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create customers direct into database - confixx migration



hi ... i hope somebody can help me.


i try to migrate from confixx to froxlor.

so i setup some scripts to select and insert all the customers, domains and email/ftp users.


actually i migrate the customers and domains.

i can see the customers in the webinterface, but its not configured in the system.

so there is no webroot or apache config created.

i found something in the table panel_tasks, but i dont know what means.


is it possible, to force create all users again?

the cronjob with --force had no result.


thanks all for help,


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1. sorry :)


2. for sure i will do that, but i think apache config should be generated

i can create that manually, but it sounds to me, that there is somethin wrong or missing


so how can i create new customers, domains etc without using webinterface

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2. for sure i will do that, but i think apache config should be generated

i can create that manually, but it sounds to me, that there is somethin wrong or missing

well the apache config indeed is completely generated by our cronjob, but the domains etc. need to be in our database for that of course


so how can i create new customers, domains etc without using webinterface

For example: import your data directly to our database?! But why are you asking this? You said you've imported customers and domains already?! Please be morespecific and clear about what you did already and what you want to do now...

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hi ... ok


actually i inserted into panel_customers, here is an example insert statement

insert into panel_customers values ('','u16','$1$zdQFWAl4$W/viPYLgm8rCG1jsoXd0S1','2', 'NAME','NAME','0','FIRMA','Talstra<C3><9F>e 45','51545','Waldbr<C3><B6>l','','','EMAIL','','Deutsch','-1024','','-1','','-1','','-1','','-1','','-1','','-1','','-1','','-1','','-1048576','','/var/customers/webs/u16','1','9116','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','Sparkle');

i know the password wont work, i will create new a one.

i see these customers in the webinterface, but no apache config or webroot is created

i saw the panel_domaintoip table, with values from the standardsubdomain field of panel_customers table.


so did i miss something



same way, i did with the panel_domains table

insert into panel_domains values ('','u116.DOMAIN','2','70','','/var/customers/webs/u116/html/','1','0','1','','1','','1','','','','','','1','0','1','','','','','','<Directory "/var/customers/webs/u116/html">
AllowOverride All
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +Includes
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
RewriteEngine On
php_admin_flag safe_mode Off
php_admin_value open_basedir ".:/var/customers/webs/u116/html/:/var/www/t3sourcen/typo3_src:/var/www/t3sourcen:/var/customers/webs/u116/phptmp:/usr/share/php"
php_admin_value include_path ".:/usr/share/php"


i can see all the domains and i see the domains assigned to the customers


thanks for help ... hope you understand me :)

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Well, did you actually SETUP your system using the "Configuration"-Sections of froxlor?! See http://redmine.froxlor.org/projects/froxlor/wiki/InstallationTarball#4-Settings-before-configurationand http://redmine.froxlor.org/projects/froxlor/wiki/InstallationTarball#5-Configuration-of-services - that is REQUIRED before you can do anything else (this will also show you how to set up the cronjob that will generate the configs for you)

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yes, i did that


if i create an customer via webinterface, all the configs and dirs are created

here is my froxlor cron job


sm-lamptest1:~# cat /etc/cron.d/froxlor
# automatically generated cron-configuration by froxlor
# do not manually edit this file as it will be re-generated periodically.
*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php5 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --tasks 1> /dev/null
0 0 * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php5 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --traffic 1> /dev/null
5 0 * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php5 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --used_tickets_reset 1> /dev/null
7 0 1 * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php5 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --ticketarchive 1> /dev/null
10 0 * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php5 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --usage_report 1> /dev/null
0 */6 * * * root /usr/bin/nice -n 5 /usr/bin/php5 -q /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php --mailboxsize 1> /dev/null


i think i missed some other table or relationship between tables

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hi ... so i set up the domaintoip table, but it doesnt work


if i setup an customer via webinterface, without domain, the configs are created.


for sure, i can setup everything manual, but im a little bit in fear, that sometimes froxlor will remove the "not right" created conf and dirs.

could you tell me, what is with panel_tasks table ... after createing an customer via web, there is an entry in the table, wich was removed after creating.




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WHY are you always talking about creating a customer in the WEBINTERFACE!? I thought you wanted to MIGRATE from confixx to froxlor...i REALLY don't understand WHAT you are doing and WHAT you really want...


You always say that the configs are not being generated or whatever, just provide MORE information; also, if customers added via the panel are working, just COMPARE the customers that don't work with the ones that work...

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thats exactly what im doing

i created customer via panel (i call it webinterface) and selected the values from the database.

thes values i set manually.

after that, i thought, the webroot and apache config should be generated.

thats not and i ask why, or what did i miss.


if i stop the cron daemon and create an customer in the panel, i see entries in the panel_tasks table.

i think the cron will check that and generate the config.

thats, what i asked you ... whats up with these table.

here the content:

mysql> select * from panel_tasks;
| id  | type | data                                                                                                        |
| 102 |    2 | a:4:{s:9:"loginname";s:11:"testkunde46";s:3:"uid";i:10010;s:3:"gid";i:10010;s:18:"store_defaultindex";i:1;} |
| 104 |    1 |                                                                                                             |



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task 2: create new user-home, it will fail if the document-root already exists, also this has nothing to do with the webserver-configs being generated for the customers domains

task 1: (re-)generate webserver-configs.


Still, you're saying the webserver-configs are not being generated but you always talk about adding customers, i really don't get it...please ask more precise questions

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