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Everything posted by veto

  1. but i still had to chmod the sockets to 777 root@cicurina /var/run # chmod 777 1-jewelry-jewelry.vin-php-fpm.socket root@cicurina /var/run # chmod 777 1-merkuro-de.merkuro.com-php-fpm.socket
  2. i did not activate it. YES!! now it works. Thanks a lot for you help. i will write this down for my next installation. my time and knowledge is limited, but if i could contribute to froxlor in any way, it would be a honor.
  3. yes i followed Configuration>Distribution>Debian9>Service>Others->libnss-extrausers but i do not have libnss-mysql in debian9
  4. yes i know its hackish for the moment, it should all work within froxlor or its settings
  5. i can confirm, just created a new user and domain and im getting now [14-Mar-2019 08:33:56] ERROR: [pool de.merkuro.com] cannot get uid for user 'merkuro' [14-Mar-2019 08:33:56] ERROR: FPM initialization failed i think im missing some settings.
  6. yes, i did not installed the required libnss. but after this setup and restart i still got the same error. than i did what @irisdina suggested and the error was gone. 1. adduser jewelry --no-create-home --disabled-password 2. usermod -a -G www-data jewelry 3. /etc/init.d/php7.3-fcgi restart still my php script was not running from my /var/customer/jewelry/info.php after test-change the permission to 777 of the automatic created socket file srw-rw---- 1 jewelry jewelry 0 Mar 14 08:19 1-jewelry-jewelry.vin-php-fpm.socket it works. chmod 777 1-jewelry-jewelry.vin-php-fpm.socket
  7. hi, i try to bring debian9,nginx and php7.3-fpm to work. at the moment i hang with the error form tail -f php7.3-fpm.log error c[14-Mar-2019 06:26:59] ERROR: [pool jewelry.vin] cannot get uid for user 'jewelry' [14-Mar-2019 06:26:59] ERROR: FPM initialization failed my user is called jewelry and i see that froxlor created automatically the file /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/jewelry.vin.conf PHP-FPM configuration for "jewelry.vin" created on 2019.03.14 06:26:59 [jewelry.vin] listen = /var/run/1-jewelry-jewelry.vin-php-fpm.socket listen.owner = jewelry listen.group = jewelry listen.mode = 0660 user = jewelry group = jewelry pm = static pm.max_children = 1 pm.max_requests = 0 ;chroot = /var/customers/webs/jewelry/ security.limit_extensions = .php env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin env[TMP] = /var/customers/tmp/jewelry/ env[TMPDIR] = /var/customers/tmp/jewelry/ env[TEMP] = /var/customers/tmp/jewelry/ php_admin_value[session.save_path] = /var/customers/tmp/jewelry/ php_admin_value[upload_tmp_dir] = /var/customers/tmp/jewelry/ php_admin_flag[allow_call_time_pass_reference] = Off php_admin_flag[allow_url_fopen] = On php_flag[asp_tags] = Off php_admin_value[disable_classes] = php_admin_value[disable_functions] = curl_multi_exec,exec,parse_ini_file,passthru,popen,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,proc_terminate,shell_exec,show_source,system php_flag[display_errors] = Off php_flag[display_startup_errors] = Off php_admin_flag[enable_dl] = Off php_value[error_reporting] = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE php_admin_flag[expose_php] = Off php_admin_flag[file_uploads] = On php_admin_flag[cgi.force_redirect] = 1 php_admin_value[gpc_order] = "GPC" php_flag[html_errors] = Off php_admin_flag[ignore_repeated_errors] = Off php_admin_flag[ignore_repeated_source] = Off php_value[include_path] = ".:/usr/share/php/:/usr/share/php7/" php_flag[log_errors] = On php_admin_flag[log_errors] = On php_value[log_errors_max_len] = 1024 php_flag[magic_quotes_gpc] = Off php_flag[magic_quotes_runtime] = Off php_flag[magic_quotes_sybase] = Off php_value[max_execution_time] = 60 php_admin_value[max_input_time] = 60 php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 128M php_admin_value[output_buffering] = 4096 php_admin_value[post_max_size] = 16M php_admin_value[precision] = 14 php_admin_flag[register_argc_argv] = Off php_admin_flag[report_memleaks] = On php_admin_value[sendmail_path] = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f pd_web0@body-piercing.com" php_value[session.auto_start] = 0 php_value[session.cookie_domain] = php_value[session.cookie_lifetime] = 0 php_value[session.cookie_path] = / php_admin_value[session.gc_divisor] = 1000 php_admin_value[session.gc_probability] = 1 php_value[session.name] = PHPSESSID php_value[session.serialize_handler] = php php_flag[session.use_cookies] = 1 php_flag[short_open_tag] = On php_flag[suhosin.simulation] = Off php_flag[track_errors] = Off php_value[upload_max_filesize] = 32M php_admin_value[variables_order] = "GPCS" php_admin_value[opcache.restrict_api] = ""
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