:

    I have tired the below command and tried it again then returned back with the old  error.

    /root/.acme.sh/acme.sh --remove -d domain.com

  2. Hi,

    We have noticed letsencrypt crons getting failed with the below message.  Current froxlor version  is (DB: 202112310).  I have replaced actual domain with domain.com. 

    [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/domain.com/'
    [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for domain.com:


    I have tried disabling SSL and letsencrypt for the website and rerun the crons.  After than I have re enabled it once again and manually triggered the cron.  Meanwhile the debug also has the same information.  Can you let me know why this error is ?  And is there a permanent solution for the same?

    /usr/bin/php7.3 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php  --debug --force

    Is it something related to froxlor setting of SSL forced redirect?  is it affecting the renewal?

    SSL redirect:
    This option creates redirects for non-ssl vhosts so that all requests are redirected to the SSL-vhost.


    Screenshot from 2022-04-22 17-14-57.png

  3. Hi,

    For one of our domains in froxlor,   we had some mail accounts and later we have moved the MX to remote mx.  We had then disabled mail box in froxlor for the domain.  After few months we have decided to move back mx to froxlor.   We have then enabled "Emaildomain" for the domain in panel.   But old email accounts are not again listing in front end. But panel shows there is existing number of email accounts.   See the screen shots attached.   I can see the email accounts folders and files in back end as well.  But unable to login using round cube.   What is the proposed fix for the same?



    Screenshot from 2021-12-17 14-21-51.png

    Screenshot from 2021-12-17 14-49-33.png

  4. Hi,

    We have noticed letsencrypt crons getting failed with the below message.  Current froxlor version  is 0.10.25.  I have replaced actual domain with domain.com.  All our domains SSL update are getting failed.

    [error] Could not find certificate-folder '/root/.acme.sh/domain.com/'
    [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for domain.com:

  5. Hi,

    Recently i have updated froxlor version running on my debian 8  php 5.6  to latest one.  I have changed default froxlor php to 7.3.   Current froxlor version is "0.10.18"(DB: 202005150).  See the attached screen shot.    I could see the below error in apache logs for froxlor and it is loading blank.

    mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '?' in /var/www/froxlor/index.php on line 485

    Has some one had the same issue after upgrade? 


    system statys.png

  6. Hi,

    Our froxlor server is behiend NAT and it uses the local IP  We have enabled letsencrypt module in froxlor and tried validating SSL for a domain in the server.  SSL generation is getting failed with 403 error.  See the debug log information.      Replaced domain name and main IP.    Can any one help me regarding the issue.


    [information] Updating Let's Encrypt certificates
    [information] Updating domain-name.com
    [information] Adding SAN entry: domain-name.com
    [information] Adding SAN entry: www.domain-name.com
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Using 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org' to generate certificate
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Using existing account key
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Starting certificate generation process for domains
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Sending signed request to https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-order
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Requesting challenge for domain-name.com
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Got challenge token for domain-name.com
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Token for domain-name.com saved at /var/www/froxlor/.well-known/acme-challenge/vkTyLi2ApfP9O9ou8GyDz6WQmB--HP4ULnU0fhjXI0k and should be available at http://domain-name.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/vkTyLi2ApfP9O9ou8GyDz6WQmB--HP4ULnU0fhjXI0k
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Sending request to challenge
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Sending signed request to https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/803008408/k46kFQ
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Verification pending, sleeping 1s
    [information] letsencrypt-v2 Verification pending, sleeping 1s
    [error] Could not get Let's Encrypt certificate for domain-name.com: Verification ended with error: {"type":"http-01","status":"invalid","error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized","detail":"Invalid response from http:\/\/domain-name.com\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/vkTyLi2ApfP9O9ou8GyDz6WQmB--HP4ULnU0fhjXI0k [212.224.xxx.xxx]: \"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en-CA\\\" class=\\\"html_stretched responsive av-preloader-active av-preloader-enabled av-default-lightbox\"","status":403},"url":"https:\/\/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org\/acme\/chall-v3\/803008408\/k46kFQ","token":"vkTyLi2ApfP9O9ou8GyDz6WQmB--HP4ULnU0fhjXI0k","validationRecord":[{"url":"http:\/\/www.domain-name.com\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/vkTyLi2ApfP9O9ou8GyDz6WQmB--HP4ULnU0fhjXI0k","hostname":"www.domain-name.com","port":"80","addressesResolved":["212.224.xxx.xxx"],"addressUsed":"212.224.xxx.xxx"},{"url":"http:\/\/domain-name.com\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/vkTyLi2ApfP9O9ou8GyDz6WQmB--HP4ULnU0fhjXI0k","hostname":"domain-name.com","port":"80","addressesResolved":["212.224.xxx.xxx"],"addressUsed":"212.224.xxx.xxx"}]}
    [information] Let's Encrypt certificates have been updated


  7. 1 minute ago, d00p said:

    just "ls -la" to the mail account folder - they should all be there. Now depending on the email client, these folders might just not be subscribed to. Please refer to dovecot documentation, this has nothing to do with froxlor

    Folders are like the same  and the same size  but it is not showing while we copy files via rsync.  But while doing imapsync i  get exactly like the same.    

  8. Hi,

    Wile doing migration of email accounts from one froxlor server to another I have noting some thing.   Expecting some clarification on this.  As we all know emails are normally stored in the location "/var/customers/mail/user/domain.com/user/Maildir/" .   I create email accounts via froxlor panel and copy the email files directly via scp or rsync from old server to new.  The strange thing I have noticed is it is not coping custom folders and its emails like we have in source.  

    The solution I have found for this is to use imapsync between old and new.  imapsync is preserving custom folders like as it is in source.    Does it mean custom folder settings are stored somewhere else?  How we can preserve it and copy emails manually?

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